
Setting Up a Tuxedo Application

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Administrative Tasks and Tools

Tasks an Administrator Performs

Setup Tasks

Run-time Tasks

Differences Between the BEA Tuxedo ATMI and CORBA Environments

Planning the Design of Your Application

Tools to Help You Administer Your Application

About the Configuration File

What Is the Configuration File?

Text and Binary Versions of the Configuration File

Contents of the Configuration File

CORBA Administrative Requirements and Performance

Configuring NameManager

Reliability Requirements

Performance Hint

Creating the Configuration File

How to Create a Configuration File

How to Create the Configuration File for a Single-machine Application

How to Create the Configuration File for a Multiple-machine (Distributed) Application

How to Create the Configuration File for a Multiple-domain Application

How to Create the RESOURCES Section of the Configuration File

Sample RESOURCES Section

Defining the Application Type

Characteristics of the MODEL and OPTIONS Parameters

Example Settings

Controlling the Number of Buffer Types and Subtypes

Characteristics of the MAXBUFTYPE and MAXBUFSTYPES Parameters

Example Settings

Controlling the Number of Conversations

Characteristics of the MAXCONV Parameter

Example Setting

Defining IPC Limits


Example Settings

Enabling Load Balancing

Characteristics of the LDBAL Parameter

Example Settings

Identifying the Master Machine

Characteristics of the MASTER Parameter

Example Settings

Specifying the Maximum Number of Network Groups

Specifying the Number of Sanity Checks and Blocking Timeouts

Characteristics of the SCANUNIT, SANITYSCAN, and BLOCKTIME Parameters

Timeouts for Blocking ATMI Operations

Example Settings

Establishing Operating System-level Security

Characteristics of the UID, GID, and PERM Parameters

Specifying the Security Level

Characteristics of the SECURITY and AUTHSVC Parameters

Defining the Security Attributes of a Server

Protecting Shared Memory

Characteristics of the PROTECTED, FASTPATH, and NO_OVERRIDE Parameters

Example Settings

Setting the Address of the System Resources for an Application

Characteristics of the IPCKEY Parameter

Example Settings

Specifying How Clients Receive Unsolicited Notification

Characteristics of the NOTIFY and USIGNAL Parameters

How to Create the MACHINES Section of the Configuration File

Sample MACHINES Section

Specifying the Maximum Number of ACL Entries in the Cache

Defining an Additional Service Request Load

Reserving the Physical Address and Machine ID

Characteristics of the Address and the LMID Parameter

Setting the Number of Lock Spins

Characteristics of the SPINCOUNT Parameter

Specifying Machines as Types

Characteristics of the TYPE Parameter

Identifying the Location of the Configuration File

Characteristics of the TUXCONFIG Parameter

Indicating the Size of the DTP Transaction Log

Defining the DTP Transaction Log Name

Specifying Environment Variable Settings

Characteristics of the ENVFILE Parameter

Defining the BEA Tuxedo Filesystem Containing the TLOG

Specifying a Machine's Maximum Number of Simultaneous Global Transactions

Defining the Number of Accesser Entries on a Workstation Client

Defining Space Limits for Messages Transmitted by the BRIDGE

Indicating the Offset for the DTP Transaction Log

Defining the Offset for TUXCONFIG

Characteristics of the TUXOFFSET Parameter

Identifying the Locations of the System Software and Application Server Software

Characteristics of the APPDIR and TUXDIR Parameters

Indicating a Threshold Message Size for Compression


Specifying the Pathname for the ULOG

Characteristics of the ULOGPFX Parameter

How to Create the GROUPS Section of the Configuration File

Sample GROUPS Section for ATMI

Sample GROUPS Section for CORBA

Specifying a Group Name, Number, and LMID

Characteristics of the Group Name, Group Number, and LMID

Indicating a Transaction Manager Server Name and Numbers per Group

Identifying the Environment File Location for Servers in a Group

Defining Information Needed When Opening and Closing the Resource Manager

How to Create the NETWORK Section of the Configuration File

Sample NETWORK Section

Specifying a Device Name for the BRIDGE Process

Assigning a BRIDGE Network Address

Assigning Encryption Levels


Assigning a tlisten Network Address

How to Create the NETGROUPS Section of the Configuration File

Sample Network Groups Configuration

Configuring a Sample UBBCONFIG File with Netgroups

Assigning a Name to a Network Group

Assigning a Network Group Number

Assigning a Priority to the Network Group

How to Create the SERVERS Section of the Configuration File

Sample SERVERS Section

Specifying a Server as Conversational

Characteristics of the CONV Parameter

Setting the Order in Which Servers Are Booted

Required Order in Which to Boot CORBA C++ Servers

Characteristics of the SEQUENCE, MIN, and MAX Parameters

Specifying Server Command-line Options

Characteristics of the CLOPT Parameter

Identifying the Location of the Server Environment File

Characteristics of the Server Environment File

Defining Server Name, Group, and ID

Characteristics of the Server Name, SRVGRP, and SRVID Parameters

Identifying Server Queue Information

MSSQ Example

Characteristics of the RQADDR, RQPERM, REPLYQ, and RPPERM Parameters

Defining Server Restart Information

Characteristics of the RESTART, RCMD, MAXGEN, and GRACE Parameters

Defining Server Access to Shared Memory

Characteristics of the SYSTEM_ACCESS Parameter

Defining the Server Dispatch Threads

Setting Security Parameters for ISL Servers

How to Create the SERVICES Section of the Configuration File

Sample SERVICES Section

Specifying Automatic Starts and Timeout Intervals for Transactions

