
Command Reference

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tidl—Interface Definition Language compiler.


tidl [option] . . . filename [option]. . .


tidl parses the input IDL and related ACF source file, and optionally generates a header file, and client and server stubs and auxiliary files. The generated source code can be compiled using compilers for Classic C, ANSI C, or C++.

The command line arguments include the input IDL source file and options to control the actions of the IDL compiler. The following list describes the options.

-client type

This option specifies the client-side files to be generated. The values for type are as follows:


Generates client stub and auxiliary files. This is the default if the -client option is not specified.


Generates client stub file only.


Generates client auxiliary file only. Currently, auxiliary files are not generated so this option has no effect.


Generates no client files.

-server type

This option specifies the server-side files to be generated. The values for type are as follows:


Generates server stub and auxiliary files. This is the default if the -server option is not specified.


Generates server stub file only.


Generates server auxiliary file only. Currently, auxiliary files are not generated so this option has no effect.


Generates no server files.

-cstub filename

Specifies the filename for the client stub file. If the filename does not have a .c extension, the IDL compiler will add it. The default client stub name (if -cstub is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple filename without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with _cstub.c appended. The associated client stub object file is the name of the client stub file with .c changed to .o.

-sstub filename

Specifies the filename for the server stub file. If the filename does not have a .c extension, the IDL compiler will add it. The default server stub name (if -sstub is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple filename without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with _sstub.c appended. The associated server stub object file is the name of the server stub file with .c changed to .o.

-caux filename

Specifies the filename for the client auxiliary file. If the filename does not have a .c extension, the IDL compiler will add it. The default client auxiliary name (if -caux is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple filename without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with _caux.c appended. The associated client auxiliary object file is the name of the client auxiliary file with .c changed to .o.

-saux filename

Specifies the filename for the server auxiliary file. If the filename does not have a .c extension, the IDL compiler will add it. The default server auxiliary name (if -saux is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple filename without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with _saux.c appended. The associated server auxiliary object file is the name of the server auxiliary file with .c changed to .o.

-header filename

Specifies the filename for the generated header file. The default header filename (if -header is not specified) is the base name of the IDL source file (the simple filename without any directory prefix, or any suffix following a period) with .h appended.

-out directory

Specifies the directory in which output files are created. The default (if -out is not specified) is to put the files in the present working directory.

-keep type

Specifies which file types to retain. By default, the IDL compiler creates a C source file (for example, a client stub), uses the C compiler to produce an object file, and deletes the C source file. The file types that can be retained are as follows:


Does not create any files or invoke the C compiler.


Saves only the C source files and does not invoke the C compiler.


Saves only the object files, deleting the C source files (this is the default).


Saves both the C source and object files.

-I directory

Specifies a directory in which to search for imported IDL files and include files. White space following the -I is optional. The -I option can be specified multiple times to list multiple directories. The default behavior is to search the present working directory, then the directories specified with the -I option in the order specified, and then the system IDL directory ($TUXDIR/include). This order is also used to pass include directories to the C preprocessor and C compiler. If a file exists in more than one directory, the first one that is found in the search order is used.


When used with no -I options, specifies that only the present working directory be searched for import and include files. When used with one or more -I options, specifies that only the -I directories be searched (not the present working directory or the system IDL directory).

-cpp_cmd "cmd"

Specifies the C preprocessor command to invoke for expanding source files.


Specifies that the C preprocessor not be invoked to expand source files. This implies that the source files cannot have preprocessor directives (such as macro replacements and #include).

-cpp_opt "opt"

Specifies additional options to be passed to the C preprocessor. The default is the null string. The IDL compiler invokes a command line composed of the values for -cpp_cmd, -cpp_opt, -D, and -U arguments (in the order specified), -I arguments (in the order specified), and the source filename (the IDL or ACF filename).

-D name[=def]

Defines a name and optionally a value that is passed to the C preprocessor. More than one symbol can be defined by specifying the -D option more than once. White space following the -D is optional.

