
Using Security in CORBA Applications

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Authenticates the principal and optionally obtains credentials for the principal.

OMG IDL Definition

in Security::AuthenticationMethod method,
in Security::SecurityName security_name,
in Security::Opaque auth_data,
in Security::AttributeList privileges,
out Credentials creds,
out Security::Opaque continuation_data,
out Security::Opaque auth_specific_data );



The security mechanism to be used. Valid values are Tobj::TuxedoSecurity and Tobj::CertificateBased.


The principal's identification information (for example, logon information). The value must be a pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing the username of the principal. The string is limited to 30 characters, excluding the NULL character.

When using certificate authentication, this name is used to look up a certificate in the LDAP-enabled directory service. It is also used as the basis for the name of the file in which the private key is stored. For example:

milozzi@company.com is the e-mail address used to look up a certificate in the LDAP-enabled directory service and milozzi_company.pem is the name of the private key file.


The principals' authentication, such as their password or private key. If the Tobj:TuxedoSecurity security mechanism is specified, the value of this argument is dependent on the configured level of authentication. If the Tobj::CertificateBased argument is specified, the value of this argument is the pass phrase used to decrypt the private key of the principal.


The privilege attributes requested.


The object reference of the newly created Credentials object.The object reference is not fully initialized; therefore, the object reference cannot be used until the return value of the SecurityLevel2::Current::authenticate method is SecAuthSuccess.


If the return value of the SecurityLevel2::Current::authenticate method is SecAuthContinue, this argument contains the challenge information for the authentication to continue. The value returned will always be empty.


Information specific to the authentication service being used. The value returned will always be empty.


The SecurityLevel2::Current::authenticate method is used by the client application to authenticate the principal and optionally request privilege attributes that the principal requires during its session with the BEA Tuxedo domain.

If the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism is to be specified, the same functionality can be obtained by calling the Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator::logon operation, which provides the same functionality but is specifically tailored for use with the ATMI authentication security mechanism.

Return Values

The following table describes the valid return values.

Return Value



The object reference of the newly created Credentials object returned as the value of the creds argument is initialized and ready to use.


The authentication process was inconsistent or an error occurred during the process. Therefore, the creds argument does not contain an object reference to a Credentials object.

If the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism is used, this return value indicates that authentication failed or that the client application was already authenticated and did not call either the Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator::logoff or the Tobj_Bootstrap::destroy_current operation.


Indicates that the authentication procedure uses a challenge/response mechanism. The creds argument contains the object reference of a partially initialized Credentials object. The continuation_data indicates the details of the challenge.


Indicates that the authentication data contained some information, the validity of which had expired; therefore, the creds argument does not contain an object reference to a Credentials object.

If the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism is used, this return value is never returned.


The CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception occurs if:



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