
ATMI COBOL Function Reference

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TPENQUEUE() - routine to enqueue a message




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TPENQUEUE() stores a message on the queue named by QNAME in the QSPACE-NAME queue space. A queue space is a collection of queues, one of which must be QNAME.

When the message is intended for a BEA Tuxedo ATMI server, the QNAME matches the name of a service provided by the server. The system-provided server, TMQFORWARD(5), provides a default mechanism for dequeuing messages from the queue and forwarding them to servers that provide a service matching the queue name. If the originator expects a reply, then the reply to the forwarded service request is stored on the originator's queue unless otherwise specified. The originator will dequeue the reply message at a subsequent time. Queues can also be used for a reliable message transfer mechanism between any pair of BEA Tuxedo ATMI processes (clients and/or servers). In this case, the queue name does not match a service name but some agreed upon name for transferring the message.

The data portion of a message is specified by DATA-REC and LEN in TPTYPE-REC specifies how much of DATA-REC to enqueue. Note that if DATA-REC is a record of a type that does not require a length to be specified, then LEN is ignored (and may be 0). If REC-TYPE in TPTYPE-REC is SPACES, DATA-REC and LEN are ignored and a message is enqueued with no data portion. The REC-TYPE and SUB-TYPE, both in TPTYPE-REC, must match one of the REC-TYPEs and SUB-TYPEs recognized by QSPACE-NAME.

The message is queued at the priority defined for QSPACE-NAME unless overridden by a previous call to TPSPRIO().

If the caller is within a transaction and TPTRAN is set, the message is queued in transaction mode. This has the effect that if TPENQUEUE() returns successfully and the caller's transaction is committed successfully, then the message is guaranteed to be available subsequent to the transaction completing. If the caller's transaction is rolled back either explicitly or as the result of a transaction timeout or some communication error, then the message will be removed from the queue (that is, the placing of the message on the queue is also rolled back). It is not possible to enqueue then dequeue the same message within the same transaction.

The message is not queued in transaction mode if either the caller is not in transaction mode, or TPNOTRAN is set. Once TPENQUEUE() returns successfully, the submitted message is guaranteed to be in the queue. When not in transaction mode, if a communication error or a timeout occurs, the application will not know whether or not the message was successfully stored on the queue.

The order in which messages are placed on the queue is controlled by the application via TPQUEDEF-REC as described below; the default queue ordering is set when the queue is created.

The following is a list of valid settings in TPQUEDEF-REC.


If the caller is in transaction mode and this setting is used, the message is not enqueued within the caller's transaction. A caller in transaction mode that sets this to true is still subject to the transaction timeout (and no other). If message enqueuing fails that was invoked with this setting, the caller's transaction is not affected. Either TPNOTRAN or TPTRAN must be set.


If the caller is in transaction mode and this setting is used, the message is enqueued within the same transaction as the caller. The setting is ignored if the caller is not in transaction mode. Either TPNOTRAN or TPTRAN must be set.


The message is not enqueued if a blocking condition exists. If TPNOBLOCK is set and a blocking condition exists such as the internal buffers into which the message is transferred are full, the call fails and TP-STATUS is set to TPEBLOCK. If TPNOBLOCK is set and a blocking condition exists because the target queue is opened exclusively by another application, the call fails, TP-STATUS is set to TPEDIAGNOSTIC, and the DIAGNOSTIC field of the TPQUEDEF record is set to QMESHARE. In the latter case, the other application, which is based on a BEA product other than the BEA Tuxedo system, opened the queue for exclusive read and/or write using the Queuing Services API (QSAPI). Either TPNOBLOCK or TPBLOCK must be set.


When TPBLOCK is set and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout). Either TPNOBLOCK or TPBLOCK must be set.


This setting signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur. Either TPNOTIME or TPTIME must be set.


This setting signifies that the caller will receive blocking timeouts if a blocking condition exists and the blocking time is reached. Either TPNOTIME or TPTIME must be set.


If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, the interrupted system call is reissued. Either TPNOSIGRSTRT or TPSIGRSTRT must be set.


