
SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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INTEGER { active(1) | inactive(2) | migrating(3) | invalid(4) | 
re-active(5) | suspend-services(6) | resume-services(7)}




The values for GET and SET operations are as follows:

GET: {active(1)|inactive(2)|migrating(3)}

A GET operation retrieves configuration and run-time information for the selected tuxTgroupTable object(s). The following states indicate the meaning of a tuxTgroupState returned in response to a GET request. States not listed are not returned.


tuxTgroupTable object defined and active (TMS and/or application servers). Server groups with non-0 length values for the tuxTgroupTMSname object are considered active if the TMSs associated with the group are active. Otherwise, a group is considered active if any server in the group is active.


tuxTgroupTable object defined and inactive.


tuxTgroupTable object defined and currently in a state of migration to the secondary logical machine. The secondary logical machine is the one listed in tuxTgroupLMID that does not match tuxTgroupCurLMID.

SET: {active(1)|inactive(2)|migrating(3)|invalid(4)|re-active(5) |suspend-services(6)|resume-services(7)}

A SET operation updates configuration and run-time information for the selected tuxTgroupTable object. The following states indicate the meaning of a tuxTgroupState set in a SET request. States not listed cannot be set.


Activate the tuxTgroupTable object. State change is allowed only when the group is in the inactive(2) or migrating(3) state. If the group is currently in the inactive(2) state and the primary logical machine is active, then TMS and application servers are started on the primary logical machine; otherwise, if the secondary logical machine is active, the TMS and application servers are started on the secondary logical machine. If neither machine is active, then the request fails. If the group is currently in the migrating(3) state, then the active secondary logical machine (identified as the alternate to tuxTgroupCurLMID in the tuxTgroupLMID list), if it is active, is used to start TMS and application servers. Otherwise, the request fails. Successful return leaves the object in the active(1) state.


Deactivate the tuxTgroupTable instance. TMS and application servers are deactivated. State change is allowed only when the group is in the active(1) or migrating(3) state. Successful return leaves the object in the inactive(2) state.


Deactivate the tuxTgroupTable object on its active primary logical machine (tuxTgroupCurLMID) and prepare the group to be migrated to the secondary logical machine. State change is allowed only when the group is in the active(1) state. Successful return leaves the object in the migrating(3) state.


Delete tuxTgroupTable object for application. State change is allowed only when the group is in the inactive(2) state. Successful return leaves the object in the invalid(4) state.


Identical to a transition to the active(1) state except that this state change is also allowed in the active(1) state as well as the inactive(2) and migrating(3) states.


Suspend the application services in the group. A SET operation to this state is allowed only when the group is in the active(1) state. The operation leaves the group in active(1) state but with all its application services in a suspended state.


Unsuspend and resume all application services that are marked suspended in the group. This operation is allowed only when the group is in the active(1) state. The operation leaves the group in the active(1) state.


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