
Command Reference

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qmadmin—Queue manager administration program.


[QMCONFIG=<device>] qmadmin [<device>]


With the commands listed in this entry, qmadmin supports the creation, inspection, and modification of message queues. The universal device list (UDL) maps the physical storage space on a machine on which the BEA Tuxedo ATMI system is run. An entry in the UDL points to the disk space in which the queues and messages of a queue space are stored. The name of the device (file) on which the UDL resides (or will reside) for the queue space may be specified either as a command line argument or via the environment variable QMCONFIG. If both are specified, the command option is used.

As a system-provided command, qmadmin does not undergo normal initialization, so it does not pick up the value of ULOGPFX from the UBBCONFIG file. As a result, any log entries generated by qmadmin commands are written to the current working directory. This is corrected by setting and exporting the ULOGPFX environment variable to the pathname of the directory in which the userlog is located.

qmadmin uses the greater than sign (>) as a prompt. Arguments are entered separated by white space (tabs and/or spaces). Arguments that contain white space may be enclosed within double quotes; if an argument enclosed within double quotes contains a double quote, the internal double quote must be preceded with a backslash. Commands prompt for required information if it is not given on the command line. A warning message is displayed and the prompt shown again, if a required argument is not entered. Commands do not prompt for information on optional parameters.

A user can exit the program by entering q or <CTRL-d> when prompted for a command. Output from a command may be terminated by pressing BREAK; the program then prompts for the next command. Hitting return when prompted for a command repeats the previously executed command, except after a break.

Note that there is no way to effectively cancel a command once you press RETURN; hitting BREAK only terminates output from the command, if any. Therefore, be sure that you type a command exactly as you intended before pressing RETURN.

Output from qmadmin commands is paginated according to the pagination command in use (see the paginate subcommand below).

When qmadmin is initially entered, no queue space is opened. To create a queue space, run qspacecreate; to open it, run qopen. The qaborttrans, qclose, qchangeprio, qchangequeue, qchangetime, qchangeexptime, qcommittrans, qchange, qcreate, qdeletemsg, qinfo, qlist, qprinttrans and qset commands can be executed only when a queue space is open.

The following table lists the qmadmin commands grouped by functional type.

Command Type





Echoes input command lines


Prints help messages


Paginates output


Terminates the session


Produces output in verbose mode

! shellcommand

Escapes to shell and executes shellcommand


Repeats previous shell command


Indicates comment lines


Repeats the last command

Queue Space


Changes the name for a universal device list entry


Creates an entry in the universal device list


Destroys an entry found in the universal device list


Removes IPC data structures used for the queue space


Lists IPC data structures used for the queue space


Prints the universal device list


Prints information for all VTOC table entries


Adds an extent to the queue space


Closes the currently open queue space


Opens and initializes structures for the queue space


Computes the size of shared memory needed for a queue space


Changes the parameters for a queue space


Creates a queue space for queued messages


Destroys the named queue space


Lists the creation parameters for the queue space



Modifies a queue in the currently open queue space


Creates a queue in the currently open queue space


Destroys the named queue


Lists information for associated queue or for all queues



Changes the expiration time for messages on a queue


Changes the priority for messages on a queue


Moves messages to a different queue within the same queue space


Changes the execution time for messages on a queue


Deletes messages from a queue


Lists messages on a queue


Sets selection criteria used by other commands


Sets the queue name used by other commands



Aborts a precommitted transaction


Commits a precommitted transaction


Prints transaction table information for outstanding transactions

qmadmin Commands

Commands may be entered either by their full name or their abbreviation (if available, the abbreviation is listed below in parentheses following the full name), followed by any appropriate arguments. Arguments appearing in square brackets ([]) are optional; those in curly braces ({}) indicate a selection from mutually exclusive options.

chdl [dlindex [newdevice]]

Changes the name for a universal device list entry. The first argument is the index of the device on the universal device list that is to be changed (device indexes are returned by lidl). The program prompts for it if it is not provided on the command line.

The second argument is the new device name. If a device name is not provided on the command line, the program prints the current device name and then prompts for a new one. The name is limited to 64 characters in length. Use this command cautiously; files and data are not accessible via the old name after the device name is changed.

For more information about printing the Universal Device List (UDL) and Volume Table of Contents (VTOC), see Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time.

crdl [device [offset [size]]]

Creates an entry in the universal device list. Note: The first entry in the device list must correspond to the device that is referenced by QMCONFIG and must have an offset of 0. If arguments are not provided on the command line, the program prompts for them.

The arguments are the device name, the block number at which space may begin to be allocated, and the number of physical pages (disk sectors) to be allocated.

More than one extent can be allocated to a given file. You can, for example, allocate /app/queues/myspace 0 500, and then allocate /app/queues/myspace 1000 500, for a total of 1000 blocks allocated with blocks 500 through 999 not being used.

