
Using the CORBA idltojava Compiler

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Overview of idltojava Compiler

Where Do I Get the BEA idltojava Compiler?

How Does the BEA idltojava Compiler Differ from the Sun Microsystems, Inc. Version?

What Is IDL?

What Is Java IDL?

Accessing CORBA Objects

Using the idltojava Command

Syntax of the idltojava Command

idltojava Command Description

Running idltojava on Client or Joint Client/Server IDL Files

idltojava Command Options

idltojava Command Flags

Using #pragma in IDL Files

Java IDL Examples

Getting Started with a Simple Example of IDL

Callback Objects IDL Example

Java IDL Programming Concepts


Differences Between CORBA and Java Exceptions

System Exceptions

System Exception Structure

Completion Status

User Exceptions

Minor Code Meanings


Creating an ORB Object

Creating an ORB for an Application

Creating an ORB for an Applet

Arguments to ORB.init()

System Properties

Obtaining Initial Object References

Stringified Object References

Getting References from the ORB

The FactoryFinder Interface

IDL-to-Java Mappings Used By the idltojava Compiler


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