
SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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Access Control List MIB

An access control list (ACL) specifies who and what is authorized to access BEA Tuxedo system objects. The Access Control List MIB enables a system manager to administer Tuxedo security by authenticating users, setting permissions, and controlling access. It defines the objects controlled by the ACL facility. These MIB objects are grouped into three major categories.

The Access Control List MIB consists of the following groups.

Group Name



ACL group


ACL permissions


ACL principal (users or domains)


For Tuxedo security, define application security options in the Domain group. This group lets you specify a user identity and security type used by your Tuxedo application. The users and remote domains in an application that need authentication and authorization are collectively known as principals. The managed objects for getting or setting the values of principals are defined in the tuxTAclPrinTbl group. The managed objects for getting or setting the values of ACL groups are defined in the tuxTAclGrpTable. The Access Control List MIB, as a whole, specifies the principals and access control lists for Tuxedo applications services, application queues, and events. You can define these ACL permissions for service, event, and application queue names. The managed objects that enable you to do define the ACL permissions are defined in the tuxTAclPermTable group. All these ACL MIB groups and their objects are described in the following sections.



The tuxTAclGrpTable group contains objects that represent groups of Tuxedo application users and domains. The following table lists the managed objects that are part of the tuxTAclGrpTable group. To create a new row in the table, it is necessary to issue a SET request for a non-existing row.

Object Name

Object ID









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