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txrpt—BEA Tuxedo ATMI system server/service report program.


txrpt [-t]  [-n names]  [-d mm/dd]  [-s time]  [-e time]


txrpt analyzes the standard error output of a BEA Tuxedo ATMI system server to provide a summary of service processing time within the server. The report shows the number of times dispatched and average elapsed time in seconds of each service in the period covered. txrpt takes its input from the standard input or from a standard error file redirected as input. Standard error files are created by servers invoked with the -r option from the servopts(5) selection; the file can be named by specifying it with the -e servopts option. Multiple files can be concatenated into a single input stream for txrpt. Options to txrpt have the following meaning.


Orders the output report by total time usage of the services, with those consuming the most total time printed first. If this option is not specified, the report is ordered by total number of invocations of a service.

-n names

Restricts the report to those services specified by names. names is a comma-separated list of service names.

-d mm/dd

Limits the report to service requests on the month (mm) and day (dd) specified. The default is the current day.

-s time

Restricts the report to invocations starting after the time given by the time argument. The format for time is hr[:min[:sec]].

-e time

Restricts the report to invocations that finished before the specified time. The format for time is the same as the format of -s flag.

The report produced by txrpt covers only a single day. If the input file contains records from more than one day, the -d option controls the day reported on.


Make sure that the ULOGDEBUG variable is not set to y when a server is collecting statistics for analysis via txrpt. Debugging messages in the file will be misinterpreted by txrpt.


For the following command line:

txrpt -nSVC1 -d10/15 -s11:01 -e14:18  newr

the report produced looks like the following:

START AFTER:    Thu Oct 15 11:01:00 1992
END BEFORE: Thu Oct 15 14:18:00 1992

SVCNAME 11a-12n 13p-14p 14p-15p TOTALS
Num/Avg Num/Avg Num/Avg Num/Avg
------ -------- -------- -------- -------
SVC1 2/0.25 3/0.25 1/0.96 6/0.37
------- ------- ------- ------- -------
TOTALS 2/0.25 3/0.25 1/0.96 6/0.37

The above example shows that SVC1 was requested a total of six times within the specified period and that it took an average of 0.37 seconds to process the request.

See Also



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