Interface TransactionCurrent

public interface TransactionCurrent
extends org.omg.CORBA.Object, org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity, Current

The TransactionCurrent interface supports all the methods of the Current interface in the CosTransactions module, as described in the previous section. In addition, this interface supports APIs to open and close the resource manager.

Method Summary
 void close_xa_rm()
          This method closes the XA resource manager to which this process is linked.
 void open_xa_rm()
          This method opens the XA resource manager to which this process is linked.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosTransactions.Current
begin, commit, get_control, get_status, get_transaction_name, resume, rollback_only, rollback, set_timeout, suspend

Method Detail


public void open_xa_rm()
                throws RMfailed
This method opens the XA resource manager to which this process is linked. XA resource managers are provided by database vendors, such as Oracle and Informix.

The open_xa_rm method should be invoked in place of an open invocation that is specific to a resource manager. Because resource managers differ in their initialization semantics, the specific information needed to open a particular resource manager is placed in the OPENINFO parameter in the GROUPS section of the UBBCONFIG file. The format of the OPENINFO string is dependent on the requirements of the database vendor providing the underlying resource manager. For more information about the OPENINFO parameter, see the ubbconfig(5) reference page in the BEA Tuxedo Reference and the Administration Guide. Also, refer to database vendor documentation for information about how to develop and install applications that use the XA libraries.

Any attempts to invoke this method by a client will raise an org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT standard system exception.

RMfailed - Is raised if there is a failure while opening the resource manager.


public void close_xa_rm()
                 throws RMfailed
This method closes the XA resource manager to which this process is linked. XA resource managers are provided by database vendors, such as Oracle and Informix.

The close_xa_rm() method should be invoked in place of a close invocation that is specific to the resource manager. Because resource managers differ in their termination semantics, the specific information needed to close a particular resource manager is placed in the CLOSEINFO parameter in the GROUPS section of the BEA Tuxedo CORBA system UBBCONFIG file.

The format of the CLOSEINFO string is dependent on the requirements of the database vendor providing the underlying resource manager. For more information about the CLOSEINFO parameter, see the ubbconfig(5) reference page in the BEA Tuxedo Reference online document and the Administration Guide. Also, refer to database vendor documentation for information about how to develop and install applications that use the XA libraries.

An org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER standard system exception is raised if the function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is in transaction mode).

Any attempts to invoke this method by the lightweight clients or the native clients will raise an org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT standard system exception.

RMfailed - Is raised if there is a failure while closing the resource manager.