
SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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INTEGER (1..10000)




Specifies when this server should be booted (tmboot(1)) or shutdown (tmshutdown(1)) relative to other servers. If two servers are given the same sequence number, it is possible for tmboot(1) to boot them in parallel and for tmshutdown(1) to shut them down in parallel. tuxTwslTbl instances added without a tuxTwslTaSequence object specified or with an invalid value have a value generated for them that is 10,000 or more and is higher than any other automatically selected default value. Servers are booted by tmboot(1) in increasing order of sequence number and shutdown by tmshutdown(1) in decreasing order. Run-time modifications to this object affect only tmboot(1) and tmshutdown(1) and affect the order in which running servers can be shutdown by a subsequent invocation of tmshutdown(1).


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