
SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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INTEGER { active(1), suspended(2), dead(3) }




The values for GET and SET operations are as follows:

GET: {active(1)|suspended(2)|dead(3)}

A GET operation retrieves run-time information for the selected tuxTclientTbl instance(s). Note that client information is kept in local bulletin board tables only. Therefore, for maximum performance, inquiries on client status should be restricted, using key fields as much as possible. The following states indicate the meaning of a tuxTclientState returned in response to a GET request. States not listed are not returned.


tuxTclientTbl instance active. The active(1) state is not an indication of whether the client is idle or busy. A non-0 value retrieved for either the tuxTclientCurConv object or the tuxTclientCurReq object indicates a busy client.


tuxTclientTbl instance active and suspended from making further service requests (tpcall(3) or tpacall(3)) and from initiating further conversations (tpconnect(3)). See SET suspended(2) below for details.


tuxTclientTbl instance identified as active in the bulletin board but currently not running due to an abnormal death. This state exists only until the BBL local to the client notices the death and takes action to clean up the client's bulletin board resources.

SET: {active(1)|suspended(2)|dead(3)}

A SET operation updates run-time information for the selected tuxTclientTbl object. The following states indicate the meaning of a tuxTclientState set in a SET request. States not listed cannot be set.


Activate a suspended(2) tuxTclientTbl instance. State change allowed only when in the suspended(2) state. Successful return leaves the object in the active(1) state.


Suspend the tuxTclientTbl instance from making service requests (tpcall(3) or tpacall(3)), initiating conversations (tpconnect(3)), beginning transactions (tpbegin(3)), and enqueuing new requests (tpenqueue(3)). Clients within a transaction are permitted to make these calls until they abort or commit the current transaction, at which time the clients become suspended. Invocations of these routines result in a TPESYSTEM error return and a system log message being generated that indicates the situation. State change is allowed only when the object is in the active(1) state. Successful return leaves the object in the suspended(2) state.


Abortively deactivate the tuxTclientTbl instance. State change is allowed only when the object is in the active(1) or suspended(2) state. The recommended method for deactivating clients is to first suspend them, and then to abortively deactivate them by setting the state to dead(3). Successful return leaves the object in the dead(3) state.

Note: Workstation handlers (tuxTclientWsh == yes(1)) cannot be set to a state of dead(3). The system might not be able to kill the client, due to platform or signaling restrictions. In this case, a native client is abortively terminated at its next access to ATMI, and a workstation client's connection to a WSH is preemptively torn down.


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