Several blocks from the first device entry are used by the device list and table of contents. Up to 25 entries may be created on the device list.

dsdl [-y] [dlindex]

Destroys an entry found in the universal device list. The dlindex argument is the index on the universal device list of the device that is to be removed from the device list. If it is not provided on the command line, the program prompts for it. Entry 0 cannot be removed until all VTOC files and other device list entries are destroyed. (Because entry 0 contains the device that holds the device list and table of contents, destroying it also destroys these two tables.) VTOC files can be removed only by removing the associated entities (for example, by destroying a queue space that resides on the device). The program prompts for confirmation unless -y is specified.

echo (e) [{off | on}]

Echoes input command lines when set to on. If no option is given, the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.

help (h) [{command | all}]

Prints help messages. If a command is specified, the abbreviation, arguments, and description for that command are printed. The all argument causes a description of all commands to be displayed.

If no arguments are specified on the command line, the syntax of all commands is displayed.

ipcrm [-f] [-y] [queue_space_name]

Removes the IPC data structures used for the specified queue space. If a queue space name is not provided on the command line, the program prompts for one. If the specified queue space is open in qmadmin, it will be closed. ipcrm knows all IPC resources used by the queue space and is the only way that the IPC resources should be removed. qmadmin ensures that no other processes are attached to the queue space before removing the IPC resources. The -f option can be specified to force removal of IPC resources even if other processes are attached. This command prompts for confirmation before execution if the -f option is specified, unless the -y option is specified. All non-persistent messages in the specified queue space are permanently lost when this command completes successfully.

ipcs [queue_space_name]

Lists the IPC data structures used for a queue space, if any (none may be used if the queue space is not opened by any process). If a queue space name is not provided on the command line, the program prompts for one.

lidl [dlindex]

Prints the universal device list. For each device the following is listed: the index, the name, the starting block, and the number of blocks on the device. In verbose mode, a map is printed that shows free space (starting address and size of free space). If dlindex is specified, only the information for that device list entry is printed.


Prints information for all VTOC table entries. The information printed for each entry includes the name of the VTOC table, the device on which it is found, the offset of the VTOC table from the beginning of the device and the number of pages allocated for that table. There are a maximum of 100 entries in the VTOC.

paginate (page) [{off|on}]

Paginates output. If no option is given, the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is on, unless either standard input or standard output is a non-terminal device. Pagination may be turned on only when both standard input and standard output are terminal devices.

The default paging command is the pager indigenous to the native operating system environment. The command pg, for example, is the default command on the UNIX operating system. The shell environment variable PAGER may be used to override the default command used for paging output.

qaborttrans (qabort) [-y] [tranindex]

Heuristically aborts the precommitted transaction associated with the specified transaction index, tranindex. If the transaction index is not specified on the command line, the program prompts for it. If the transaction is known to be decided and the decision was to commit, qaborttrans fails. The index is taken from the previous execution of the qprinttrans command. Confirmation is requested unless the -y option is specified. This command should be used with care.

qaddext [queue_space_name [pages]]

Adds an extent to the queue space. The queue space must not be active (no processes can be attached to the queue space). If a queue space name and the number of additional physical pages to allocate for the queue space are not specified on the command line, the program prompts for them. If the specified queue space is open in qmadmin, it will be closed. The number of physical pages is rounded down to the nearest multiple of four pages (see qspacecreate for clarification and examples). Space is allocated from extents defined in the UDL associated with the QMCONFIG device. Each new queue space extent uses an additional entry in the VTOC (a maximum of 100 entries are available). The queue manager names the extents such that they can be identified quickly and associated with the queue space. All non-persistent messages in the specified queue space are permanently lost when this command completes successfully.

qchange [-d persist|nonpersist] [-n nhigh,nlow,ncmd]
[-e default_relative_expiration_time]
[queue_name [out-of-order [retries [delay [high [low [cmd]]]]]]]

Modifies a queue in the currently open queue space. The required arguments may be given on the command line or the program will prompt for them. These are the queue name, whether out-of-order enqueuing is allowed (not allowed, top of queue, or before a specified msgid); the number of retries and delay time in seconds between retries; and the high and low limits for execution of a threshold command and the threshold command itself for persistent messaging.

The out-of-order values are none, top, and msgid. Both top and msgid may be specified, separated by a comma.

The threshold values are used to allow for automatic execution of a command when a threshold is reached for persistent messages. The high limit specifies when the command is executed. The low limit must be reached before the command is executed again when the high limit is reached. For example, if the limits are 100 and 50 messages, the command is executed when 100 messages are on the queue, and it is not executed again until the queue is drained down to 50 messages and is filled again to 100 messages. The queue capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks used by the queue (number followed by a b or B suffix), percentage of the queue space used by the queue (number followed by a %), or total number of messages on the queue (number followed by an m). The threshold type for the high and low threshold values must be the same. It is optional whether or not the type is specified on the low value, but if specified, it must match the high value type. The message (m) suffix spans both persistent and non-persistent messages. The other threshold suffixes apply only to persistent messages. Use the -n option to specify threshold values for non-persistent messages. When specified on the command line, the threshold command should be enclosed in double quotation marks if it contains white space. The retry count indicates how many times a message can be dequeued and the transaction rolled back, causing the message to be put back on the queue. A delay between retries can also be specified. When the retry count is reached, the message is moved to the error queue defined for the queue space. If no error queue has been defined, the message is dropped. The queue ordering values for the queue cannot be changed. Low-priority messages are dequeued after every ten messages, even if the queue still contains high-priority messages.

