
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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This section provides information on the initial conditions for servers started in the system. The notion of a server as a process that continually runs and waits for a server group's service requests to process, may or may not apply to a particular remote environment. For many environments, the operating system or perhaps a remote gateway will be the sole dispatcher of services; when either of these is the case, only SERVICE table entries (see next section) and no SERVER table entries need be specified for remote program entry points; BEA Tuxedo system gateway servers would advertise and queue remote domain service requests. Host-specific reference pages must indicate whether or not UBBCONFIG server table entries apply in their particular environments, and if so, the corresponding semantics. Lines within the SERVERS section have the form:

AOUT required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where AOUT specifies the file (string_value) to be executed by tmboot(1). tmboot executes AOUT on the machine specified for the server group to which the server belongs. tmboot searches for the AOUT file on its target machine. Thus, AOUT must exist in a filesystem on that machine. (Of course, the path to AOUT can include RFS connections to filesystems on other machines.) If a relative pathname for a server is given, the search for AOUT is done first in APPDIR, then in TUXDIR/bin, then in /bin, and then in path, where path is the value of the last PATH= line appearing in the machine environment file, if one exists. The values for APPDIR and TUXDIR are taken from the appropriate machine entry in the TUXCONFIG file. See ENVFILE in the MACHINES section for a more detailed discussion.

For BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later, the maximum length of AOUT in the SERVERS section is 256 bytes. For BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier, the maximum length of AOUT in the SERVERS section is 78 bytes.

Required parameters are:

SRVGRP = string_value

Specifies the group name for the group in which the server is to run. string_value must be the logical name associated with a server group in the GROUPS section. It must be 30 characters or less. This association with an entry in the GROUPS section means that AOUT is executed on the machine with the LMID specified for the server group. It also specifies the GRPNO for the server group and parameters to pass when the associated resource manager is opened. All server entries must have a server group parameter specified.

SRVID = number

Specifies an integer that uniquely identifies a server within a group. Identifiers must be between 1 and 30,000 inclusive. This parameter must be present on every server entry.

The optional parameters are divided into two categories: boot options and run-time options. Boot options are used by tmboot(1) when it executes a server. Once running, a server reads its entry from the configuration file to determine its run-time options. The unique server ID is used to find the right entry.

Optional boot parameters are:

CLOPT = string_value

Specifies servopts(5) options to be passed to AOUT when booted. If none is specified, the default is -A. string_value can be up to 256 bytes in length.

SEQUENCE = number

Specifies when this server should be booted or shutdown relative to other servers. If the SEQUENCE parameter is not specified, servers are booted in the order found in the SERVERS section (and shut down in the reverse order). If a mixture of servers with and without sequence numbers is given, all servers with sequence numbers are booted first from low to high sequence number, then all servers without sequence numbers are booted in the order they appear in the configuration file. Sequence numbers must be in the range between 1 and 9999.

MIN = number

Specifies the minimum number of occurrences of the server to boot by tmboot. If an RQADDR is specified and MIN is greater than 1, the servers will form an MSSQ set. The server identifiers for the servers will be SRVID up to SRVID + MAX - 1. All occurrences of the server will have the same sequence number, as well as any other server parameters. The value range for MIN is 0 to 1000. If not specified, the default is 1.

MAX = number

Specifies the maximum number of occurrences of the server that can be booted. Initially, tmboot boots MIN servers, and additional servers can be booted up to MAX occurrences using the -i option of tmboot to specify the associated server identifier. The value range for MAX is MIN to 1000. If not specified, the default is the same value as MIN.

Optional run-time parameters are:

ENVFILE = string_value[0..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

requests the addition of the values in this file to the environment of the server during its initialization. If a server is associated with a server group that can be migrated to a second machine, the ENVFILE must be in the same location on both machines.

Note that this file is processed after the server starts. Therefore, it cannot be used to set the pathnames used to find executable or dynamically loaded files needed to execute the server; use the machine ENVFILE instead. See ENVFILE in the MACHINES section for a discussion of how this file is used to modify the environment.