If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, the interrupted system call is not restarted and the routine fails. Either TPNOSIGRSTRT or TPSIGRSTRT must be set.

Additional information about queuing the message can be specified via TPQUEDEF-REC. This information includes values to override the default queue ordering placing the message at the top of the queue or before an enqueued message; an absolute or relative time after which a queued message is made available; an absolute or relative time when a message expires and is removed from the queue; the quality of service for delivering the message; the quality of service that any replies to the message should use; a correlation identifier that aids in correlating a reply or failure message with the queued message; the name of a queue to which a reply should be enqueued; and the name of a queue to which any failure message should be enqueued.

Control Parameter

TPQUEDEF-REC is used by the application program to pass and retrieve information associated with enqueuing the message. Settings are used to indicate what elements in the record are valid.

On input to TPENQUEUE(), the following elements may be set in TPQUEDEF-REC:

05 DEQ-TIME                 PIC S9(9) COMP-5. 
05 MSGID PIC X(32).
05 CORRID PIC X(32).

The following values indicate what values are set in the TPQUEDEF-REC.


Setting this value indicates that the queue ordering be overridden and the message placed at the top of the queue. This request may not be granted depending on whether or not the queue was configured to allow overriding the queue ordering. Set TPQDEFAULT to use default queue ordering. TPQTOP, TPQBEFOREMSGID, or TPQDEFAULT must be set.


Setting this value indicates that the queue ordering be overridden and the message placed in the queue before the message identified by MSGID. This request may not be granted depending on whether or not the queue was configured to allow overriding the queue ordering. Set TPQDEFAULT to use default queue ordering. TPQTOP, TPQBEFOREMSGID, or TPQDEFAULT must be set.

Note that the entire 32 bytes of the message identifier value are significant, so the value identified by MSGID must be completely initialized (for example, padded with spaces).


If this value is set, the message is made available after the time specified by DEQ-TIME. DEQ-TIME is an absolute time value as generated by time(2) or mktime(3C) (the number of seconds since 00:00:00 Universal Coordinated Time—UTC, January 1, 1970). Set TPQNOTIME if neither an absolute nor relative time value is set. TPQTIME-ABS, TPQTIME-REL, or TPQNOTIME must be set. The absolute time is determined by the clock on the machine where the queue manager process resides.


If this value is set, the message is made available after a time relative to the completion of the enqueuing operation. DEQ-TIME specifies the number of seconds to delay after the enqueuing completes before the submitted message should be available. Set TPQNOTIME if neither an absolute nor relative time value is set. TPQTIME-ABS, TPQTIME-REL, or TPQNOTIME must be set.


If this value is set, the priority at which the message should be enqueued is stored in PRIORITY. The priority must be in the range 1 to 100, inclusive. The higher the number, the higher the priority (that is, a message with a higher number is dequeued before a message with a lower number). For queues not ordered by priority, this value is informational. If TPQNOPRIORITY is set, the priority for the message is 50 by default.


If this value is set, the correlation identifier value specified in CORRID is available when a message is dequeued with TPDEQUEUE(). This identifier accompanies any reply or failure message that is queued so that an application can correlate a reply with a particular request. Set TPQNOCORRID if a correlation identifier is not available.

Note that the entire 32 bytes of the correlation identifier value are significant, so the value specified in CORRID must be completely initialized (for example, padded with spaces).


If this value is set, a reply queue named in REPLYQUEUE is associated with the queued message. Any reply to the message is queued to the named queue within the same queue space as the request message. Set TPQNOREPLYQ if a reply queue name is not available.


If this value is set, a failure queue named in FAILUREQUEUE is associated with the queued message. If (1) the enqueued message is processed by TMQFORWARD(), (2) TMQFORWARD was started with the -d option, and (3) the service fails and returns a non-NULL reply, a failure message consisting of the reply and its associated APPL-RETURN-CODE in the TPSTATUS record is enqueued to the named queue within the same queue space as the original request message. Set TPQNOFAILUREQ if a failure queue name is not available.