The -d option specifies the default delivery policy for the queue. The valid values for the -d option are persist and nonpersist. When the default delivery policy is persist, enqueued messages with no explicitly specified delivery mode are delivered using the persistent (disk-based) delivery method. When the policy is nonpersist, enqueued messages with no explicitly specified delivery mode are delivered using the non-persistent (in memory) delivery method. If the -d option is not specified, the system does not prompt for information and the default delivery policy is unchanged. When the default delivery policy is modified, the delivery quality of service is not changed for messages already in the queue. If the queue being modified is the reply queue named for any messages currently in the queue space, the reply quality of service is not changed for those messages as a result of changing the default delivery policy of the queue.

If a non-persistent message cannot be enqueued due to an exhausted or fragmented memory area, the enqueuing operation fails, even if there is sufficient persistent storage for the message. If a persistent message cannot be enqueued due to an exhausted or fragmented disk, the enqueuing operation fails, even if there is sufficient non-persistent storage for the message.

If the amount of memory reserved for non-persistent messages in a queue space is zero (0), no space is reserved for non-persistent messages. (See qspacecreate and qspacechange for information on specifying the non-persistent message memory area.) In this case, attempts to enqueue a non-persistent message fail. This includes messages with no specified delivery quality of service for which the target queue has a default delivery policy of nonpersist.

The -n option specifies the threshold values used for automatic execution of a command when a non-persistent storage area threshold is reached. The nhigh limit specifies when the command ncmd is executed. The nlow limit must be reached before the command will be executed again when the nhigh limit is reached. If the -n option is specified, the nhigh, nlow, and ncmd values must all be supplied, or the command fails. The ncmd value may be specified as an empty string. If the -n option is not specified, the program does not prompt for information.

The memory capacity (amount of non-persistent data in the queue) can be specified as one of the following threshold types: bytes (b), blocks (B), or percentage (number followed by %). The threshold type for the nhigh and nlow values must be the same. For example, if nhigh is set to 100%, then nlow, if specified, must also be specified as a percentage. The threshold type of the nlow value is optional. If the -n option is not specified, the default threshold values for non-persistent messaging are unchanged. If ncmd contains white space, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

The m suffix of the [ . . . [high[low[cmd]]] . . . ] thresholds applies to all messages in a queue, including both persistent and non-persistent messages, and therefore is not available with nhigh and nlow. The [ . . . [high[low[cmd]]] . . . ] thresholds specified without the -m suffix apply to persistent (disk-based) messages only.

The -e default_relative_expiration_time option sets an expiration time for all messages enqueued to the queue that do not have an explicitly specified expiration time. The expiration time may be either a relative expiration time or none. When the expiration time is reached and the message has not been dequeued or administratively deleted, the message is removed from the queue, all resources associated with the message are reclaimed by the system, and statistics are updated. If the expiration time is before the message availability time, the message is not available for dequeuing unless either the availability or expiration time is changed so that the availability time is before the expiration time. In addition, these messages are removed from the queue at expiration time even if they were never available for dequeuing. If a message expires during a transaction, the expiration does not cause the transaction to fail. Messages that expire while being enqueued or dequeued within a transaction are removed from the queue when the transaction ends. There is no notification when a message has expired.

If the -e option is not specified, the default expiration time of the queue is not changed. When the queue's expiration time is modified using qchange, the expiration times for messages already in the queues are not modified. If the -e option is not specified, the program does not prompt for it.

The format of a relative default_relative_expiration_time is +seconds where seconds is the number of seconds from the time that the queue manager successfully completes the operation to the time that the message expires. A value of zero (0) indicates immediate expiration.The value of default_relative_expiration_time may also be set to the string none. The none string indicates that messages that are enqueued with no explicit expiration time will not expire unless an expiration time is explicitly assigned to them.

qchangeexp (qce) -y [newtime]

Changes the expiration time for messages on a queue. When a message expires, it is removed from the queue, all resources used by the message are reclaimed by the system, and the relevant statistics are updated. If the expiration time is before the message availability time, the message is not available for dequeuing unless either the availability or expiration time is changed so that the availability time is before the expiration time. In addition, these messages are removed from the queue at expiration time even if they were never available for dequeuing. If a message expires during a transaction, the expiration does not cause the transaction to fail. Messages that expire while being enqueued or dequeued within a transaction are removed from the queue when the transaction ends. There is no notification when a message has expired.

