
Using CORBA Request-Level Interceptors

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Instantiates and initializes client-side and target-side interceptors.

C++ Binding

typedef void (*AppRequestInterceptorInit)(
RequestLevelInterceptor::ClientRequestInterceptor ** ClientPtr,
RequestLevelInterceptor::TargetRequestInterceptor ** TargetPtr,
CORBA::Boolean * RetStatus);



A pointer to the ORB object with which the implementation of the interceptors are associated.


A pointer in which to return a pointer to the instance of the RequestLevelInterceptor::ClientRequestInterceptor that was instantiated for use by the ORB.


A pointer in which to return a pointer to the instance of the RequestLevelInterceptor::TargetRequestInterceptor that was instantiated for use by the ORB.


A pointer to a location into which the interceptor implementation indicates whether the instantiation and initialization of the interceptor was successful. A value of CORBA::TRUE is used to indicate that instantiation and initialization of the interceptors was successful. A value of CORBA::FALSE is used to indicate that the instantiation and initialization of the interceptors was unsuccessful for some reason.




The AppRequestInterceptorInit function is a user-provided function that is used by the ORB to instantiate and initialize client-side and target-side interceptors.

Return Values



CORBA::DataInputStream Interface

The abstract valuetype keywords in IDL applied to DataInputStream indicates that it is not the same as an interface.

Listing 8-9 OMG IDL Definition

module CORBA  {
//... all the rest

// Definitions used by DataInputStream
typedef sequence<any> AnySeq;
typedef sequence<boolean> BooleanSeq;
typedef sequence<char> CharSeq;
typedef sequence<octet> OctetSeq;
typedef sequence<short> ShortSeq;
typedef sequence<unsigned short> UShortSeq;
typedef sequence<long> LongSeq;
typedef sequence<unsigned long> ULongSeq;
typedef sequence<float> FloatSeq;
typedef sequence<double> DoubleSeq;

// DataInputStream - for reading data from the stream
abstract valuetype DataInputStream
any read_any(); // Raises NO_IMPLEMENT
boolean read_boolean();
char read_char();
octet read_octet();
short read_short();
unsigned short read_ushort();
long read_long();
unsigned long read_ulong();
float read_float();
double read_double();
string read_string ();
Object read_Object();
TypeCode read_TypeCode();
void read_any_array( inout AnySeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_boolean_array(inout BooleanSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_char_array( inout CharSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_octet_array(inout OctetSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_short_array(inout ShortSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_ushort_array(inout UShortSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_long_array( inout LongSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_ulong_array(inout ULongSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_float_array(inout FloatSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);
void read_double_array(inout DoubleSeq seq,
in unsigned long offset,
in unsigned long length);

The implementation of CORBA::DataInputStream inherits from CORBA::ValueBase rather than from CORBA::Object. You cannot use, for example, _duplicate, _narrow, and _nil operations since they apply only to CORBA::Object. At this time, there is nothing of interest for users in the CORBA::ValueBase interface.

Listing 8-10 C++ Declaration

class  CORBA

class AnySeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef AnySeq * AnySeq_ptr;

class BooleanSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef BooleanSeq * BooleanSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_BooleanSeq;

class CharSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef CharSeq * CharSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_CharSeq;

class OctetSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef OctetSeq * OctetSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_OctetSeq;

class ShortSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef ShortSeq * ShortSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ShortSeq;

class UshortSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef UShortSeq * UShortSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_UShortSeq;

class LongSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
  typedef    LongSeq *    LongSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_LongSeq;

class UlongSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef ULongSeq * ULongSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ULongSeq;

class FloatSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef FloatSeq * FloatSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_FloatSeq;

class DoubleSeq {/* Normal sequence definition */};
typedef DoubleSeq * DoubleSeq_ptr;
static const CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_DoubleSeq;
  class OBBEXPDLL DataInputStream : public virtual ValueBase
static DataInputStream_ptr _downcast(ValueBase_ptr obj);

virtual Any * read_any (); // Raises NO_IMPLEMENT
virtual Boolean read_boolean ();
virtual Char read_char ();
virtual Octet read_octet ();
virtual Short read_short ();
virtual UShort read_ushort ();
virtual Long read_long ();
virtual ULong read_ulong ();
virtual Float read_float ();
virtual Double read_double ();
virtual Char * read_string ();
virtual Object_ptr read_Object ();
virtual TypeCode_ptr read_TypeCode ();

virtual void read_any_array ( AnySeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_boolean_array(BooleanSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_char_array ( CharSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_octet_array ( OctetSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_short_array ( ShortSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_ushort_array (UShortSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_long_array ( LongSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_ulong_array ( ULongSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_float_array ( FloatSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);
virtual void read_double_array (DoubleSeq & seq,
ULong offset, ULong length);

DataInputStream(){ };
virtual ~DataInputStream(){ }

void operator=(const DataInputStream&) { }

typedef DataInputStream * DataInputStream_ptr;


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