
Using Security in CORBA Applications

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Authenticates the principal.

OMG IDL Definition

Security::AuthenticationStatus logon(
in string user_name,
in string client_name,
in string system_password,
in string user_password,
in UserAuthData user_data



The BEA Tuxedo username. The authentication level is TOBJ_NOAUTH. If user_name is NULL or empty, or exceeds 30 characters, logon raises CORBA::BAD_PARAM.


The BEA Tuxedo name of the client application. The authentication level is TOBJ_NOAUTH. If the client_name is NULL or empty, or exceeds 30 characters, logon raises the CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception.


The CORBA client application password. The authentication level is TOBJ_SYSAUTH. If the client name is NULL or empty, or exceeds 30 characters, logon raises the CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception.

Note: The system_password must not exceed 30 characters.


The user password (needed for use by the default BEA Tuxedo authentication service). The authentication level is TOBJ_APPAUTH. The password must not exceed 30 characters.


Data that is specific to the client application (needed for use by a custom BEA Tuxedo authentication service). The authentication level is TOBJ_APPAUTH.

Note: TOBJ_SYSAUTH includes the requirements of TOBJ_NOAUTH, plus a client application password. TOBJ_APPAUTH includes the requirements of TOBJ_SYSAUTH, plus additional information, such as a user password or user data.

Note: The user_password and user_data arguments are mutually exclusive, depending on the requirements of the authentication service used in the configuration of the BEA Tuxedo domain. The BEA Tuxedo default authentication service expects a user password. A customized authentication service may require user data. The logon call raises the CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception if both user_password and user_data are specified.


This method authenticates the principal via the IIOP Listener/Handler so that the principal can access a BEA Tuxedo domain. This method is functionally equivalent to SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator::authenticate, but the arguments are oriented to ATMI authentication.

Note: This method raises CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER if it is called with an invalid SecurityCurrent object.

Return Values

The following table describes the valid return values.

Return Value



The authentication succeeded.


The authentication failed, or the client application was already authenticated and did not call one of the following methods:





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