The queue for which an expiration time is set is selected using the qset command. Selection criteria for limiting the messages to be updated are set with the qscan command. If no selection criterion is set, all messages on the queue are changed. By default, a confirmation is requested before the expiration time is set. The -y option specifies no prompt for confirmation. The newtime value can be relative to either the current time, an absolute value, or none. If the newtime value is not provided on the command line, the program prompts for it.

Messages enqueued by versions of the BEA Tuxedo ATMI system that do not support message expiration cannot be modified to have an expiration time even when the queue manager responsible for changing the value supports message expiration. If messages affected by qchangeexp have been enqueued by one of these versions of the BEA Tuxedo ATMI system, an error message indicates that some of the selected messages were not modified due to this limitation.

A relative expiration time is relative to when the request arrives at the queue manager process. The format of a relative newtime is +seconds where seconds is the number of seconds from the time that the queue manager successfully completes the operation to the time that the message expires. If seconds is set to zero (0), messages expire immediately. An absolute expiration time is determined by the clock on the machine where the queue manager process resides. The format of an absolute newtime is YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]] as described in qscan. The value of newtime may also be set to the string none, which indicates that affected messages never expire.

qchangeprio (qcp) [-y] [newpriority]

Changes the priority for messages on a queue. The queue that is affected is set using the qset command and the selection criteria for limiting the messages to be updated are set using the qscan command.

If no selection criteria are set, all messages on the queue are changed: confirmation is requested before this is done unless the -y option is specified. It is recommended that the qlist command be executed to see what messages will be modified (this reduces typographical errors). The newpriority value specifies the new priority which will be used when the message(s) are forwarded for processing. It must be in the range 1 to 100, inclusive. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it.

qchangequeue (qcq) [-y] [newqueue]

Moves messages to a different queue within the same queue space. The queue from which messages are moved is set using the qset command and the selection criteria for limiting the messages to be moved are set using the qscan command. If no selection criteria are set, all messages on the queue are moved: confirmation is requested before this is done unless the -y option is specified. It is recommended that the qlist command be executed to see what messages will be moved (this reduces typographical errors). The newqueue value specifies the name of the queue to which messages will be moved. If newqueue is not specified on the command line, the program prompts for it. The delivery quality of service of a message is not changed to match the default delivery policy of newqueue.

When messages with an expiration time are moved, the expiration time is considered an absolute expiration time in the new queue, even if it was previously specified as a relative expiration time.

qchangetime (qct) [-y] [newtime]

Changes the message availability time for messages on a queue. The queue is specified using the qset command. The selection criteria for limiting the messages to be updated are set using the qscan command.

If no selection criteria are set, all messages on the queue are changed: confirmation is requested before this is done unless the -y option is specified. It is recommended that the qlist command be executed to see what messages will be modified (this reduces typographical errors). The newtime value can be either relative to the current time or an absolute value. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it. The format of a relative onetime is +seconds where seconds is the number of seconds from now that the message is to be executed (0 implies immediately). The format of an absolute newtime is YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]], as described in qscan.


Closes the currently open queue space. All non-persistent messages in the specified queue space are permanently lost when this command completes successfully.

qcommittrans (qcommit) [-y] [tranindex]

Heuristically commits the precommitted transaction associated with the specified transaction index tranindex. The program will prompt for the transaction index if not specified on the command line. If the transaction is known to be decided and the decision was to abort, qcommittrans will fail. The index is taken from the previous execution of the qprinttrans command. Confirmation is requested unless the -y option is specified. This command should be used with care.

qcreate (qcr) [-d persist|nonpersist] [-n nhigh,nlow,ncmd]
[-e default_relative_expiration_time]
[queue_name [qorder [out-of-order [retries [delay [high
[low [cmd]]]]]]]]

Creates a queue in the currently open queue space. The required arguments may be given on the command line or the program will prompt for them. These are the queue name, the queue ordering (fifo or lifo, by expiration time, by priority, by time); whether out-of-order enqueuing is allowed (not allowed, top of queue, before a specified msgid); the number of retries and delay time in seconds between retries; the high and low limits for execution of a threshold command; and the threshold command itself for persistent messages.

The queue ordering values are fifo, lifo, priority, expiration, and time. When specifying the queue ordering, the most significant sort value must be specified first, followed by the next most significant sort value, and so on; fifo or lifo can be specified only as the least significant (or only) sort value. If neither fifo or lifo is specified, the default is fifo within whatever other sort criteria are specified. If expiration is specified, messages with no expiration time are dequeued after all messages with an expiration time. Multiple sort values may be specified separated by commas. The out-of-order values are none, top, or msgid. Both top and msgid may be specified, separated by a comma.

The threshold values are used to allow for automatic execution of a command when a threshold is reached for persistent messages. The high limit specifies when the command is executed. The low limit must be reached before the command will be executed again when the high limit is reached. For example, if the limits are 100 and 50 messages, the command will be executed when 100 messages are on the queue, and will not be executed again until the queue has been drained below 50 messages and has filled again to 100 messages.

