
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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DM_LOCAL Section

This section, also known as the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section, defines one or more local domain access point identifiers and their associated gateway groups. The section must have a local domain access point entry for each active gateway group defined in the UBBCONFIG file. Each entry specifies the parameters required for the domain gateway process running in that group.

The entry defines a GWTOPEND domain gateway instance (with its associated GWADM) that is associated with a single, remote BEA TOP END system. The local BEA Tuxedo application communicates with remote domains of type TOPEND that are part of the same BEA TOP END system. The BEA TOP END system name is defined in the DM_TOPEND section.

Entries within the DM_LOCAL section have the following form:

LocalAccessPoint required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where LocalAccessPoint is the local domain access point identifier (logical name) that you choose to represent a particular gateway group defined in the UBBCONFIG file. LocalAccessPoint must be unique across the local and remote domains involved in a Domains configuration. As you will see in the description of the DM_EXPORT section, you use the local domain access point to associate local resources (services, queues) with the gateway group. The local resources available through the local domain access point will be available to clients in one or more remote domains.

Required TEDG parameters for the DM_LOCAL section

GWGRP = identifier

Specifies the name of the domain gateway group (the name provided in the GROUPS section of the TUXCONFIG file) representing this local domain access point. There is a one-to-one relationship between a local domain access point and a domain gateway group.

TYPE = identifier

Specifies the type of domain gateway associated with this local domain access point. TYPE can be set to one of the following values: TOPEND, TDOMAIN, SNAX, OSITP, or OSITPX.

The TOPEND value indicates that this local domain access point is associated with a a GWTOPEND domain gateway instance and therefore can communicate with a BEA TOP END system.

The TDOMAIN value indicates that this local domain access point is associated with a GWTDOMAIN gateway instance and therefore can communicate with another BEA Tuxedo application.

The SNAX value indicates that this local domain access point is associated with a GWSNAX gateway instance and therefore can communicate with another TP domain via the SNA protocol.

The OSITP or OSITPX value indicates that this local domain access point is associated with a GWOSITP gateway instance and therefore can communicate with another TP domain via the OSI TP protocol. The OSITP value indicates the use of the OSI TP 1.3 protocol, and the OSITPX value indicates the use of the OSI TP 4.0 or later protocol. The OSITPX value is supported only by BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or later software.

Domain types must be defined in the DMTYPE file: %TUXDIR%\udataobj\DMTYPE for Windows or $TUXDIR/udataobj/DMTYPE for UNIX.

ACCESSPOINTID (also known as DOMAINID) = string[1..30]

Used to identify the domain gateway group associated with this local domain access point for purposes of security when setting up connections to remote domains. For a domain gateway of type TOPEND, this value is also used by the TEDG (local instance of the GWTOPEND process) as the BEA TOP END user ID for requests made to a BEA TOP END system.

ACCESSPOINTID must be 30 bytes or fewer in length. The BEA TOP END user ID is 1-12 characters excluding any trailing NULL. ASCII characters ranging from " "(32) through "~" (126), excluding "/" (47) are valid for this string. The password associated with the ACCESSPOINTID value can be entered using the dmadmin(1) subcommand topendpasswd.

Optional TEDG parameters for the DM_LOCAL section

AUDITLOG = string[1..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

Specifies the name of the audit log file for this local domain access point. The audit log feature is activated from the dmadmin(1) command and records all the operations for this local domain access point. If the audit log feature is active and this parameter is not specified, the file DMmmddyy.LOG (where mm=month, dd=day, and yy=year) is created in the directory specified by the $APPDIR environment variable or the APPDIR parameter of the MACHINES section of the TUXCONFIG file.

BLOCKTIME = numeric

Specifies the maximum wait time allowed for a blocking call for this local domain access point. The value is a multiplier of the SCANUNIT parameters specified in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file. The value SCANUNIT * BLOCKTIME must be greater than or equal to SCANUNIT and less than 32,768 seconds. If this parameter is not specified, the default is set to the value of the BLOCKTIME parameter specified in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file. A blocking timeout condition implies that the affected service request has failed.

Be aware that interdomain transactions generate blocking timeout conditions when transaction duration exceeds BLOCKTIME. That is, for an interdomain transaction, if the BLOCKTIME value is less than (a) the TRANTIME timeout value specified in the SERVICES section of the TUXCONFIG file or (b) the timeout value passed in a tpbegin() call to start the transaction, the timeout for the transaction is reduced to the BLOCKTIME value. In contrast, for intradomain transactions (that is, transactions handled within a single BEA Tuxedo domain), the BLOCKTIME value specified in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file has no effect on the timeout of an intradomain transaction.


Specifies the conditions under which the domain gateway associated with this local domain access point tries to establish connections to remote domains. Supported values are ON_DEMAND, ON_STARTUP, and INCOMING_ONLY. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TOPEND or TDOMAIN.