If TPQDELIVERYQOS is set, the flags specified by TPQUEQOS-DELIVERY-FLAG control the quality of service for message delivery. One of the following mutually exclusive flags must be set: TPQQOSDELIVERYDEFAULTPERSIST, TPQQOSDELIVERYPERSISTENT, or TPQQOSDELIVERYNONPERSISTENT. If TPQDELIVERYQOS is not set, TPQNODELIVERYQOS must be set. When TPQNODELIVERYQOS is set, the default delivery policy of the target queue dictates the delivery quality of service for the message.

If TPQREPLYQOS is set, the flags specified by TPQUEQOS-REPLY-FLAG control the quality of service for reply message delivery for any reply. One of the following mutually exclusive flags must be set: TPQQOSREPLYDEFAULTPERSIST, TPQQOSREPLYPERSISTENT, or TPQQOSREPLYNONPERSISTENT. The TPQREPLYQOS flag is used when a reply is returned from messages processed by TMQFORWARD. Applications not using TMQFORWARD to invoke services may use the TPQREPLYQOS flag as a hint for their own reply mechanism.

If TPQREPLYQOS is not set, TPQNOREPLYQOS must be set. When TPQNOREPLYQOS is set, the default delivery policy of the REPLYQUEUE queue dictates the delivery quality of service for any reply. Note that the default delivery policy is determined when the reply to a message is enqueued. That is, if the default delivery policy of the reply queue is modified between the time that the original message is enqueued and the reply to the message is enqueued, the policy used is the one in effect when the reply is finally enqueued.



These flags specify that the message is to be delivered using the default delivery policy specified on the target or reply queue.


These flags specify that the message is to be delivered in a persistent manner using the disk-based delivery method. When specified, these flags override the default delivery policy specified on the target or reply queue.


These flags specify that the message is to be delivered in a non-persistent manner using the memory-based delivery method; the message is queued in memory until it is dequeued. When specified, these flags override the default delivery policy specified on the target or reply queue.

If the caller is transactional, non-persistent messages are enqueued within the caller's transaction, however, non-persistent messages are lost if the system is shut down or crashes or the IPC shared memory for the queue space is removed.


If this value is set, the message has an absolute expiration time, which is the absolute time when the message will be removed from the queue.

The absolute expiration time is determined by the clock on the machine where the queue manager process resides.

The absolute expiration time is specified by the value stored in EXP-TIME. EXP-TIME must be set to an absolute time generated by time(2) or mktime(3C) (the number of seconds since 00:00:00 Universal Coordinated Time—UTC, January 1, 1970).

If an absolute time is specified that is earlier than the time of the enqueue operation, the operation succeeds, but the message is not counted for the purpose of calculating thresholds. If the expiration time is before the message availability time, the message is not available for dequeuing unless either the availability or expiration time is changed so that the availability time is before the expiration time. In addition, these messages are removed from the queue at expiration time even if they were never available for dequeuing. If a message expires during a transaction, the expiration does not cause the transaction to fail. Messages that expire while being enqueued or dequeued within a transaction are removed from the queue when the transaction ends. There is no acknowledgment that the message has expired.



If this value is set, the message has a relative expiration time, which is the number of seconds after the message arrives at the queue that the message is removed from the queue. The relative expiration time is specified by the value stored in EXP-TIME.

If the expiration time is before the message availability time, the message is not available for dequeuing unless either the availability or expiration time is changed so that the availability time is before the expiration time. In addition, these messages are removed from the queue at expiration time even if they were never available for dequeuing. The expiration of a message during a transaction does cause the transaction to fail. Messages that expire while being enqueued or dequeued within a transaction are removed from the queue when the transaction ends. There is no acknowledgment that the message has expired.



Setting this value indicates that the message should not expire. This flag overrides any default expiration policy associated with the target queue. You can remove a message by dequeuing it or by deleting it via an administrative interface. One of the following must be set: TPQEXPTIME-ABS, TPQEXPTIME-REL, TPQEXPTIME-NONE, or TPQNOEXPTIME.


Setting this value specifies that the default expiration time associated with the target queue applies to the message. One of the following must be set: TPQEXPTIME-ABS, TPQEXPTIME-REL, TPQEXPTIME-NONE, or TPQNOEXPTIME.

