
SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2), suspended(3), partitioned(4), invalid(5), reactivate(6) }




The semantics for GET and SET requests differ between server group and domain level instances as noted in the following list.


A GET request retrieves configuration information for the selected tuxInterfaceTable instance or instances. The only states that can be returned are: active, inactive, suspended, partitioned.


The tuxInterfaceTable instance is defined and at least one corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instance is in the active state. For a server group level tuxInterfaceTable instance, corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instances are those with matching tuxIfName and tuxIfSrvGrp objects. For a domain level tuxInterfaceTable instance, corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instances are those with matching tuxIfName value regardless of their tuxIfSrvGrp value.


The tuxInterfaceTable instance is defined and there are no corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instances in any active state.


The tuxInterfaceTable instance is defined and among all corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instances, there are none in the active state and at least one in the suspended state.


The tuxInterfaceTable instance is defined and among all the corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instances, there are none in the active state, none in the suspended state, and at least one in the partitioned state.

SET: {invalid(5)|active(1)|inactive(2)|reactivate(6)|suspended(3)}

A SET request updates run-time and configuration information for the selected tuxInterfaceTable instance. Modifications can affect more than one server group when domain level changes are made, and run-time modifications can affect more than one server if multiple servers are currently offering an interface. Only the following values can be used in a SET request: invalid, active, reactivate, or suspended.


Delete the tuxInterfaceTable instance for the application. This state change is allowed only when the instance is in the inactive state.


Activate the tuxInterfaceTable instance for the application. Setting this state on a domain level instance has the effect of activating all corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instances that are currently suspended throughout the domain. Setting this state on a server group level instance affects only servers within the group offering the interface. This state change is allowed only when the instance is in the suspended state. A successful return leaves the object in the active(1) state.


Reactivates the tuxInterfaceTable instance. Setting this state on a domain level instance has the effect of activating all corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instances that are currently suspended throughout the domain. Setting this state on a server group level instance affects only servers within the group offering the interface. This state change is allowed only when the instance is in the active(1) or suspended(3) state. Successful return leaves the instance in the active(1) state. Setting this state permits global activation of tuxIfQueueTable instances suspended at the server group level without having to individually activate each server group level tuxInterfaceTable instance.


Suspend the tuxInterfaceTable instance. Setting this state on the domain level object has the effect of suspending all corresponding tuxIfQueueTable instances that are currently active throughout the domain. Setting this state on a server group level instance affects only servers within the group offering the interface. This state change is permitted only in the active(1) state. Successful return leaves the object in the suspended(3) state.

Note: Dynamic advertisement of interfaces (that is, state change from inactive(2) or invalid(5) to active(1)) is not supported, nor is removal of advertisement (that is, state change from active(1) to inactive(2)).


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