
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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This section defines the network-specific information for TDomain gateways. The DM_TDOMAIN section should have an entry per local domain access point if requests from remote domains to local services are accepted through that local domain access point, and an entry per remote domain access point if requests from the local domain to remote services are accepted through that access point.

The DM_TDOMAIN section is used to configure the following network properties for an access point entry:

Entries within the DM_TDOMAIN section have the following form:

AccessPoint required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where AccessPoint is an identifier value used to identify either a local domain access point or a remote domain access point. The AccessPoint identifier must match a previously defined local domain access point in the DM_LOCAL section or a previously defined remote domain access point in the DM_REMOTE section.

Required parameters for the DM_TDOMAIN section

NWADDR = string[1..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

Specifies the network address associated with this local or remote domain access point. For a local domain access point, this parameter supplies the address to be used for listening for incoming connections from other BEA Tuxedo applications. For a remote domain access point, this parameter supplies the destination address to be used when connecting to the BEA Tuxedo application associated with the remote domain access point. The value of this parameter must be unique across all DM_TDOMAIN entries.

If string has the form "0xhex-digits" or "\\xhex-digits", it must contain an even number of valid hexadecimal digits. These forms are translated internally into a character array containing TCP/IP addresses. The value of string may also be represented in either of the following forms:



In the first of these formats, hostname is resolved to a TCP/IP host address at the time the address is bound using the locally configured name resolution facilities accessed via gethostbyname(3c). The string #.#.#.# is the dotted decimal format where each # represents a decimal number in the range 0 to 255.

Port_number is a decimal number in the range 0 to 65535.

Note: Some port numbers may be reserved for the underlying transport protocols (such as TCP/IP) used by your system. Check the documentation for your transport protocols to find out which numbers, if any, are reserved on your system.

Optional parameters for the DM_TDOMAIN section

NWDEVICE = string[1..78]

Specifies the network device to be used when binding to the network address of this local or remote domain access point. For a local domain access point, this attribute specifies the device to be used for listening. For a remote domain access point, this attribute specifies the device to be used when connecting to the remote domain access point.

The NWDEVICE parameter is not required. In earlier releases, if the networking functionality is TLI-based, the network device name must be an absolute pathname.

CMPLIMIT = numeric

Specifies the compression threshold to be used when sending data to this remote domain access point. This parameter is relevant only to remote domain access points. Its minimum value is 0, and its maximum value is 2147483647. The default is 2147483647. Application buffers larger than the CMPLIMIT value are compressed.

MINENCRYPTBITS = {0 | 40 | 56 | 128}

Specifies the minimum level of encryption required when establishing a network link to the remote domain associated with this remote domain access point. This parameter is relevant only to remote domain access points.

A value of 0 means no encryption, while a value of 40, 56, or 128 specifies the encryption key length (in bits). (The value of 40 bits is provided for backward compatibility.) The default is 0. If the minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment fails.

MAXENCRYPTBITS = {0 | 40 | 56 | 128}

Specifies the maximum level of encryption allowed when establishing a network link to the remote domain associated with this remote domain access point. This parameter is relevant only to remote domain access points.

A value of 0 means no encryption, while a value of 40, 56, or 128 specifies the encryption key length (in bits). (The value of 40 bits is provided for backward compatibility.) The default is 128.


Specifies the conditions under which the TDomain gateway associated with this local or remote domain access point tries to establish connections. Supported values are LOCAL, ON_DEMAND, ON_STARTUP, or INCOMING_ONLY. LOCAL is relevant only to remote domain access points.

The CONNECTION_POLICY parameter is available in the DM_TDOMAIN section when running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software. Its value in the DM_TDOMAIN section for a particular local or remote domain access point takes precedence over its global value in the DM_LOCAL section. The ability to override the global connection policy enables you to configure connection policy on a per remote domain basis.

Specifying no connection policy for a local domain access point defaults to the global connection policy specified in the DM_LOCAL section. If you choose to specify a global connection policy in the DM_TDOMAIN section, do not specify a global connection policy in the DM_LOCAL section.