Additionally, APPL-RETURN-CODE can be set with a user-return code. This value is returned to the application that dequeues the message.

On output from TPENQUEUE(), the following elements may be set in TPQUEDEF-REC:

05 MSGID      PIC X(32). 

The following is a valid setting in TPQUEDEF-REC controlling output information from TPENQUEUE(). If this setting is true when TPENQUEUE() is called, the /Q server TMQUEUE(5) populates the associated element in the record with a message identifier. If this setting is not true when TPENQUEUE() is called, TMQUEUE() does not populate the associated element in the record with a message identifier.


If this value is set and the call to TPENQUEUE() is successful, the message identifier is stored in MSGID. The entire 32 bytes of the message identifier value are significant, so the value stored in MSGID is completely initialized (for example, padded with NULL characters). The actual padding character used for initialization varies between releases of the BEA Tuxedo /Q component. If TPQNOMSGID is set, the message identifier is not available.

The remaining members of the control structure are not used on input to TPENQUEUE().

If the call to TPENQUEUE() failed and TP-STATUS is set to TPEDIAGNOSTIC, a value indicating the reason for failure is returned in DIAGNOSTIC. The possible values are defined below in the DIAGNOSTICS section.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, TPENQUEUE() sets TP-STATUS to [TPOK].


Under the following conditions, TPENQUEUE() fails and sets TP-STATUS to the following values (unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller's transaction, if one exists).


Invalid arguments were given (for example, QSPACE-NAME is SPACES or settings in TPQUEDEF-REC are invalid).


Cannot access the QSPACE-NAME because it is not available (that is, the associated TMQUEUE(5) server is not available), or cannot start a global transaction due to the lack of entries in the Global Transaction Table (GTT).


This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or TPENQUEUE() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.

If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout can occur only if both TPBLOCK and TPTIME are specified.)

If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller's transaction (that is, TPACALL() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).

When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.


A blocking condition exists and TPBLOCK was set.


A signal was received and TPNOSIGRSTRT was set.


TPENQUEUE() was called improperly. There is no effect on the queue or the transaction.


A BEA Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file. There is no effect on the queue.


An operating system error has occurred. There is no effect on the queue.


Enqueuing a message from the specified queue failed. The reason for failure can be determined by the diagnostic value returned via TPQUEDEF-REC.

Diagnostic Values

The following diagnostic values are returned during the enqueuing of a message.


An invalid setting was specified.


An invalid resource manager identifier was specified.


The resource manager is not currently open.


The call was not in transaction mode or was made with the TPNOTRAN setting and an error occurred trying to start a transaction in which to enqueue the message. This diagnostic is not returned by a queue manager from BEA Tuxedo release 7.1 or later.


An invalid message identifier was specified.


A system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.


An operating system error has occurred.


The operation was aborted. When executed within a global transaction, the global transaction has been marked rollback-only. Otherwise, the queue manager aborted the operation.


An enqueue was done when the transaction state was not active.


An invalid, deleted, or reserved queue name was specified.


Due to an insufficient resource, such as no space on the queue, the message with its required quality of service (persistent or non-persistent storage) was not enqueued. QMENOSPACE is returned when any of the following configured resources is exceeded: (1) the amount of disk (persistent) space allotted to the queue space, (2) the amount of memory (non-persistent) space allotted to the queue space, (3) the maximum number of simultaneously active transactions allowed for the queue space, (4) the maximum number of messages that the queue space can contain at any one time, (5) the maximum number of concurrent actions that the Queuing Services component can handle, or (6) the maximum number of authenticated users that may concurrently use the Queuing Services component.


An attempt was made to enqueue a message to a queue manager that is from a version of the BEA Tuxedo system that does not support a newer feature.


When enqueuing a message from a specified queue, the specified queue is opened exclusively by another application. The other application is one based on a BEA product other than the BEA Tuxedo system that opened the queue for exclusive read and/or write using the Queuing Services API (QSAPI).

See Also

qmadmin(1), TPDEQUEUE(3cbl), TPSPRIO(3cbl), TMQFORWARD(5), TMQUEUE(5)


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