Specifying a List of Allowable Buffer Types for a Service

Examples of the BUFTYPE Parameter

Designating How Much Time to Process a Request

What Happens When a Timeout Occurs

How a Service Timeout Is Reported

Enabling Load Balancing

Characteristics of the LDBAL Parameter

Defining the Name of the Routing Criteria

Specifying Service Parameters for Different Server Groups

Controlling the Flow of Data by Service Priority

Characteristics of the PRIO Parameter

Sample SERVICES Section Using Different Priorities

Indicating Service Processing Time

How to Create the INTERFACES Section of the Configuration File

Specifying CORBA Interfaces in the INTERFACES Section

Specifying FACTORYROUTING Criteria

Enabling Load Balancing

Controlling the Flow of Data by Interface Priority

Specifying Different Interface Parameters for Different Server Groups

How to Create the ROUTING Section of the Configuration File

ROUTING Section Example

Defining the Routing Buffer Field and Field Type

Specifying Range Criteria

Defining Buffer Types

CORBA Factory-based Routing in the University Production Sample Application

CORBA Factory-based Routing in the Bankapp Sample Application

How to Configure the BEA Tuxedo System to Take Advantage of Threads

How to Compile a Configuration File

About Transactions

What Is a Transaction?

What Are the ACID Properties?

How a Transaction Succeeds or Fails

Benefits of Using Transactions

Example of a Global Transaction

What Is the BEA Tuxedo Transaction Manager (TM)?

How the System Tracks Distributed Transaction Processing

How the System Uses Global Transaction Identifiers (GTRIDs) for Tracking

How the System Uses a Transaction Log (TLOG) for Tracking

How the System Uses a Two-Phase Commit to Commit Transactions

How the System Handles Transaction Infection

How the ATMI Protects a Transaction's Integrity Before a Two-Phase Commit

See Also

Configuring Your ATMI Application to Use Transactions

Modifying the UBBCONFIG File to Accommodate ATMI Transactions

Specifying Global Transaction Parameters in the RESOURCES Section

Creating a Transaction Log (TLOG) in the MACHINES Section

Creating the UDL

Defining Transaction-related Parameters in the MACHINES Section

Creating the Domains Transaction Log

See Also

Defining Resource Managers and the Transaction Manager Server in the GROUPS Section

Sample of the GROUPS Section

Enabling a Service to Begin a Transaction in the SERVICES Section

Characteristics of the AUTOTRAN, TRANTIME, and ROUTING Parameters

Modifying the Domains Configuration File to Support Transactions


Characteristics of the AUTOTRAN and TRANTIME Parameters

Example: A Distributed Application with Transactions

Sample RESOURCES Section

Sample MACHINES Section

Sample GROUPS and NETWORK Sections


See Also

Managing CORBA Interface Repositories

Administration Considerations

Using Administration Commands to Manage Interface Repositories


Creating and Populating an Interface Respository

Displaying or Extracting the Content of an Interface Repository

Deleting an Object from an Interface Repository

Configuring the UBBCONFIG File to Start One or More Interface Repository Servers

Distributing ATMI Applications Across a Network

What Is a Distributed ATMI Application?

Example of a Distributed Application

Implementing a Distributed Application

Why Distribute an ATMI Application Across a Network?

Features of a Distributed Application

Creating the Configuration File for a Distributed ATMI Application

Configuration File Requirements for a Distributed BEA Tuxedo ATMI Application

Creating the RESOURCES Section

Creating the MACHINES Section

Creating the GROUPS Section

Creating the SERVICES Section

Creating the ROUTING Section

Example Configuration File for a Distributed Application

Modifying the Domain Gateway Configuration File to Support Routing

Description of ROUTING Section Parameters in DMCONFIG

Setting Up the Network for a Distributed Application

Configuring the Network for a Distributed Application

How Data Moves Over a Network

How Data Moves Over Parallel Networks

Example of a Network Configuration for a Simple Distributed Application

How Failover and Failback Work in Scheduling Network Data

Example Configuration of Multiple Netgroups

Configuration File for the Sample Network

Assigning Priorities for Each Network Group

About Workstation Clients

What Is the Workstation Component?

Sample Application with Four Workstation Clients

How the Workstation Client Connects to an Application

Setting Up Workstation Clients

Defining Workstation Clients

Specifying the Maximum Number of Workstation Clients

Defining a Workstation Listener (WSL) as a Server

Passing Information to a WSL Process

Using Command-line Options Set with CLOPT

Detecting Network Failures

Using the Keep-alive Option

Limitations When Using the Keep-alive Option

Using the Network Timeout Option

How Network Timeout Works

Limitations When Using the Network Timeout Option

Setting the Network Timeout Option

Sample Configuration File that Supports Workstation Clients

Modifying the MACHINES and SERVERS Sections

Managing Remote BEA Tuxedo CORBA Client Applications

CORBA Object Terminology

Remote CORBA Client Overview

Illustration of an Application with Remote CORBA Clients

How the Remote Client Connects to an Application

Setting Environment Variables for Remote CORBA Clients

Setting the Maximum Number of Remote CORBA Clients

Configuring a Listener for a Remote CORBA Client

Format of the CLOPT Parameter

Modifying the Configuration File to Support Remote CORBA Clients

Configuring Outbound IIOP for Remote Joint Client/Servers

Functional Description

Using the ISL Command to Configure Outbound IIOP Support

Types of Object References

User Interface


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