
ATMI C Function Reference

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tuxsetmbenc()—Sets the code-set encoding name for environment variable TPMBENC in the process environment.


#include <atmi.h>
extern int tperrno;

tuxsetmbenc(char *enc_name, long flags)


This function is used for setting or resetting the codeset encoding name that is contained in the TPMBENC environment variable. This environment variable is automatically used as the default codeset encoding name when an MBSTRING typed buffer is created. This default encoding name can be reset or unset using the tpsetmbenc() function once the new message is available.

The enc_name argument is the encoding name to use to identify the codeset.

The flags argument is not currently used and should be set to 0.

Return Values

Upon success, tuxsetmbenc() returns 0; otherwise, it returns a non-zero value on error.

See Also

tpconvmb(3c), tpgetmbenc(3c), tpsetmbenc(3c), tuxgetmbenc(3c), tuxputenv(3c)


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