The queue capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks used by the queue (number followed by a b or B suffix), percentage of the queue space used by the queue (number followed by a %), or total number of messages on the queue (number followed by an m). The threshold type for the high and low threshold values must be the same. The message (m) suffix spans both persistent and non-persistent messages. The other threshold suffixes apply only to persistent messages. Use the -n option to specify threshold values for non-persistent messages. It is optional whether or not the type is specified on the low value, but if specified, it must match the high value type. When specified on the command line, the threshold command should be enclosed in double quotation marks if it contains white space.

The retry count indicates how many times a message can be dequeued and the transaction rolled back, causing the message to be put back on the queue. A delay between retries can also be specified. When the retry count is reached, the message is moved to the error queue defined for the queue space. If an error queue has not been defined, the message is dropped. Low-priority messages are dequeued after every ten messages, even if the queue still contains high-priority messages.

The -d option specifies the default delivery policy for the queue. The valid values for the -d option are persist and nonpersist. When the default delivery policy is persist, enqueued messages with no explicitly specified delivery mode are delivered using the persistent (disk-based) delivery method. When the policy is nonpersist, enqueued messages with no explicitly specified delivery mode are delivered using the non-persistent (in memory) delivery method. If the -d option is not specified, the system does not prompt for information and the default delivery policy for the queue is persist. When the default delivery policy is modified, the delivery quality of service is not changed for messages already in the queue.

If a non-persistent message cannot be enqueued due to an exhausted or fragmented memory area, the enqueuing operation fails, even if there is sufficient persistent storage for the message. If a persistent message cannot be enqueued due to an exhausted or fragmented disk, the enqueuing operation fails, even if there is sufficient non-persistent storage for the message.

If the amount of memory reserved for non-persistent messages in a queue space is zero (0), no space is reserved for non-persistent messages. (See qspacecreate and qspacechange for information on specifying the non-persistent message memory area.) In this case, attempts to enqueue a non-persistent message fail. This includes messages with no specified delivery quality of service for which the target queue has a default delivery policy of nonpersist.

The -n option specifies the threshold values used for automatic execution of a command when a non-persistent storage area threshold is reached. The nhigh limit specifies when the command ncmd is executed. The nlow limit must be reached before the command will be executed again when the nhigh limit is reached. If the -n option is specified, the nhigh, nlow, and ncmd values must all be supplied, or the command fails. The ncmd value may be specified as an empty string. If the -n option is not specified, the program does not prompt for information.

The memory capacity (amount of non-persistent data in the queue) can be specified as one of the following threshold types: bytes (b), blocks (B), or percentage (number followed by %). The threshold type for the nhigh and nlow values must be the same. For example, if nhigh is set to 100%, then nlow, if specified, must also be specified as a percentage. The threshold type of the nlow value is optional. If the -n option is not specified, the default threshold values are used (100% for nhigh and 0% for nlow) and ncmd is set to " ". If ncmd contains white space, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

The m suffix of the [ . . . [high[low[cmd]]] . . . ] thresholds applies to all messages in a queue, including both persistent and non-persistent messages, and therefore is not available with nhigh and nlow. The [ . . . [high[low[cmd]]] . . . ] thresholds specified without the -m suffix apply to persistent (disk-based) messages only.

The -e default_relative_expiration_time option sets an expiration time for all messages enqueued to the queue that do not have an explicitly specified expiration time. The expiration time may be either a relative expiration time or none. When the expiration time is reached and the message has not been dequeued or administratively deleted, the message is removed from the queue, all resources associated with the message are reclaimed by the system, and statistics are updated. If the expiration time is before the message availability time, the message is not available for dequeuing unless either the availability or expiration time is changed so that the availability time is before the expiration time. In addition, these messages are removed from the queue at expiration time even if they were never available for dequeuing. If a message expires during a transaction, the expiration does not cause the transaction to fail. Messages that expire while being enqueued or dequeued within a transaction are removed from the queue when the transaction ends. There is no notification when a message has expired.

If the -e option is not specified, the default expiration time of the queue is set to none. When the queue's expiration time is modified using qchange, the expiration times for messages already in the queues are not modified. If the -e option is not specified, the program does not prompt for it.

The format of a relative default_relative_expiration_time is +seconds where seconds is the number of seconds from the time that the queue manager successfully completes the operation to the time that the message expires. A value of zero (0) indicates immediate expiration.The value of default_relative_expiration_time may also be set to the string none. The none string indicates that messages that are enqueued with no explicit expiration time will not expire unless an expiration time is explicitly assigned to them.

qdeletemsg (qdltm) [-y]

Deletes messages from a queue. The queue is specified using the qset command. The selection criteria for limiting the messages to be deleted are set using the qscan command. If no selection criteria are set, all messages on the queue are deleted: confirmation is requested before this is done. It is recommended that the qlist command be executed to see what messages will be deleted (this reduces typographical errors). This command prompts for confirmation unless the -y option is specified.

qdestroy (qds) [{ -p | -f }] [-y] [queue_name]

