
Programming a Tuxedo Application Using TxRPC

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Introducing TxRPC

What Is TxRPC?

Using the Interface Definition Language (IDL)


Using uuidgen to Create an IDL Template

Changes in the Language

Changes Based on the TxRPC Specification

Enhancements to the Language

Enhancements that May Limit Portability

Unsupported Features

Using tidl, the IDL Compiler

Writing RPC Client and Server Programs

Handling Remoteness

Handling Status and Exception Returns

Using Stub Support Functions

Using RPC Header Files

Portability of Code

Interacting with ATMI

Interacting with TX

Building RPC Client and Server Programs

Prerequisite Knowledge

Building an RPC Server

Building an RPC Client

Building a Windows Workstation RPC Client

Using C++

Interoperating with DCE/RPC

BEA Tuxedo Requester to DCE Service via BEA Tuxedo Gateway

Setting the DCE Login Context

Using DCE Binding Handles

Authenticated RPC


DCE Requester to BEA Tuxedo Service Using BEA Tuxedo Gateway

BEA Tuxedo Requester to DCE Service Using DCE-only

DCE Requester to BEA Tuxedo Service Using BEA Tuxedo-only

Building Mixed DCE/RPC and BEA Tuxedo TxRPC Clients and Servers

Running the Application

Prerequisite Knowledge

Configuring the Application

Booting and Shutting Down the Application

Administering the Application

Using Dynamic Service Advertisement

A Sample Application

Appendix Contents


Building the rpcsimp Application

Step 1: Create an Application Directory

Step 2: Set Environment Variables

Step 3: Copy files

Step 4: List the Files

IDL Input File—simp.idl

The Client Source Code—client.c

The Server Source Code—server.c


The Configuration File—ubbconfig

Step 5: Modify the Configuration

Step 6: Build the Application

Step 7: Load the Configuration

Step 8: Boot the Configuration

Step 9: Run the Client

Step 10: Monitor the RPC Server

Step 11: Shut Down the Configuration

Step 12: Clean Up the Created Files

A DCE-Gateway Application

Appendix Contents


What Is the DCE-Gateway Application?

Installing, Configuring, and Running the rpcsimp Application

Step 1: Create an Application Directory

Step 2: Set Your Environment

Step 3: Copy the Files

Step 4: List the Files

IDL ACF File—simpdce.acf

Binding Function—dcebind.c

Entry Point Vector—dceepv.c

DCE Manager—dcemgr.c

DCE Server - dceserver.c


Step 5: Modify the Configuration

Step 6: Build the Application

Step 7: Load the Configuration

Step 8: Configuring DCE

Step 9: Boot the Configuration

Step 10: Run the Client

Step 11: Shut Down the Configuration

Step 12: Clean Up the Created Files


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