CONV = {Y | N}

Specifies whether or not the server is a conversational server. Connections can only be made to conversational servers, and rpc requests (via tpacall() or tpcall()) can only be made to non-conversational servers. The default is N.

RQADDR = string_value

Specifies the symbolic name of the request queue for AOUT. It must be 30 characters or less. If not specified, a unique key (GRPNO.SRVID) is chosen for a queue that AOUT accesses. Specifying the same RQADDR and same executable name for more than one server is the way multiple server, single queue (MSSQ) sets are achieved. If two servers are given an RQADDR with the same queue name, they must be in the same server group.

RQPERM = number

Specifies the numeric permissions on the request queue. number is specified in the usual UNIX fashion (for example, 0600). If RQPERM is not specified, and a PERM is specified in the RESOURCES section, that value is used. Otherwise, a value 0666 is used. The value can be between 0001 and 0777, inclusive.

REPLYQ = {Y | N}

Specifies whether a reply queue should be established for the AOUT. If Y is specified, the reply queue is created on the same LMID as the AOUT. The default is N. For servers in an MSSQ set, servers that expect replies should have REPLYQ set to Y.

Note: The value of REPLYQ for conversational servers is always forced to Y, regardless of the value assigned to it in the UBBCONFIG file.

RPPERM = number

Specifies the numeric permissions on the reply queue. number is specified in the usual UNIX fashion (for example, 0600). If RPPERM is not specified, the default 0666 is used. If requests and replies are both read from the same queue, only RQPERM need be specified; RPPERM is ignored. The value can be between 0001 and 0777, inclusive.

RCMD = string_value[0..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

If AOUT is restartable, this parameter specifies the command that should be executed when AOUT abnormally terminates. The string, up to the first space or tab, must be the name of an executable UNIX file, either a full pathname or relative to APPDIR (do not attempt to set a shell variable at the beginning of the command). The command name may be optionally followed by command line arguments. Two additional arguments are appended to the command line: the GRPNO and SRVID associated with the restarting server. string_value is executed in parallel with restarting the server.

MAXGEN = number

If AOUT is restartable, this parameter specifies that it can be restarted at most number - 1 times within the period specified by GRACE. The value must be greater than 0 and less than 256. If not specified, the default is 1 (which means that the server can be started once, but not restarted).

GRACE = number

If AOUT is restartable, this parameter specifies that it can have up to MAXGEN lives within the specified number of seconds. The value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 2147483648. If 0, the AOUT can be restarted an unlimited number of times. If GRACE is not specified, the default is 86,400 seconds (24 hours).


Specifies whether or not AOUT is restartable. The default is N. If server migration is specified, RESTART must be set to Y. Note that a server terminated with a SIGTERM signal cannot be restarted; it must be rebooted.

SYSTEM_ACCESS = identifier[,identifier]

Specifies the default mode used by BEA Tuxedo system libraries within application processes to gain access to BEA Tuxedo system's internal tables. Valid access types are FASTPATH or PROTECTED. FASTPATH specifies that the internal tables should be accessible by the libraries via shared memory for fast access. PROTECTED specifies that while the internal tables are accessible by BEA Tuxedo system libraries via shared memory, the shared memory for these tables is not accessible outside of the BEA Tuxedo system libraries. NO_OVERRIDE can be specified (either alone or in conjunction with FASTPATH or PROTECTED) to indicate that the mode selected cannot be overridden by an application process. If SYSTEM_ACCESS is not specified, the default mode is determined by the setting of the SYSTEM_ACCESS keyword in the RESOURCES section.

Limitation: Setting SYSTEM_ACCESS to PROTECTED may not be effective for multithreaded servers because it is possible that while one thread is executing BEA Tuxedo code, which means it is attached to the bulletin board, another thread might be executing user code. The BEA Tuxedo system cannot prevent such situations.