A connection policy of ON_DEMAND means that a domain gateway attempts to establish a connection with a remote domain only when requested by either a client request to a remote service or a dmadmin(1) connect command. The default for CONNECTION_POLICY is ON_DEMAND. Multiple entries for a remote domain (that is, multiple remote domain access points) may be specified in the DM_TOPEND section if you want to configure multiple network addresses to be tried serially to connect to the remote domain. Connection retry processing is not allowed when the connection policy is ON_DEMAND.

A connection policy of ON_STARTUP means that a domain gateway attempts to establish a connection with its remote domains at gateway server initialization time. Multiple entries for a remote domain (that is, multiple remote domain access points) may be specified in the DM_TOPEND section if you want to configure multiple network addresses to be tried serially to connect to the remote domain. If CONNECTION_POLICY is set to ON_STARTUP, remote services for a particular remote domain (that is, services advertised by the domain gateway) are advertised only if a connection is successfully established to the remote domain. Thus, if there is no active connection to the remote domain, the remote services are suspended. By default, this connection policy retries failed connections every 60 seconds, but you can specify a different value for this interval using the RETRY_INTERVAL parameter. Also, see the MAXRETRY parameter.

A connection policy of INCOMING_ONLY means that a domain gateway does not attempt an initial connection upon startup and that remote services are initially suspended. The domain gateway is available for incoming connections from remote domains, and remote services are advertised when the domain gateway receives an incoming connection or an administrative connection (using the dmadmin(1) connect command) is made. Multiple entries for a remote domain (that is, multiple remote domain access points) may be specified in the DM_TOPEND section if you want to configure multiple network addresses to be tried serially only on an administrative connect to the remote domain. Connection retry processing is not allowed when the connection policy is INCOMING_ONLY.

MAXRETRY = {numeric | MAXLONG}

Specifies the number of times that the domain gateway associated with this local domain access point tries to establish connections to remote domains. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TOPEND or TDOMAIN, and is valid only when the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter for this local domain access point is set to ON_STARTUP. For other connection policies, automatic retries are disabled.

The minimum value for MAXRETRY is 0, and the maximum value is MAXLONG (2147483647). MAXLONG, the default, indicates that retry processing will be repeated indefinitely, or until a connection is established. Setting MAXRETRY=0 turns off the automatic retry mechanism.


Specifies the number of seconds that the domain gateway associated with this local domain access point waits between automatic attempts to establish a connection to remote domains. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TOPEND or TDOMAIN, and is valid only when the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter for this local domain access point is set to ON_STARTUP. For other connection policies, automatic retries are disabled.

The minimum value for RETRY_INTERVAL is 0, and the maximum value is 2147483647. The default is 60. If MAXRETRY is set to 0, setting RETRY_INTERVAL is not allowed.

DMTLOGDEV = string[1..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

Specifies the BEA Tuxedo filesystem that contains the Domains transaction log (TLOG) for this local domain access point. The TLOG is stored as a BEA Tuxedo system VTOC table on the device. If this parameter is not specified, the domain gateway group associated with this local domain access point is not allowed to process requests in transaction mode. Multiple local domain access points for the same machine can share the same BEA Tuxedo filesystem, but each local domain access point must have its own log (a table in the DMTLOGDEV) named as specified by the DMTLOGNAME parameter.

DMTLOGNAME = string[1..30]

Specifies the name of the TLOG for this local domain access point. This name must be unique when the same BEA Tuxedo filesystem (as specified in DMTLOGDEV) is used for several local domain access points. If this parameter is not specified, the default is the string DMTLOG. The name must be 30 characters or less.

DMTLOGSIZE = numeric

Specifies the numeric size, in pages, of the TLOG for this local domain access point. It must be greater than 0 and less than the amount of available space on the BEA Tuxedo filesystem. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 100 pages.

MAXRAPTRAN (also known as MAXRDTRAN) = numeric

Specifies the maximum number of domains that can be involved in a transaction for this local domain access point. It must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 16.

MAXTRAN = numeric

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous global transactions allowed for this local domain access point. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the MAXGTT parameter specified in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file. If MAXTRAN is not specified, the default is the value of MAXGTT.


Specifies the type of application security to be enforced for this local domain access point. The SECURITY parameter currently has four valid values for domain gateways of type TOPEND: NONE, CLEAR, SAFE, or PRIVATE. The value NONE (the default) indicates that no security is used. A value other then NONE indicates that BEA TOP END authentication and authorization are used by the BEA TOP END system and the gateway. In addition, the value CLEAR indicates that no protection is required for inter-node messages. The value SAFE indicates that messages should be sent using the Kerberos SAFE message checksum. The value PRIVATE indicates that messages should be encrypted using the Kerberos 4 implementation of DES. The value of SECURITY must be consistent with the corresponding BEA TOP END Node Manager configuration in the nm_config (4T) file on each BEA TOP END node. This is validated when a connection is established with a remote BEA TOP END node.


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