
Using the CORBA Name Service

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Overview of the CORBA Name Service

The CORBA Name Service

Understanding the CORBA Name Service

CORBA Name Service Reference

CORBA Name Service Commands

Capabilities and Limitations of the CORBA Name Service

Getting the Initial Reference to the NameService Environmental Object

The CosNaming Data Structures Used by the CORBA Name Service

The NamingContext Object


The NamingContextExt Object

The BindingIterator Object

Exceptions Raised by the CORBA Name Service

Managing a ProductName Namespace

Installing the CORBA Name Service

Starting the Server Process for the CORBA Name Service

Making the Namespace Persistent

Compressing the Persistent Storage File

Removing Orphan NamingContext Objects

Federating the Namespace

Inbound Federation

Outbound Federation

Federation Across ProductName Domains

Managing Binding Iterators

Using the CORBA Name Service in Secure ProductName Applications

Developing an Application That Uses the CORBA Name Service

Development Steps

Step 1: Obtain the OMG IDL for the CosNaming Interfaces

Step 2: Include the Declarations and Prototypes for the CosNaming Interfaces

Step 3: Connect to the BEA Tuxedo Namespace

Step 4: Bind an Object to the BEA Tuxedo Namespace

Step 5: Use a Name to Locate an Object in the BEA Tuxedo Namespace

Using the CORBA Name Service Sample Application

How the Name Service Sample Application Works

Building and Running the Name Service Sample Application

Step 1: Copy the Files for the Name Service Sample Application into a Work Directory

CORBA C++ Client and Server, and CORBA Java Client Version of the Name Service Sample Application

Step 2: Change the Protection Attribute on the Files for the Name Service Sample Application

Step 3: Verify the Settings of the Environment Variables

Step 4: Execute the runme Command

Using the Name Service Sample Application


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