
Using Security in CORBA Applications

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Gets the attribute list attached to the credentials.

MIDL Mapping

HRESULT get_attributes(
[in] VARIANT attributes,
[in,out,optional] VARIANT* exceptionInfo,
[out,retval] VARIANT* returnValue);

Automation Mapping

Function get_attributes(attributes, [exceptionInfo])



The set of security attributes (privilege attribute types) whose values are desired. If this list is empty, all attributes are returned.


An optional input argument that allows the client application to get additional exception data if an error occurs. For the ActiveX client application, all exception data is returned in the OLE Automation Error Object.


This method returns the attribute list attached to the credentials of the client application. In the list of attribute types, you are required to include only the type value(s) for the attributes you want returned in the AttributeList. Attributes are not currently returned based on attribute family or identities. In most cases, this is the same result you would get if you called DISecurityLevel2.Current::get_attributes(), since there is only one valid set of credentials in the client application at any instance in time. The results could be different if the credentials are not currently in use.

Return Values

A variant containing an array of DISecurity_SecAttribute objects.


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