
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Requests the string version of the ObjectId of the current request.


string get_string_oid() raises (NotInRequest); 

C++ Binding

char* get_string_oid(); 

Java Binding

java.lang.String get_string_oid();



The function was called when the ORB was not in the context of a request (that is, not while the ORB was servicing a request in method code). Do not call this function from client code. It is legal only during the execution of a method of the callback object (that is, the servant).


This operation returns the string version of the ObjectId of the current request.

Return Value


The string version of the ObjectId of the current request. This is the string that was supplied when the object reference was created. The string is meaningful to users only in the case when the object reference was created by the start_persistent_userid function. (That is, the ObjectId created by start_transient and start_persistent_systemid were created by the ORB and has no relationship to the user application.)


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