
ATMI C Function Reference

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tpsvrdone()—Terminates a BEA Tuxedo ATMI system server.


#include <atmi.h>
void tpsvrdone(void)


The BEA Tuxedo ATMI system server abstraction calls tpsvrdone() after it has finished processing service requests but before it exits. When this routine is invoked, the server is still part of the system but its own services have been unadvertised. Thus, BEA Tuxedo ATMI system communication can be performed and transactions can be defined in this routine. However, if tpsvrdone() returns with open connections, asynchronous replies pending or while still in transaction mode, the BEA Tuxedo ATMI system will close its connections, ignore any pending replies, and abort the transaction before the server exits.

If a server is shut down by the invocation of tmshutdown -y, services are suspended and the ability to perform communication or to begin transactions in tpsvrdone() is limited.

If an application does not provide this routine in a server, then the default version provided by the BEA Tuxedo ATMI system is called instead. If a server has been defined as a single-threaded server, the default tpsvrdone() calls tpsvrthrdone(), and the default version of tpsvrthrdone() calls tx_close(). If a server has been defined as a multithreaded server, tpsvrthrdone() is called in each server dispatch thread, but is not called from tpsvrdone(). Regardless of whether the server is multithreaded, the default tpsvrdone() calls userlog to indicate that the server is about to exit.


When called in tpsvrdone(), the tpreturn() and tpforward() functions simply return with no effect.

See Also

tpsvrthrdone(3c), tpsvrthrinit(3c), servopts(5)


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