A connection policy of LOCAL means that a remote domain access point accepts the global connection policy defined in the DM_LOCAL section. LOCAL is the default connection policy for remote domain access points. Excluding LOCAL, the connection policy value for a remote domain access point takes precedence over the connection policy value for a local domain access point.

A connection policy of ON_DEMAND means that the TDomain gateway attempts a connection only when requested by either a client request to a remote service or a dmadmin(1) connect command. Connection retry processing is not allowed when the connection policy is ON_DEMAND.

A connection policy of ON_STARTUP means that the TDomain gateway attempts to establish a connection at gateway server initialization time. For ON_STARTUP, the remote services for a particular remote domain (that is, services advertised by the TDomain gateway) are advertised only if a connection is successfully established to the remote domain. Thus, if there is no active connection to the remote domain, the remote services are suspended. By default, this connection policy retries failed connections every 60 seconds, but you can specify a different value for this interval using the RETRY_INTERVAL parameter in the DM_TDOMAIN section. Also, see the MAXRETRY parameter in this section.

A connection policy of INCOMING_ONLY means that the TDomain gateway does not attempt an initial connection upon startup and that remote services are initially suspended. The TDomain gateway is available for incoming connections from a remote domain, and remote services are advertised when the gateway receives an incoming connection or an administrative connection (using the dmadmin(1) connect command) is made. Connection retry processing is not allowed when the connection policy is INCOMING_ONLY.

MAXRETRY = {numeric | MAXLONG}

Specifies the number of times that the TDomain gateway associated with this local or remote domain access point tries to establish a connection. This parameter is available in the DM_TDOMAIN section when running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software, and is valid when the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter for this access point is set to ON_STARTUP. For other connection policies, automatic retries are disabled.

The minimum value for MAXRETRY is 0, and the maximum value is MAXLONG (2147483647). MAXLONG, the default, indicates that retry processing will be repeated indefinitely, or until a connection is established.


Specifies the number of seconds that the TDomain gateway associated with this local or remote domain access point waits between automatic attempts to establish a connection. This parameter is available in the DM_TDOMAIN section when running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software, and is valid when the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter for this access point is set to ON_STARTUP. For other connection policies, automatic retries are disabled.

The minimum value for RETRY_INTERVAL is 0, and the maximum value is 2147483647. The default is 60. If MAXRETRY is set to 0, setting RETRY_INTERVAL is not allowed.


Enables TCP-level keepalive for this local or remote domain access point. Supported values are LOCAL, N (no), or Y (yes). LOCAL is relevant only to remote domain access points.

The TCPKEEPALIVE parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software. Its value for a remote domain access point takes precedence over its value for a local domain access point. The ability to override the local domain access point value enables you to configure TCP-level keepalive on a per remote domain basis.

A value of LOCAL means that a remote domain access point accepts the TCP-level keepalive value defined for the local domain access point. LOCAL is the default TCP-level keepalive value for remote domain access points.

A value of NO means that TCP-level keepalive is disabled for this access point. N is the default TCP-level keepalive value for local domain access points.

A value of YES means that TCP-level keepalive is enabled for this access point. When TCP-level keepalive is enabled for a connection, the keepalive interval used for the connection is the system-wide value configured for the operating system's TCP keepalive timer. This interval is the maximum time that the TDomain gateway will wait without receiving any traffic on the connection. If the maximum time is exceeded, the gateway sends a TCP-level keepalive request message. If the connection is still open and the remote TDomain gateway is still alive, the remote gateway responds by sending an acknowledgement. If the local TDomain gateway does not receive an acknowledgement within a fixed period of time of sending the request message, it assumes that the connection is broken and releases any resources associated with the connection.

Not only does TCP-level keepalive keep BEA Tuxedo interdomain connections open during periods of inactivity, but it also enable TDomain gateways to quickly detect connection failures.

Note: The TCPKEEPALIVE and DMKEEPALIVE parameters are not mutually exclusive, meaning that you can configure an interdomain connection using both parameters.