-U name

Undefines a name for C preprocessor. More than one symbol can be undefined by specifying the -U option more than once. White space following the -U is optional.

-cc_cmd "cmd"

Specifies the C compiler command for creating object files. The default (if -cc_cmd is not specified) is "cc -c".

-cc_opt "opt"

Specifies additional C compiler options. The default (if -cc_opt is not specified) is the null string. The IDL compiler invokes a command line composed of the values for -cc_cmd, -cc_opt, -I arguments (in the order specified), and the source filename (the stub or auxiliary filename).


Specifies that the input source file be checked for syntax errors without generating any output files.


Specifies that warning messages from the compiler are not to be printed.


Displays IDL compiler options chosen (either explicitly or implicitly) without compilation of the source file. When used with the -v option, it indicates what actions would be taken without the -confirm option but it does not executing those actions. For example, messages are printed for parsing input files, and for creating and compiling output files.


Specifies verbose mode. Messages are printed to the standard error output indicating actions being taken (for example, parsing input files, and creating and compiling output files).


Displays the version of the IDL compiler.


Takes the IDL source input from standard input instead of a file. Default filenames are generated as if the input IDL source file is named a.idl (for example, the default client stub file is named a_cstub.c).


Generates a Client Entry Point Vector (CEPV). By default, functions in the client stub module are given the same names as operations in the interface definition. However, this naming convention does not allow for multiple versions of the interface, interfaces with the same operation names, or both local and remote versions of the same functions to be linked into the same client program (the operation names will be defined more than once).

When the -cepv option is specified, the function names are declared local to the client stub and a Client Entry Point Vector (array of function pointers) is defined (globally) in the client stub with the name interface_vmajor_minor_c_epv, where interface is the interface name, major is the major version number, and minor is the minor version number. The interface operations must be called indirectly using the addresses in the CEPV.


Does not generate a Manager (server) Entry Point Vector (MEPV). By default, it is assumed that the application functions in the server are given the same names as operations in the interface definition. However, this naming convention does not allow for multiple versions of the interface, interfaces with the same operation names, or both local and remote versions of the same functions to be linked into the same server program (the operation names are defined more than once). Normally, a Manager Entry Point Vector (array of function pointers) is defined (globally) in the server stub with the name interface_vmajor_minor_s_epv, where interface is the interface name, major is the major version number, and minor is the minor version number, and initialized with the operation names. It is used to call the application service functions. When the -no_mepv option is specified, the MEPV is not generated in the server stub and the application is responsible for setting up the structure. In this way, the application can set the entry point names to those names used by the application instead of names based on the operations.

-error all

Specifies additional error checking. By default, the IDL compiler quits after 50 errors are detected.

-port level

Specifies the level of portability checking. The following levels are supported:


Specifies that warnings messages are to be printed if two identifiers differ only in case.


Specifies no additional portability checking is to be done. This is the default.


Specifies that enumeration literals are not to be generated in the stub files. By default, enumeration literals are generated.


Specifies that ANSI C const declarations are to be used for constant values instead of #define definitions.

For the IDL source file and any imported IDL files, the compiler searches for a related ACF with a .acf suffix added to the basename of the IDL source file. The directories that are searched are the same directories specified for the C preprocessor (see -I and -no_def_idir above), plus ACF files are searched for in the directory specified in the IDL source filename.


The IDL filename tbase.idl is reserved for use by the IDL compiler.


The following is an example IDL source file, math1.idl:

interface math1
import "math2.idl";

long add_op([in] long first1, [in] long second);
long sub_op([in] long first1, [in] long second);

The following is a sample ACF source file, math1.acf:

interface math1
include "stdio";
[code] add_op([fault_status,comm_status] result);

The following command line compiles math1.idl, generating client-side only files out/math1_cs.c and out/math1_cs.o (no auxiliary files are needed), along with out/math1.h. The IDL compiler looks for math2.idl (which might have the division and multiplication operations) in the current directory, in the app subdirectory, and in $TUXDIR/include.

tidl math1.idl -Iapp -client all -server none -keep all
-cstub math1_cs -out app

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