
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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This section, also known as the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section, defines the mapping information required to make BEA Tuxedo services and /Q queue spaces available to BEA TOP END systems. This section is required for TOP END domain gateways.

In a DMCONFIG file written for the TEDG, the DM_EXPORT section is used to define the following types of entries:

Entries within the DM_EXPORT section have one of the following forms:

service [TYPE=SERVICE]required_parameters [optional_parameters]
qspace  TYPE=QSPACE required_parameters [optional_parameters]
qname   TYPE=QNAME required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where service is the name of an exported BEA Tuxedo service, qspace is the name of an exported BEA Tuxedo queue space, and qname is the name of a queue name defined within a BEA Tuxedo queue space. Each of these names may contain no more than 15 characters. The setting of the TYPE parameter—SERVICE, QSPACE, or QNAME—determines the entry type.

SERVICE entries in the DM_EXPORT section define BEA Tuxedo services that are advertised to the BEA TOP END system by the TEDG. Entries for BEA Tuxedo services that are advertised to a BEA TOP END system include a mapping from BEA Tuxedo service names to BEA TOP END service identifiers (product, function, target, qualifier). These service identifiers are used with the BEA TOP END tp_client_send(3T) and tp_client_signon(3T) routine calls.

QSPACE entries in the DM_EXPORT section define BEA Tuxedo queue spaces that are made available to BEA TOP END as RTQ queues (limitations apply). RTQ queues are made available in BEA TOP END by advertising the RTQ Group name, RTQ Queue name, and target name as a BEA TOP END service name. The BEA TOP END gateway handles tp_rtq_put(3T) requests sent to its RTQ queue names in a manner similar to that used by the RTQ server. Each request is then mapped to the BEA Tuxedo queue space identified in this QSPACE entry. Both QSPACE entries and QNAME entries are required for message queuing.

QNAME entries in the DM_EXPORT section define the mapping of a BEA TOP END service request to a BEA Tuxedo queue name for requests enqueued to the BEA Tuxedo system via RTQ. QNAME entries are not advertised as services to the BEA TOP END system. QSPACE and QNAME entries are independent. Any combination of QSPACE and QNAME identifiers may be used by an application by supplying the associated BEA TOP END identifiers with a tp_rtq_put(3T) routine call. A run-time error results if the combination does not exist in the local BEA Tuxedo application.

QNAME entries should be unique with respect to their product, function, target, and qualifier combination for a particular local domain access point specified using the LACCESSPOINT parameter. If multiple entries of the same combination are configured, the TEDG uses only the first one.

Any SERVICE or QNAME entry that includes the TE_PRODUCT parameter, or any QSPACE entry that includes the TE_RTQGROUP parameter, is applicable to all local domain access points of type TOPEND if the entry is not configured for a particular local domain access point via the LACCESSPOINT parameter. Entries configured for a specific local domain access point are applicable only to the domain gateway associated with that access point.

Because SERVICE and QSPACE entries configure BEA TOP END service identifiers that are advertised as BEA TOP END services, these identifiers must not overlap for a particular local domain access point. For a SERVICE entry, the TE_PRODUCT, TE_FUNCTION, and TE_TARGET are advertised. For a QSPACE entry, the TE_RTQGROUP, TE_RTQNAME, and TE_TARGET are advertised as product, function, and target identifiers. Therefore if a SERVICE entry product, function, and target match a QSPACE entry RTQ Group, RTQ Queue name and target, the TEDG cannot route the request. Note that, as in the BEA TOP END system, the default for the target is the truncated node name.

If the DMCONFIG file includes local domain access points for more than one BEA TOP END system, or if it includes multiple domain gateway types, the LACCESSPOINT parameter should be specified for the local resource entry in the DM_EXPORT section. Mixed configurations that do not specify local domain access points should not be created; they may prevent a gateway from initializing properly. If in doubt, explicitly set LACCESSPOINT.

The following table identifies the required and optional parameters for each TEDG entry type in the DM_EXPORT section:

Entry TYPE

Required Parameters

Optional Parameters











Required and optional TEDG parameters for DM_EXPORT section

LACCESSPOINT = identifier

Specifies the local domain access point exporting this local resource (service or queue space), or the local domain access point to which this queue name applies. If this parameter is not specified, the local resource is applicable to all local domain access points of type TOPEND defined in the DM_LOCAL section.


