
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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This chapter describes the BEA Tuxedo implementation of the CORBA core member functions in C++ and their extensions. It also describes pseudo-objects and their relationship to C++ classes. Pseudo-objects are object references that cannot be transmitted across the network. Pseudo-objects are similar to other objects; however, because the ORB owns them, they cannot be extended.

Note: Some of the information in this chapter is taken from the Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification. Revision 2.4.2, February 2001, published by the Object Management Group (OMG). Used with permission of the OMG.


Global Classes

The following BEA Tuxedo classes are global in scope:

These classes contain the predefined types, classes, and functions used in BEA Tuxedo development.

The CORBA class contains the classes, data types, and member functions essential to using an Object Request Broker (ORB) as defined by CORBA. The BEA Tuxedo extensions to CORBA are contained in the Tobj C++ class. The Tobj class contains data types, nested classes, and member functions that BEA Tuxedo provides as an extension to CORBA.

Using CORBA data types and member functions in the BEA Tuxedo product requires the CORBA:: prefix. For example, a Long is a CORBA::Long. Likewise, to use Tobj nested classes and member functions in the BEA Tuxedo product, you need the Tobj:: prefix. For example, FactoryFinder is Tobj::FactoryFinder.



Pseudo-objects are represented as local classes, which reside in the CORBA class. A pseudo-object and its corresponding member functions are named using a nested class structure. For example, an ORB object is a CORBA::ORB and a Current object is a CORBA::Current.


Any Class Member Functions

This section describes the member functions of the Any class.

The mapping of these member functions to C++ is as follows:

class CORBA
class Any
    Any ();
Any (const Any&);
Any (TypeCode_ptr tc, void *value, Boolean release =
~Any ();
Any & operator=(const Any&);

void operator<<=(Short);
void operator<<=(UShort);
void operator<<=(Long);
void operator<<=(ULong);
void operator<<=(Float);
void operator<<=(Double);
void operator<<=(const Any&);
void operator<<=(const char*);
void operator<<=(Object_ptr);
void operator<<=(from_boolean);
void operator<<=(from_char);
void operator<<=(from_octet);
void operator<<=(from_string);
Boolean operator>>=(Short&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(UShort&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(Long&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(ULong&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(Float&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(Double&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(Any&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(char*&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(Object_ptr&) const;
Boolean operator>>=(to_boolean) const;
Boolean operator>>=(to_char) const;
Boolean operator>>=(to_octet) const;
Boolean operator>>=(to_object) const;
Boolean operator>>=(to_string) const;

TypeCode_ptr type()const;
void replace(TypeCode_ptr, void *, Boolean);
void replace(TypeCode_ptr, void *);
const void * value() const;
}; //CORBA


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