Destroys the named queue. By default, an error is returned if requests exist on the queue or a process is attached to the queue space. The -p option can be specified to "purge" any messages from the queue and destroy it, if no processes are attached to the queue space. The -f option can be specified to "force" deletion of a queue, even if messages or processes are attached to the queue space; if a message is currently involved in a transaction the command fails and an error is written to the userlog. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -y option is specified.

qinfo [queue_name]

Lists information for associated queue or for all queues. This command lists the following: the number of messages on the specified queue (or all queues if no argument is given); the amount of space used by the messages associated with the queue (both persistent and non-persistent); the number of messages being delivered persistently and non-persistently; the total number of messages in the specified queues, and the amount of space used by the persistent and non-persistent messages. In verbose mode, this command also lists the queue creation parameters for each queue, the default expiration for the queue (if any), the sort criteria, and the default delivery policy for the queue.

qlist (ql)

Lists messages on a queue. The queue is specified using the qset command. The selection criteria for limiting the messages to be listed are set using the qscan command. If no selection criteria are set, all messages on the queue will be listed.

For each message selected, the message identifier is printed along with the message priority, the number of retries already attempted, message length, delivery quality of service, the quality of service for any replies, and the expiration time (if any). The message availability time is printed if one is associated with the message, or for messages that have a scheduled retry time (due to rollback of a transaction). The correlation identifier is printed if present and verbose mode is on.

qopen [queue_space_name]

Opens and initializes the internal structures for the specified queue space. If a queue space is not specified on the command line, the program prompts for it. If a queue space is already open in qmadmin, it is closed.

qprinttrans (qpt)

Prints transaction table information for currently outstanding transactions. The information includes the transaction identifier, an index used for aborting or committing transactions with qaborttrans or qcommittrans, and the transaction status.

qscan [{ [-t time1[-time2]] [-p priority1[-priority2]] [-m msgid]
[-i corrid][-d delivery_mode] [-e time1[-time2]] | none }]

Sets the selection criteria used for the qchangeprio, qchangequeue, qchangetime, qdeletemsg, and qlist commands. An argument of none indicates no selection criteria; all messages on the queue will be affected. Executing this command with no argument prints the current selection criteria values. When command line options give a value range (for example, -t, -e, or -p) the value range may not contain white space. The -t option can be used to indicate a time value or a time range. The format of time1 and time2 is: YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]] specifying the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Units omitted from the date-time value default to their minimum possible values. For example, "7502" is equivalent to "750201000000." The years 00-37 are treated as 2000-2037, years 70-99 are treated as 1970-1999, and 38-69 are invalid. The -p option can be used to indicate a priority value or a priority range. Priority values are in the range 1 to 100, inclusive. The -m option can be used to indicate a message identifier value, assigned to a message by the system when it is enqueued. The message identifier is unique within a queue and its value may be up to 32 characters in length. Values that are shorter than 32 characters are padded on the right with nulls (0x0). Backslash and non-printable characters (including white space characters such as space, newline, and tab) must be entered with a backslash followed by a two-character hexadecimal value for the character (for example, space is \20, as in "hello\20world"). The -i option can be used to indicate an correlation identifier value associated with a message. The identifier value is assigned by the application, stored with the enqueued message, and passed on to be stored with any reply or error message response such that the application can identify responses to particular requests. The value may be up to 32 characters in length. Values that are shorter than 32 characters are padded on the right with nulls (0x0). Backslash and non-printable characters (including white space characters such as space, newline, and tab) must be entered with a backslash followed by a two-character hexadecimal value for the character (for example, space is \20, as in my\20ID\20value).

The valid values for the -d delivery_mode option are persist and nonpersist. This option specifies the delivery mode of messages selected by qscan so that an operator can take action based on the delivery method.

The -e option can be used to indicate an expiration time or an expiration time range. The format of time1 and time2 is the same as time1 and time2 for the -t option.

qset [queue_name]

Sets the queue name that is used for the qchangeprio, qchangequeue, qchangetime, qdeletemsg, and qlist commands. Executing this command with no argument prints the current queue name.

qsize [-A actions] [-H handles] [-C cursors] [ -O owners] [-Q tmp_queues]
[-f filter_memory] [-n nonpersistent_msg_memory[b,B]]
[-o overflow_memory] [pages [queues [transactions [processes [messages]]]]]

Computes the size of shared memory needed for a queue space with the specified size in pages, queues, (concurrent) transactions, processes, and (queued) messages. If the values are not provided on the command line, the program prompts for them. The number of system semaphores needed is also printed. Valid values for the remaining options are described in the qspacecreate option.

qspacechange (qspch) [-A actions] [-H handles] [-C cursors] [ -O owners] [-Q tmp_queues] [-f filter_memory] [-n nonpersistent_msg_memory[b,B]] [-o overflow_memory] [queue_space_name [ipckey [trans [procs [messages [errorq [inityn [blocking]]]]]]]]

