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dmloadcf—Parses a DMCONFIG file and loads a binary BDMCONFIG configuration file.


dmloadcf [-c] [-n] [-y] [-b blocks] {DMCONFIG_file | - }


dmloadcf reads a file or standard input that is in DMCONFIG syntax, checks the syntax, and optionally loads a binary BDMCONFIG configuration file. The BDMCONFIG environment variable points to the pathname of the BDMCONFIG file where the information should be stored.

dmloadcf prints an error message if it finds any required section of the DMCONFIG file missing. If a syntax error is found while the input file is being parsed, dmloadcf exits without performing any updates to the BDMCONFIG file.

dmloadcf requires the existence of the $TUXDIR/udataobj/DMTYPE file. This file defines valid domain types. If this file does not exist, dmloadcf exits without performing any updates to the BDMCONFIG file.

The effective user identifier of the person running dmloadcf must match the UID in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file.

The -c option to dmloadcf causes the program to print the minimum amount of IPC resources needed for each local domain (gateway group) in this configuration. The BDMCONFIG file is not updated.

The -n option to dmloadcf causes the program to do only syntax checking of the text DMCONFIG file without updating the BDMCONFIG file.

After syntax checking, dmloadcf checks whether the file referenced by the BDMCONFIG environment variable exists, is a valid BEA Tuxedo file, and contains BDMCONFIG tables. If these conditions are not true, dmloadcf gives the user a chance to create and initialize the file by displaying the following prompt:

Initialize BDMCONFIG file: path [y, q]?

Here path is the complete filename of the BDMCONFIG file. Prompting is suppressed if the standard input and output are not directed to a terminal, or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than "y" or "Y" causes dmloadcf to exit without creating a binary configuration file.

If the BDMCONFIG file is not properly initialized, and the user has entered y after the Initialize BDMCONFIG file prompt, dmloadcf creates the BEA Tuxedo filesystem and creates the BDMCONFIG tables. If the -b option is specified on the command line, its argument defines the number of blocks for the device when the BEA Tuxedo filesystem is created. If the value of the -b option is large enough to hold the new BDMCONFIG tables, dmloadcf uses the specified value to create the new filesystem; otherwise, dmloadcf prints an error message and exits. If the -b option is not specified, dmloadcf creates a new filesystem large enough to hold the BDMCONFIG tables. The -b option is ignored if the filesystem already exists. The -b option is highly recommended if BDMCONFIG is a raw device (that is, a device that has not been initialized). In this case, -b should be used to set the number of blocks on the raw device. The -b option is not recommended if BDMCONFIG is a regular UNIX file.

If the BDMCONFIG file has been initialized already, dmloadcf ensures that the local domain described by that BDMCONFIG file is not running. If a local domain is running, dmloadcf prints an error message and exits. Otherwise, dmloadcf, to confirm that the file should be overwritten, prompts the user with:

"Really overwrite BDMCONFIG file [y, q]?"

Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output are not a terminal or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than "y" or "Y" will cause dmloadcf to exit without overwriting the file.

If the SECURITY parameter is specified in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file, dmloadcf flushes the standard input, turns off terminal echo, and prompts the user for an application password as follows: Enter Application Password? The password is limited to 30 characters. The option to load the text DMCONFIG file via the standard input (rather than a file) cannot be used when this SECURITY parameter is turned on. If the standard input is not a terminal, that is, if the user cannot be prompted for a password (as with a here file, for example), the environment variable APP_PW is accessed to set the application password. If the environment variable APP_PW is not set with the standard input not a terminal, dmloadcf will print an error message, generate a log message and fail to load the BDMCONFIG file.

If no errors have occurred and all checks have passed, dmloadcf loads the DMCONFIG file into the BDMCONFIG file. It overwrites all existing information found in the BDMCONFIG tables.

Domains Terminology Improvements

For BEA Tuxedo release 7.1 or later, the Domains MIB uses improved class and attribute terminology to describe the interaction between local and remote domains. The improved terminology has been applied to the DM_MIB reference page, classes, and error messages, and to the DMCONFIG reference page, section names, parameter names, and error messages. For details, see Domains Terminology Improvements in the DM_MIB(5) reference page.

For backwards compatibility, aliases are provided between the DMCONFIG terminology used prior to BEA Tuxedo 7.1 and the improved Domains MIB terminology. In BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later, dmloadcf accepts both versions of the DMCONFIG terminology. By default, dmunloadcf generates a DMCONFIG file that uses the improved domains terminology. Use the -c option of dmunloadcf to generate a DMCONFIG file that uses the previous domains terminology.


The dmloadcf administrative tool is supported on any platform on which the BEA Tuxedo server environment is supported.

Environment Variables

The BDMCONFIG environment variable should point to the BDMCONFIG file.


The following example shows how a binary configuration file is loaded from the bank.dmconfig text file. The BDMCONFIG device is created (or reinitialized) with 2000 blocks:

dmloadcf -b 2000 bank.dmconfig


If an error is detected in the input, the offending line is printed to standard error, along with a message indicating the problem. If a syntax error is found in the DMCONFIG file or the system is currently running, no information is updated in the BDMCONFIG file and dmloadcf exits with exit code 1.

If dmloadcf is run on an active node, the following error message is displayed:

*** dmloadcf cannot run on an active node ***

If dmloadcf is run by a person whose effective user identifier does not match the UID specified in the TUXCONFIG file, the following error message is displayed:

*** UID is not effective user ID ***

Upon successful completion, dmloadcf exits with exit code 0. If the BDMCONFIG file is updated, a userlog message is generated to record this event.

See Also

dmunloadcf(1), DMCONFIG(5), DMCONFIG for GWTOPEND(5), UBBCONFIG(5)

Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component

Using the BEA Tuxedo TOP END Domain Gateway with ATMI Applications


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