
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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This section defines the network-specific information for BEA TOP END domain gateways. The DM_TOPEND section should have an entry per local domain access point if requests from remote domains to local resources are accepted through that local domain access point, and an entry per remote domain access point if requests from the local domain to remote resources are accepted through that access point.

Entries within the DM_TOPEND section have the following form:

AccessPoint required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where AccessPoint is an identifier value used to identify either a local domain access point or a remote domain access point. The AccessPoint identifier must match a previously defined local domain access point in the DM_LOCAL section or a previously defined remote domain access point in the DM_REMOTE section.

Local and remote domain access points and their network addresses must be configured such that no more than one BEA TOP END gateway connection to a BEA TOP END node is activated for a particular TP_SYSTEM name at run-time. The BEA TOP END network interface protocol does not support multiple gateway connections. If an attempt is made to activate more than one connection, run-time errors occur in the TEDG or on the BEA TOP END node, and all connections except one are rejected. Due to variations in how network addresses can be specified, this type of configuration cannot be fully validated in the DMCONFIG file.

Required parameters for the DM_TOPEND section

NWADDR = string[1..78]

Specifies the network address associated with this local or remote domain access point. For a local domain access point, this parameter supplies the address to be used for listening for incoming connections from BEA TOP END systems. The listening address is the means by which the local BEA Tuxedo application is contacted by Network Interface components of the BEA TOP END system. For a remote domain access point, this parameter supplies the destination address to be used when connecting to the BEA TOP END system associated with the remote domain access point. The value of this parameter must be unique across all DM_TOPEND entries.

If string has the form "0xhex-digits" or "\\xhex-digits", it must contain an even number of valid hexadecimal digits. These forms are translated internally into a character array containing TCP/IP addresses. The value of string may also be represented in either of the following forms:



In the first of these formats, hostname is resolved to a TCP/IP host address at the time the address is bound using the locally configured name resolution facilities accessed via gethostbyname(3c). The string #.#.#.# is the dotted decimal format where each # represents a decimal number in the range 0 to 255.

Port_number is a decimal number in the range 0 to 65535.

Note: Some port numbers may be reserved for the underlying transport protocols (such as TCP/IP) used by your system. Check the documentation for your transport protocols to find out which numbers, if any, are reserved on your system.

If the administrator wishes to specify INADDR_ANY for a listening address (local domain access point) such as the one used by the BEA TOP END Network Interface, the format should be "//". When an address is specified in this format, the TEDG (GWTOPEND) process can listen on port_number for all available IP addresses on the machine running the local BEA Tuxedo application.

Be careful when specifying the host address portion of the NWADDR parameter. When a BEA TOP END NI accepts a connection request that was issued from a TEDG, it resolves the network address of the TEDG to a name. The resolved name must match the defined hostname of the TEDG. If the defined hostname of the TEDG and the resolved name differ, including case, the NI connection fails. Such a failure may not be evident from either the GWTOPEND log file or the remote BEA TOP END NI log file. As a general rule, ensure that the hostname definitions match in the DMCONFIG file, the TOP END NI configuration file, the TOP END nodemap file, the TOP END tp_alias file, and the locally configured name resolution facilities. For further information on NI name resolution, refer to the tp_alias(4T) reference page in the BEA TOP END Programmer's Reference Manual.

TP_SYSTEM = string [1..8]

Defines the BEA TOP END system associated with this local or remote domain access point. This parameter accepts a string that corresponds to the BEA TOP END system name. The BEA TOP END system name may contain from 1 to 8 characters, excluding any trailing NULL. ASCII characters ranging from " "(32) through "~" (126), excluding "/" (47) are valid for this string. The value of string must match the value of the TP_SYSTEM environment variable, which is defined in the nm_script (4T) file on the BEA TOP END system.

Optional parameters for the DM_TOPEND section

NWDEVICE = string[1..78]

Specifies the network device to be used when binding to the network address of this local or remote domain access point. For a local domain access point, this attribute specifies the device to be used for listening. For a remote domain access point, this attribute specifies the device to be used when connecting to the remote domain access point.

The NWDEVICE parameter is not required. In earlier releases, if the networking functionality is TLI-based, the network device name must be an absolute pathname.

Multiple entries for the same access point in the DM_TOPEND section

If this DM_TOPEND entry is a local domain access point (as specified in the DM_LOCAL section), its NWADDR is a network address to be used to listen for incoming connections. Entries associated with a local domain access point can be specified more than once in the DM_TOPEND section, to allow for migration of the resources associated with a local access point to another machine in the BEA Tuxedo domain.

Entries associated with a remote domain access point (as specified in the DM_REMOTE section) can also be specified more than once in the DM_TOPEND section. The first entry is considered to be the primary address, which means its NWADDR is the first network address tried when a connection is being attempted to the remote domain access point. The second entry is considered to be the secondary address, which means its NWADDR is the second network address tried when a connection cannot be established using the primary address. The network addresses of subsequent entries are used if the network addresses of all previous entries have failed. A connection attempt fails when all configured network addresses have been tried. Entries associated with a remote domain access point can be specified an unlimited number of times. Configuring too many network addresses or addresses that may not be operational can degrade performance.

If this DM_TOPEND entry is another occurrence of a remote domain access point, the entry is used only when a network connection cannot be established using the NWADDR of the primary entry (and any prior secondary entries). For every secondary entry:

Secondary remote gateway definitions are not recommended for use with TOP END domain gateways.

Note: For multiple entries of a local or remote domain access point in the DM_TOPEND section, only the multiple instances of the NWADDR parameter are read by the Domains software. For multiple instances of any other parameter, only the first instance of the parameter is read by the Domains software; all other instances are ignored.


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