
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Removes the association of an object ID with its servant. This method gives the application an opportunity to save all or part of the object's state before the object is deactivated. The state may be saved in shared memory, in an ordinary flat file, or in a database file.

C++ Binding

class Tobj_ServantBase : public PortableServer::ServantBase {
virtual void deactivate_object(const char* stroid,
TobjS::DeactivateReasonValue reason) {}



Specifies the object ID in string format. The object ID uniquely identifies this instance of the class.

Note: The restriction on the length of the object ID has been removed in this release.


Indicates the event that caused this method to be invoked. The reason code can be one of the following:


Indicates that the object is being deactivated after the completion of a method. It is used if the object's deactivation policy is:

- method

- transaction (only if there is no transaction in effect)

- process (if TP::deactivateEnable() called)


Indicates that the object is being deactivated because the server is being shut down in an orderly fashion. It is used if the object's deactivation policy is:

- transaction (only if transaction is active)

- process

Note that when a server is shut down in an orderly fashion, all transactions that the server is involved in are marked for rollback.


This reason code is used only for objects that have the transaction activation policy. It can occur when the transaction is started by either the client or automatically by the system. When the deactivate_object() method is invoked with this reason code, the transaction is marked for rollback only.


This reason code is used only for objects that have the transaction activation policy. It can occur when the transaction is started by either the client or the TP Framework. It indicates that a Current.commit() operation was invoked for the transaction in which the object is involved. The deactivate_object() method is invoked just before the transaction manager's two-phase commit algorithm begins; that is, before prepare is sent to the resource managers.

The CORBA object is allowed to vote on the outcome of the transaction when the deactivate_object() method is invoked with the DR_TRANS_COMMITTING reason code. By invoking Current.rollback_only(), the method can force the transaction to be rolled back; otherwise, the two-phase commit algorithm continues. The transaction is not necessarily committed just because the Current.rollback_only() is not invoked in this method. Any other CORBA object or resource manager involved in the transaction could also vote to roll back the transaction.


Indicates that the object is being deactivated because the application executed a TP::deactivateEnable(-,-,-) on this object. This can happen only for objects that have the process activation policy.


Object deactivation is initiated either by the system or by the application, depending on the activation policy of the implementation for the CORBA object. The deactivate_object() method is invoked before the CORBA object is deactivated. For details of these policies and their use, see the section ICF Syntax.

Deactivation may occur after an execution of a method invoked by a client if the activation policy for the CORBA object implementation is method, or as a result of the end of transactional work if the activation policy is transaction. It may also occur as the result of server shutdown if the activation policy is transaction or process.

In addition, the BEA Tuxedo software supports the use of user-controlled deactivation of CORBA objects having an activation policy of process or method via the use of the TP::deactivateEnable() and TP::deactivateEnable(-,-,-) methods. TP::deactivateEnable can be called inside a method of an object to cause the object to be deactivated at the end of the method. If TP::deactivateEnable is called in an object with the transaction activation policy, an exception is raised (TobjS::IllegalOperation) and the TP Framework takes no action. TP::deactivateEnable(-,-,-) can be called to deactivate any object that has a process activation policy. For more information, see the section TP::deactivateEnable().

Note: The deactivate_object method will be called at server shutdown time for every object remaining in the Active Object Map, whether it was entered there implicitly by the TP Framework (the activation-on-demand technique: TP::create_servant and the servant's activate_object method) or explicitly by the user with TP::create_active_object_reference.

The activate_object() and deactivate_object() methods and explicit methods invoked by the client can be used by the programmer to manage object state. The manner in which these methods are used to manage object state may vary according to the needs of the application. For a discussion of how these methods might be used, see Creating CORBA Server Applications.

The CORBA object with transaction activation policy gets to vote on the outcome of the transaction when the deactivate_object() method is invoked with the DR_TRANS_COMMITTING reason code. By calling Current.rollback_only() the method can force the transaction to be rolled back; otherwise, the two-phase commit algorithm continues. The transaction will not necessarily be committed just because Current.rollback_only() is not called in this method. Any other CORBA object or resource manager involved in the transaction could also vote to roll back the transaction.


Note that if the object is involved in a transaction when this method is invoked, there are restrictions on what type of processing can be done based on the reason the object is invoked. If the object was involved in a transaction, the activation policy is transaction and the reason code for the call is:


No invocations on any CORBA objects are allowed in the method. No tpcall() is allowed. Transactions cannot be suspended or begun.


No invocations on any CORBA objects are allowed in the method. No tpcall() is allowed. Transactions cannot be suspended or begun.

The reason for these restrictions is that the deactivation of objects with activation policy transaction is controlled by a call to the TP Framework from the transaction manager for the transaction. When the call with reason code DR_TRANS_COMMITTING is made, the transaction manager is executing phase 1 (prepare) of the two-phase commit. At this stage, it is not possible to issue a call to suspend a transaction nor to initiate a new transaction. Since a call to a CORBA object that was in another process would require that process to join the transaction, and the transaction manager is already executing the prepare phase, this would cause an error1. Since a call to a CORBA object that had no transactional properties would require that the current transaction be suspended, this would also cause an error. The same is true of a tpcall().

Similarly, when the invocation with reason code DR_TRANS_ABORTED is made, the transaction manager is already aborting. While the transaction manager is aborting, it is not possible to either suspend a transaction or initiate a new transaction. The same restrictions apply as for DR_TRANS_COMMITTING.

Return Value



If the CORBA object method that is invoked by the client raises an exception, that exception is caught by the TP Framework and is eventually returned to the client. This is true even if deactivate_object() is invoked and raises an exception.

The client will never be notified about exceptions that are raised in deactivate_object(). It is the responsibility of the application code to check that the stored state of the CORBA object is consistent. For example, the application code could save a persistent flag that indicates whether or not deactivate_object() successfully saved the state. That flag can then be checked in activate_object().

If an error occurs while executing deactivate_object(), the application code should raise either a CORBA standard exception or a DeactivateObjectFailed exception. If deactivate_object() was invoked by the TP Framework, the TP Framework catches the exception and the following events occur:


"TPFW_CAT:27: ERROR: De-activating object - application raised TobjS::DeactivateObjectFailed. Reason = reason. Interface = interfaceName, OID = oid"

Where reason is a user-supplied reason, and interfaceName and oid are the interface ID and object ID, respectively, of the invoked CORBA object.


"TPFW_CAT:28: ERROR: De-activating object - CORBA Exception not handled by application. Exception ID = exceptionID. Interface = interfaceName, OID = oid"

Where exceptionID is the interface ID of the exception, and interfaceName and oid are the interface ID and object ID, respectively, of the invoked CORBA object.

Other exception

"TPFW_CAT:29: ERROR: De-activating object - Unknown Exception not handled by application. Exception ID = exceptionID. Interface = interfaceName, OID = oid"

Where exceptionID is the interface ID of the exception, and interfaceName and oid are the interface ID and object ID, respectively, of the invoked CORBA object.


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