Changes the parameters for a queue space. The queue space must not be active (that is, no processes can be attached to it). If the required information is not provided on the command line, the program prompts for it. Valid values are described in the qspacecreate section of this page. If the specified queue space is open in qmadmin, it is closed. To add new extents, qaddext must be used. The number of queues cannot be modified.

qspacecreate (qspc) [-A actions][-n nonpersistent_msg_memory[b,B]] [-o overflow_memory] [queue_space_name [ipckey [pages [queues [trans
[procs [messages [errorq [inityn [blocking]]]]]]]]]]

Creates a queue space for queued messages. If not provided on the command line, the program prompts for the following information: the queue space name, the ipckey for the shared memory segment and semaphore; number of physical pages to allocate for the queue space; the number of queues; the number of concurrent transactions; the number of processes concurrently attached to the queue space; the number of messages that may be queued at one time; the name of an error queue for the queue space; whether or not to initialize pages on new extents for the queue space; and the blocking factor for doing queue space initialization and warm start disk input/output.

The number of physical pages requested is rounded down to the nearest multiple of four pages. For example, a request of 50 pages results in a memory allocation of 48 pages, and a request of 52 pages results in a memory allocation of 52 pages. The error queue is used to hold messages that have reached the maximum number of retries (they are moved from their original queue to the error queue). The administrator is responsible for ensuring that this queue is drained.

The number of physical pages allocated must be large enough to hold the overhead for the queue space (one page plus one page per queue). If the initialization option is specified as `y' or `Y,' the space used to hold the queue space is initialized and this command may run for a while. In verbose mode, a period (.) is printed to the standard output after completing initialization of each 5% of the queue space. If the initialization option is not turned on but the underlying device is not a character special device, the file will be initialized if it is not already the size specified for the extent (that is, the file will be grown to allocate the specified space).

When reading and writing blocks during creation of the queue space and during warm start (restart of the queue space), the size of input and output operations will be calculated as a multiple of the disk page size as specified by the blocking factor.

The -A actions option specifies the number of additional actions that the Queuing Services component can handle concurrently. When a blocking operation is encountered and additional actions are available, the blocking operation is set aside until it can be satisfied. After setting aside the blocking operation, another operation request can be handled. When the blocking operation completes, the action associated with the operation is made available for a subsequent operation. An operation fails if a blocking operation is requested and cannot be immediately satisfied and there are no actions available. The system reserves actions equivalent to the number of processes that can attach to a queue space so that each queue manager process may have at least one blocking action. Beyond the system-reserved number of blocking actions, the administrator may configure the system to be able to accommodate additional blocking actions beyond the reserve. If the -A actions option is not specified, the default is zero. If the -A option is not specified, the program does not prompt for it.

The -n nonpersistent_msg_memory option specifies the size of the area to reserve in shared memory for non-persistent messages for all queues in the queue space. The size may be specified in bytes (b) or blocks (B), where the block size is equivalent to the disk block size. The [bB] suffix is optional and, if not specified, the default is blocks. If the -n option is not specified, the memory size defaults to zero (0). Also, if the -n option is not specified, the program does not prompt for it.

If the value is specified in bytes (b) for nonpersistent_msg_memory, the system divides the specified value by the number of bytes per page (page size is equivalent to the disk page size), rounds down the result to the nearest integer, and allocates that number of pages of memory. For example, assuming a page size of 1024 bytes (1KB), a requested value of 2000b results in a memory allocation of 1 page (1024 bytes), and a requested value of 2048b results in a memory allocation of 2 pages (2048 bytes). Requesting a value less than the number of bytes per page results in an allocation of 0 pages (0  bytes).

If the value is specified in blocks (B) for nonpersistent_msg_memory and assuming that one block of memory is equivalent to one page of memory, the system allocates the same value of pages. For example, a requested value of 50B results in a memory allocation of 50 pages.

If the nonpersistent_msg_memory for a queue space is zero (0), no space is reserved for non-persistent messages. In this case, attempts to enqueue a non-persistent message fail. Persistent and non-persistent storage are not interchangeable. If a non-persistent message cannot be enqueued due to an exhausted or fragmented memory area, the enqueuing operation fails, even if there is sufficient persistent storage for the message. If a persistent message cannot be enqueued due to an exhausted or fragmented disk, the enqueuing operation fails, even if there is sufficient non-persistent storage for the message.

The -o overflow_memory option specifies the size of the memory area to reserve in shared memory to accommodate peek load situations where some or all of the allocated shared memory resources are exhausted. The memory size is specified in bytes. Additional objects will be allocated from this additional memory on a first-come-first-served basis. When an object created in the additional memory is closed or destroyed, the memory is released for subsequent overflow situations. If the -o overflow_memory option is not specified, the default is zero. If the -o option is not specified, the program does not prompt for it. This additional memory space may yield more objects than the configured number, but there is no guarantee that additional memory is available for any particular object at any given point in time. Currently, only actions, handles, cursors, owners, temporary queues, timers, and filters use the overflow memory.

qspacedestroy (qspds) [-f] [-y] [queue_space_name]

Destroys the named queue space. If not provided on the command line, the program will prompt for it. If the specified queue space is open in qmadmin, it will be closed. By default, an error is returned if processes are attached to the queue space or if requests exist on any queues in the queue space. See the qdestroy command for destroying queues that contain requests. The -f option can be specified to "force" deletion of all queues, even if they may have messages or processes are attached to the queue space. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -y option is specified. All non-persistent messages in the specified queue space are lost when this command completes successfully.