Specifies the maximum number of concurrently dispatched threads which each server process may spawn. This parameter is effective only if the server has been built with the buildserver -t command.

If MAXDISPATCHTHREADS > 1, a separate dispatcher thread is used and does not count against this limit. It is required that MINDISPATCHTHREADS <= MAXDISPATCHTHREADS. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 1.


Specifies the number of server dispatch threads started on initial server boot. This parameter is effective only if the server has been built with the buildserver -t command.

The separate dispatcher thread that is used when MAXDISPATCHTHREADS > 1 is not counted as part of the MINDISPATCHTHREADS value. It is required that MINDISPATCHTHREADS <= MAXDISPATCHTHREADS. The default for this parameter is 0.


Specifies the size of the stack created for each dispatch thread in a multithreaded server. This value must be greater than or equal to 0 or less than or equal to 2147483647. The default is 0. This parameter has an effect on the server only when a value greater than 1 is specified for MAXDISPATCHTHREADS.

If this parameter is not specified or if the value specified is 0, a default thread stack size is used. The default size used is the operating system default size unless that value is known to be insufficient for a multithreaded BEA Tuxedo application, in which case the BEA Tuxedo default size is used. Currently, the BEA Tuxedo default thread stack size is 1,024,000.

Note that if the thread stack size is exceeded, the server will core dump.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME = string_value [0..511]

Specifies the security principal name identification string to be used for authentication purposes by an application running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character). The principal name specified for this parameter becomes the identity of one or more system processes running on this server.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. A principal name at a particular configuration level can be overridden at a lower level. If SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is not specified at any of these levels, the principal name for the application defaults to the DOMAINID string specified in the RESOURCES section for this application.

Note that SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is one of a trio of parameters, the other two being SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION and SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR. The latter two parameters pertain to opening decryption keys during application booting for the system processes running in a BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later application. When only SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is specified at a particular level, the system sets each of the other two parameters to a NULL (zero length) string.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION = string_value [0..511]

Specifies the location of the file or device where the decryption (private) key for the principal specified in SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME resides. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).

SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. When specified at any of these levels, this parameter must be paired with the SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter; otherwise, its value is ignored. (SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR is optional; if not specified, the system sets it to a NULL—zero length—string.)

SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR = string_value [0..511]

Specifies the variable in which the password for the principal specified in SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is stored. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).

SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. When specified at any of these levels, this parameter must be paired with the SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter; otherwise, its value is ignored. (SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION is optional; if not specified, the system sets it to a NULL—zero length—string.)

During initialization, the administrator must provide the password for each of the decryption keys configured with SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR. (tmloadcf(1) prompts for the password.) The system automatically encrypts the password entered by the administrator and assigns each encrypted password to the associated password variable.


if the string contains only numeric characters, than number specifies the maximum number of service cache entries this server can keep. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,768. Otherwise, the string can take the value DEFAULT, in which case the number of services to cache will come from the MACHINE section entry that corresponds to this server. If a value is not specified, it will take the string DEFAULT as a valid value. A value of 0 implies that no service caching will be performed by any process on this machine. The maximum value this parameter can take is 32,767.


Use the CONCURR_STRATEGY parameter to specify the threading model to be used by a multithreaded CORBA server application. The CONCURR_STRATEGY parameter accepts either of the following values:



When you specify CONCURR_STRATEGY = PER_REQUEST to employ the thread-per-request model, each invocation on the CORBA server application is assigned to an arbitrary thread from the threads pool.

When you specify CONCURR_STRATEGY = PER_OBJECT to employ the thread-per-object model, each active object is associated with a single thread at any one time. Each request for an object establishes an association between a dispatch thread and the object.

Note: User-controlled concurrency takes precedence over threading model. Therefore, once user-controlled concurrency is chosen, the threading models behave the same so the behavior is consistent for instances of an object in the same process in multiple threads as it is for instances of an object in separate processes.

For a description of Parallel Objects, refer to Parallel Objects in the BEA Tuxedo CORBA Programming Reference.


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