
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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This section provides information for defining application-wide default parameters for CORBA interfaces used by the application. There are no required parameters for CORBA interfaces unless you are implementing factory-based routing, a feature that allows you to distribute processing to specific server groups. If you are implementing factory-based routing, you must specify the following parameters:

Table 65 Factory-based Routing Parameters

In this section...

You must specify...



Routing criteria


Names of the server groups


For details about factory-based routing and the parameters associated with it, see ROUTING Section.

You do not need to list any CORBA interfaces if you do not want to specify any parameters.

The following optional parameters are available.


Indicates that you want the system to automatically initiate a transaction on every operation invocation and end it upon return from the invocation. The AUTOTRAN parameter is only honored for interfaces that have the optional transaction policy. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored. The default is N.

The transactional policy is specified in an implementation configuration file. This transactional policy will become the transactional policy attribute of the associated T_IFQUEUE MIB object at run time.

Before setting the AUTOTRAN value, the system administrator must know the value of the transactional policy assigned to the interface by the programmer. Without knowing the policy, the administrator's expectations of run-time AUTOTRAN functionality may be wrong.

If AUTOTRAN is set to Y, the TRANTIME parameter must also be set.

FACTORYROUTING = criteria_name

Required if you want to use a routing criteria when creating object references for this interface. The routing criteria is specified in the ROUTING section of the UBBCONFIG file.

LOAD = number

An arbitrary number between 1 and 100 that represents the relative load that the CORBA interface is expected to impose on the system. The numbering scheme is relative to the LOAD numbers assigned to other CORBA interfaces used by this application. The default is 50. The value of LOAD is used in a CORBA environment to select the best machine to enqueue a request. The routing of the request causes the server's total load to be increased by the LOAD factor of the CORBA interface requested.

PRIO = number

Specifies the dequeuing priority number for all methods of the CORBA interface. The value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100. 100 is the highest priority. The default is 50.

SRVGRP = server-group-name

Indicates that any parameter defined in this portion of the INTERFACES section applies to the interface within the specified server group. This feature lets you define, for a given CORBA interface, different parameter values in different server groups.

TRANTIME = number

The length of the time out (in seconds) for the transactions to be computed. If AUTOTRAN is set to Y, you must set the TRANTIME parameter. The value must be greater than or equal to zero and must not exceed 2147483647 (231  - 1), or about 68 years. A value of 0 implies there is no time out for the transaction. (The default is 30 seconds.)

TIMEOUT = number

Indicates the amount of time (in seconds) to allow for processing of a method for this CORBA interface. The value must be greater than or equal to 0. A value of 0 indicates that the interface cannot time out. A timed-out method causes the server processing the method for the interface to terminate with a SIGKILL event. We recommend specifying a timeout value for the longest-running method for the interface.


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