
SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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INTEGER { active(1) | abort-only(2) | aborted(3) | com-called(4) |ready(5) | decided(6) | suspended(7) }




The values for GET and SET operations are as follows:

GET: active(1)|abort-only(2)|aborted(3)|com-called(4)|ready(5)|

A GET operation retrieves run-time information for the selected tuxTranTbl instance(s). The following states indicate the meaning of a tuxTranState object. States not listed are not returned. Note that distinct objects pertaining to the same global transaction (equivalent transaction identifiers) can indicate differing states. In general, the state indicated on the coordinator's site (tuxTranCoordLmid) indicates the true state of the transaction. The exception is when a noncoordinator site notices a condition that transitions the transaction state to abort-only(2). This transition is eventually propagated to the coordinator site and results in the rollback of the transaction, but this change cannot be immediately reflected on the coordinator site.


The transaction is active.


The transaction has been identified for rollback on the retrieval site.


The transaction has been identified for rollback and rollback has been initiated on the retrieval site.


The initiator of the transaction has called tpcommit(3) and the first phase of two-phase commit has begun on the retrieval site.


All of the participating groups on the retrieval site have successfully completed the first phase of two-phase commit and are ready to be committed.


The second phase of the two-phase commit has begun on the retrieval site.


The initiator of the transaction has suspended processing on the transaction. Note that this state is returned from the initiator's site only.

SET: aborted(3)

A SET operation updates run-time information for the selected tuxTranTbl instance. The following state indicates the meaning of a tuxTranState set in a SET request. States not listed cannot be set.


Abort the tuxTranTbl instance for the application. State change is allowed only when the transaction is in the active(1), abort-only(2), or com-called(4) state. Cannot be accompanied by a change to tuxTranGstate. Successful return leaves the object in the aborted(3) state.


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