(qspl) [queue_space_name]

Lists the creation parameters for the queue space. If it is not specified on the command line, the program will prompt for it. If a queue space name is not entered, the parameters for the currently open queue space are printed. (An error occurs if a queue space is not open and a value is not entered.) In addition to printing the values for the queue space (as set when creating the queue space with qspacecreate or when they were last changed with qspacechange), this command shows the sizes for all queue space extents. It also shows the amount of system-reserved memory as well as the total amount of configured shared memory. The amount of memory allocated for shared memory resources may not match the amount requested when the amount of memory is requested in bytes (b); see the -n nonpersistent_msg_memory option in qspacecreate for clarification and examples.

quit (q)

Terminates the session.

verbose (v) [{off | on}]

Produces output in verbose mode. If no option is given, the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.

! shellcommand

Escapes to shell and execute shellcommand.


Repeats previous shell command.

# [text]

Lines beginning with # are comment lines and are ignored.


Repeats the last command.


The following sequence shows how to set up a queue.

$ QMCONFIG=/dev/rawfs qmadmin 
qmadmin - Copyright (c) 1987 ATT; 1991 USL. All rights reserved.
# create the list of devices on which the queue space
# can exist; specify two devices, 80000 and 600
# blocks, respectively
# NOTE: the first one will actually contain the device list
# create first device on a raw slice
> crdl /dev/rawfs 0 80000
Created device /dev/rawfs, offset 0, size 80000 on /dev/rawfs
# create another device on a UNIX file
> crdl /home/queues/FS 0 600
Created device /home/queues/FS, offset 0, size 600 on /dev/rawfs
# if you want a list of the device list
> v Verbose mode is now on

> lidl
universal device index. 0:
name: /dev/rawfs
start: 0
size: 20000
free space map(1 entry used 47 available):
size[1]: 79974 addr[1]: 26
universal device index. 1:
name: /home/queues/FS
start: 0
size: 600
free space map(1 entry used 47 available):
size[1]: 600 addr[1]: 0
# create a queue space
> qspacecreate
Queue space name: myqueuespace
IPC Key for queue space: 42000
Size of queue space in disk pages: 50000
Number of queues in queue space: 30
Number of concurrent transactions in queue space: 20
Number of concurrent processes in queue space: 30
Number of messages in queue space: 20000
Error queue name: ERRORQ
Initialize extents (y, n [default=n]): y
Blocking factor [default=16]: 16
# open queue space
> qopen myqueuespace
# use queue space defaults for queue
> qcreate
Queue name: service1
queue order (priority, time, fifo, lifo): fifo
out-of-ordering enqueuing (top, msgid, [default=none]): top,msgid
retries [default=0]: 1
retry delay in seconds [default=0]: 30
High limit for queue capacity warning (b for bytes used, B for blocks used,
% for percent used, m for messages [default=100%]): 100m
Reset (low) limit for queue capacity warning [default=0m]: 50
queue capacity command: /usr/app/bin/mailadmin myqueuespace service1
# get out of the program
> q


The administrator for the queue must be the same as the BEA Tuxedo administrator. The device on which the queue resides must be owned by the administrator and qmadmin can only be run as the administrator for the queue. All IPC resources allocated for the queue will be owned by the queue administrator and will be created with mode 0600.


qmadmin is supported on any platform on which the BEA Tuxedo ATMI server environment is supported.

Windows Standard I/O

In order to carry out a command that you have configured within a qmadmin() session, such as the qchange ... Queue capacity command, the Windows CreateProcess() function spawns a child process as a DETACHED PROCESS. This type of process does not have an associated console for standard input/output. Therefore, for instance, if you use standard command line syntax to set the qchange ... Queue capacity command to run a built-in command (such as dir or date) and then pipe or redirect the standard output to a file, the file will be empty when the command completes.

As an example of resolving this problem, suppose that for the qchange ... Queue capacity command you want to capture date information in a file using command date /t > x.out. To accomplish this task interactively, you would proceed as follows:

> qopen yourQspace
> qchange yourQname
> go through all the setups... the threshold queue capacity warning,
     and so on
> "Queue capacity command: " cmd /c date /t > x.out

To accomplish this task from a command file, say yourFile.cmd, you would add the command date /t > x.out to yourFile.cmd and then proceed as follows:

> qopen yourQspace
> qchange yourQname
> go through all the setups... the threshold queue capacity warning,
     and so on
> "Queue capacity command: " yourFile.cmd

See Also

Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time


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