
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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The NETGROUPS section describes the network groups available to the application in the LAN environment. Any pair of machines may be in any number of network groups. Two communicating nodes use the priority mechanism in order to determine how to communicate between elements of its group.

Every LMID must be a member of the default network group, DEFAULTNET. Machines running BEA Tuxedo releases earlier than release 6.4 (in which NETGROUPS became available) can belong only to the DEFAULTNET network group. The network group number (NETGRPNO) for DEFAULTNET is 0 (zero), and may not be changed. The default priority of DEFAULTNET, however, may be modified.

The general format for entries in this section is:

NETGROUP required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where NETGROUP is the network group name. If NETGROUP is equal to DEFAULTNET then the entry describes the default network group.

Required parameters are:

NETGRPNO = numeric_value

This is a unique network group number which must be assigned by the administrator for use in failover and failback situations. If this entry describes DEFAULTNET, the numeric value must be 0 (zero).

Optional parameters are:

NETPRIO = numeric_value

Specifies the priority of this network group. A pair of machines in multiple network groups of the same priority will communicate in parallel over the priority band as long as no network group of a higher priority is available. If all the network links of a certain priority band have been torn down by the administrator or by network conditions, the next lowest priority band is used. Retries of the higher priority bands will be attempted. (For more information, see Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application.) This value must be greater than zero and less than 8192. If not specified, the default is 100. Note that this is the only parameter of the DEFAULTNET that can be altered.

Note: Parallel data circuits are prioritized by network group number (NETGRPNO) within priority group number.


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