
Using CORBA Request-Level Interceptors

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Notifies an implementation of an interceptor that the interceptor is being shut down.

C++ Binding

virtual ShutdownReturnStatus 
shutdown( ShutdownReason reason,
CORBA::Exception_ptr & excep_val) = 0;



A ShutdownReason value that indicates the reason why the interceptor is being shut down. The following ShutdownReason values can be passed to the operation:







A reference to an ExceptionValue in which the operation is to store any exception raised. This parameter is valid only if a value of SHUTDOWN_EXCEPTION is returned from the operation.

ExceptionValue is mapped to the class CORBA::Exception.




The shutdown operation is used by the ORB to notify an implementation of an interceptor that the interceptor is being shut down. The ORB destroys the instance of the interceptor once control is returned from the operation back to the ORB.

Return Values


Indicates that the operation has not raised an exception.


Indicates that the operation has raised an exception. The value of the exception is stored in the excep_val parameter.


RequestInterceptor Interface

The RequestLevelInterceptor::RequestInterceptor interface is the base interface of all request-level interceptors. It inherits directly from the Interceptors::Interceptor interface. The RequestLevelInterceptor::RequestInterceptor interface:

The local keyword in OMG IDL indicates that the RequestInterceptor interface is not a normal CORBA object, so it cannot be used as such.

Listing 8-3 OMG IDL for the RequestLevelInterceptor::RequestInterceptor Interface


#include <orb.idl>
#include <Giop.idl>
#include <Interceptors.idl>

#pragma prefix "beasys.com"

module RequestLevelInterceptor
local RequestInterceptor : Interceptors::Interceptor
void exception_occurred(
in ReplyContext reply_context,
in ExceptionValue excep_val

The implementation of the RequestInterceptor interface inherits from CORBA::LocalBase rather than from CORBA::Object. CORBA::LocalBase provides an implementation of the operations _duplicate, _narrow, and _nil, similar to those of CORBA::Object.

Listing 8-4 C++ Declaration for the RequestInterceptor Interface

#ifndef _RequestLevelInterceptor_h
#define _RequestLevelInterceptor_h

#include <CORBA.h>
#include <IOP.h>
#include <GIOP.h>
#include <Interceptors.h>

class OBBEXPDLL RequestLevelInterceptor
class RequestInterceptor;
typedef RequestInterceptor * RequestInterceptor_ptr;

struct RequestContext
Interceptors::Version struct_version;
CORBA::ULong request_id;
CORBA::Octet response_flags;
GIOP::TargetAddress target;
CORBA::String_var interface_id;
CORBA::String_var operation;
RequestContext &operator=(const RequestContext &_obj);

typedef RequestContext * RequestContext_ptr;
typedef GIOP::ReplyStatusType_1_2 ReplyStatus;

struct ReplyContext
Interceptors::Version struct_version;
CORBA::ULong request_id;
ReplyStatus reply_status;

typedef ReplyContext * ReplyContext_ptr;

class OBBEXPDLL RequestInterceptor :
public virtual Interceptors::Interceptor
static RequestInterceptor_ptr
_duplicate(RequestInterceptor_ptr obj);
static RequestInterceptor_ptr
_narrow(RequestInterceptor_ptr obj);
inline static RequestInterceptor_ptr _nil() { return 0; }

virtual void
exception_occurred( const ReplyContext & reply_context,
CORBA::Exception_ptr excep_val) = 0;

RequestInterceptor(CORBA::LocalBase_ptr obj = 0) { }
virtual ~RequestInterceptor(){ }

RequestInterceptor( const RequestInterceptor&) { }
void operator=(const RequestInterceptor&) { }
}; // class RequestInterceptor
#endif /* _RequestLevelInterceptor_h */


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