Controls application-level keepalive for this local or remote domain access point. This value must be greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 2147483647. The value -1 is relevant only to remote domain access points.

The DMKEEPALIVE parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software. Its value for a remote domain access point takes precedence over its value for a local domain access point. The ability to override the local domain access point value enables you to configure application-level keepalive on a per remote domain basis.

A value of -1 means that a remote domain access point accepts the application-level keepalive value defined for the local domain access point. -1 is the default application-level keepalive value for remote domain access points.

A value of 0 means that application-level keepalive is disabled for this access point. 0 is the default application-level keepalive value for local domain access points.

A value greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 2147483647, in milliseconds, currently rounded up to the nearest second by the Domains software, means that application-level keepalive is enabled for this access point. The time that you specify is the maximum time that the TDomain gateway will wait without receiving any traffic on the connection. If the maximum time is exceeded, the gateway sends an application-level keepalive request message. If the connection is still open and the remote TDomain gateway is still alive, the remote gateway responds by sending an acknowledgement. If the local TDomain gateway does not receive an acknowledgement within a configurable period of time (see the DMKEEPALIVEWAIT parameter) of sending the request message, it assumes that the connection is broken and releases any resources associated with the connection.

Not only does application-level keepalive keep BEA Tuxedo interdomain connections open during periods of inactivity, but it also enable TDomain gateways to quickly detect connection failures.

Note: The DMKEEPALIVE and TCPKEEPALIVE parameters are not mutually exclusive, meaning that you can configure an interdomain connection using both parameters.


Specifies the maximum time for this local or remote domain access point that the TDomain gateway will wait without receiving an acknowledgement to a sent keepalive message. This value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 2147483647, in milliseconds, currently rounded up to the nearest second by the Domains software. The default is 0. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software.

If DMKEEPALIVE is 0 (keepalive disabled) for this access point, setting DMKEEPALIVEWAIT has no effect.

If DMKEEPALIVE is enabled for this access point and DMKEEPALIVEWAIT is set to a value greater than DMKEEPALIVE, the local TDomain gateway will send more than one application-level keepalive message before the DMKEEPALIVEWAIT timer expires. This combination of settings is allowed.

If DMKEEPALIVE is enabled for this access point and DMKEEPALIVEWAIT is set to 0, receiving an acknowledgement to a sent keepalive message is unimportant: any such acknowledgement is ignored by the TDomain gateway. The gateway continues to send keepalive messages every time the DMKEEPALIVE timer times out. Use this combination of settings to keep an idle connection open through a firewall.

Multiple entries for the same access point in the DM_TDOMAIN section

If this DM_TDOMAIN entry is a local domain access point (as specified in the DM_LOCAL section), its NWADDR is a network address to be used to listen for incoming connections. Entries associated with a local domain access point can be specified more than once in the DM_TDOMAIN section, to allow for migration of the services associated with a local access point to another machine in the BEA Tuxedo domain.

Entries associated with a remote domain access point (as specified in the DM_REMOTE section) can also be specified more than once in the DM_TDOMAIN section. The first entry is considered to be the primary address, which means its NWADDR is the first network address tried when a connection is being attempted to the remote domain access point. The second entry is considered to be the secondary address, which means its NWADDR is the second network address tried when a connection cannot be established using the primary address.

If this DM_TDOMAIN entry is another occurrence of a remote domain access point, the entry points to a secondary remote gateway that must reside in a different BEA Tuxedo domain than the BEA Tuxedo domain in which the primary remote gateway resides. The secondary and primary remote gateways must have the same ACCESSPOINTID defined in the DM_LOCAL section of their associated DMCONFIG files; this arrangement is often referred to as a mirrored gateway. This feature is not recommended for use with transactions or conversations. In addition, the mirrored gateway is not recommended for use when the primary remote gateway is available.

Note: For multiple entries of a local or remote domain access point in the DM_TDOMAIN section, only the multiple instances of the NWADDR parameter are read by the Domains software. For multiple instances of any other parameter, only the first instance of the parameter is read by the Domains software; all other instances are ignored.


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