Specifies whether this local resource is a SERVICE, QSPACE, or QNAME entry. The value SERVICE indicates that the entry for this local resource defines the mapping parameters applicable to a local BEA Tuxedo service being exported to the BEA TOP END system. The value QSPACE indicates that the entry for this local resource defines the mapping parameters applicable to a local BEA Tuxedo queue space being made available to the BEA TOP END system as an RTQ queue. The value QNAME indicates that the entry for this local resource defines the parameters applicable to mapping a BEA TOP END service name to a BEA Tuxedo queue name for requests enqueued to the BEA Tuxedo system via RTQ. The default is SERVICE.

TE_PRODUCT = string[1..32]

Specifies the BEA TOP END product name for this local resource; product name may contain up to 32 characters, excluding the trailing NULL. Only the following characters are considered valid: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, and . (period).

The TE_PRODUCT parameter must be specified if TYPE=SERVICE or QNAME. This parameter is not allowed if TYPE=QSPACE.

TE_FUNCTION = string[1..8]

Specifies the BEA TOP END function name for this local resource; function name may contain up to 8 characters, excluding the trailing NULL. Only the following characters are considered valid: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, and . (period).

The TE_FUNCTION parameter must be specified if TYPE=SERVICE or QNAME. This parameter is not allowed if TYPE=QSPACE.

TE_TARGET = string[1..8]

Specifies the BEA TOP END Message Sensitive Routing (MSR) target for this local resource; MSR target may contain up to 8 characters, excluding the trailing NULL. Only the following characters are considered valid: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, and . (period). For SERVICE and QSPACE space entries, an asterisk is allowed as the last non-space character. The default for the TE_TARGET parameter is spaces, indicating that it is not set. For SERVICE and QSPACE entries, the value of this parameter is changed at run time to default to the truncated node name of the TEDG. These values match the convention followed by the BEA TOP END system for default target names.

The TE_TARGET parameter is an allowed option if TYPE=SERVICE, QSPACE, or QNAME.

TE_QUALIFIER = numeric

Specifies the BEA TOP END function qualifier for this local resource; function qualifier may be greater than or equal to 0 or less than or equal to MAXLONG (2147483647). The default is 0.

The TE_QUALIFIER parameter is an allowed option if TYPE=SERVICE or QNAME. This parameter is not allowed if TYPE=QSPACE.

TE_RTQGROUP = string[1..32]

Specifies the BEA TOP END RTQ Group name for this local resource; Group name may contain up to 32 characters, excluding the trailing NULL. Only the following characters are considered valid: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, and . (period).

The TE_RTQGROUP parameter must be specified if TYPE=QSPACE. This parameter is not allowed if TYPE=SERVICE or QNAME.

TE_RTQNAME = string[1..8]

Specifies the BEA TOP END RTQ Queue name for this local resource; Queue name may contain up to 8 characters, excluding the trailing NULL. Only the following characters are considered valid: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, and . (period).

The TE_RTQNAME parameter must be specified if TYPE=QSPACE. This parameter is not allowed if TYPE=SERVICE or QNAME.

INBUFTYPE = string[0..513]

type[:subtype]—Specifies the input buffer type, optionally followed by subtype, for this local resource. For BEA TOP END service and queue name entries, the valid values for type are FML32, CARRAY, and X_OCTET.

The INBUFTYPE parameter is an allowed option if TYPE=SERVICE or QNAME. This parameter is not allowed if TYPE=QSPACE.

OUTBUFTYPE = string[0..513]

type[:subtype]—Specifies the output buffer type, optionally followed by subtype, for this local resource. For BEA TOP END service entries the valid values for type are FML32, CARRAY, and X_OCTET.

The OUTBUFTYPE parameter is an allowed option if TYPE=SERVICE. This parameter is not allowed if TYPE=QSPACE or QNAME.

ACL = identifier

Specifies the name of the access control list (ACL) to be used by the TEDG to restrict requests made to this local resource by BEA TOP END systems. The ACL is defined in the DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section.

The ACL parameter is an allowed option if TYPE=SERVICE or QNAME. This parameter is not allowed if TYPE=QSPACE.

CONV = {Y | N}

Specifies whether (Y) or not (N) this remote resource is a conversational service. The default is N. The CONV attribute applies to TYPE=SERVICE; it must be N if TYPE=QSPACE or QNAME.


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