
ATMI COBOL Function Reference

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TXROLLBACK() - roll back a transaction


* Include TX definitions.


TXROLLBACK() is used to roll back the work of the transaction active in the caller's thread of control.

If the transaction_control characteristic (see TXSETTRANCTL()) is TX-UNCHAINED, then when TXROLLBACK() returns, the caller is no longer in transaction mode. However, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED, then when TXROLLBACK() returns, the caller remains in transaction mode on behalf of a new transaction (see the RETURN VALUE and ERRORS sections below).

TX-RETURN-STATUS is the record used to return a value.

Optional Set-up

Return Value

Upon successful completion, TXROLLBACK() returns TX-OK, a non-negative return value.


Under the following conditions, TXROLLBACK() fails and returns one of these negative values:


The current transaction rolled back; however, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value may occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.


The work done on behalf of the transaction was partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED, a new transaction is started.


The work done on behalf of the transaction was partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.


Due to a failure, some of the work done on behalf of the transaction may have been committed and some of it may have been rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED, a new transaction is started.


Due to a failure, some of the work done on behalf of the transaction may have been committed and some of it may have been rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.


The work done on behalf of the transaction was heuristically committed. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED, a new transaction is started.


The work done on behalf of the transaction was heuristically committed. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.


The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is not in transaction mode).


Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager and/or one or more of the resource managers can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file. The caller's state with respect to the transaction is unknown.

See Also



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