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Using the CORBA Notification Service

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BEA Tuxedo CORBA Notification Service administration command interpreter.




The Notification Service includes an administration command interpreter, ntsadmin, that provides commands to perform the following tasks for CORBA Notification Service applications:

Note: When you enter ntsadmin to start the program, if your application only has transient subscriptions, the commands for persistent subscriptions are disabled.

Note: The Notification Service must be running before you can use ntsadmin.

You can exit the ntsadmin program by entering a q (for quit) at the command prompt. You can terminate the output from a command by pressing the Break key; the program then prompts for a new command.

Output from ntsadmin is paginated according to the pagination command in use (see the paginate command).

Note: The subscription command has different output depending on the setting of the verbose command.


This utility can only be used by the system administrator.

See Also


ntsadmin Commands

Commands may be entered either by their full name or by an abbreviation (if available, the abbreviation is listed below in parentheses following the full name), followed by appropriate arguments. Arguments that appear in square brackets [] are optional; arguments in curly braces {} indicate a selection from mutually exclusive options. Each command offers the following options:



[ -i identifier ]

If specified, identifies the subscription that matches identifier.

[ -n name ]

If specified, identifies the subscription(s) with a subscription name that matches name only. To specify names which match the empty string (that is, subscriptions with no name), enclose an empty string between quotes ("").

Note: This option does not support the wildcard character (*) so name must match the subscription name exactly.

[ -t ]

If specified, designates subscriptions with a QoS of transient only.

[ -p ]

If specified, designates subscriptions with a QoS of persistent only.


The ntsadmin commands are as follows:

subscriptions (sub) [{-i identifier |-n name |-t | -p}]

Lists subscriptions in the subscription database.

Note: The subscription command has different output depending on whether the verbose mode is on or off (the verbose command is described below). Listing 7-11 shows examples of subscription output with verbose on and off.

Listing 7-11 Subscription Command Output with Verbose Mode On and Off

> verbose on
Verbose mode is now on
> sub
ID: 1000000006
Name: marcello
QoS: Transient
Qspace: <N/A>
Expression: stock trade\.quote
Filter: stock_name %% 'BEAS' && price_per_share > 150
          ID: 1000000005
Name: marcello
QoS: Persistent
Expression: stock trade\.sell
          ID: 1000000004
Name: marcello
QoS: Persistent
Expression: stock trade\.buy
> verbose off
Verbose mode is now off
> sub
ID Name Expression
-- ---- ----------
1000000006 marcello [T] stock trade\.quote
1000000005 marcello [P] stock trade\.sell
1000000004 marcello [P] stock trade\.buy

rmsubscriptions (rmsub) [{-i identifier |-n name |-t | -p]}[-y]

Removes subscriptions from the subscription database. This command prompts for confirmation unless -y is used.

This command displays the number of subscriptions removed.

pendevents (pevt) [{-i identifier |-n name}]

Lists information about events in the pending events queue.

rmpendevents (rmpevt) [{-i identifier |-n name |-o}][-y]

Removes events in the pending events queue. If -o is specified, all events that do not currently have a corresponding subscription in the subscription database will be removed.

This command prompts for confirmation unless -y is used and displays the number of events removed.

errevents (eevt) [{-i identifier |-n name}]

Lists events in the events error queue.

rmerrevents (rmeevt) [{-i identifier |-n name |-o}][-y]

Removes events in the events error queue. If -o is specified, all events that do not currently have a corresponding subscription in the subscription database will be removed.

This command prompts for confirmation unless -y is used and displays the number of events removed.

retryerrevents (reteevt) [{-i identifier |-n name}][-y]

Retries the events in the events error queue. This will move the events from the error queue to the pending queue.

This command prompts for confirmation unless -y is used and displays the number of events moved from the error queue to the pending queue.

quit (q)

Terminates the session.

echo (e) [{off |on}]

Echoes input command lines when set to on. If no input is given, then the current setting is toggled and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.

help (h) [{command |all}]

Prints help messages. If command is specified, the abbreviation, arguments and description for that command are printed. all causes a description of the commands to be displayed. Omitting all arguments causes the syntax of all commands to be displayed.

paginate (page) [{off |on}]

Paginates output. If no input is given, the current setting is toggled and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is on, unless either standard input or standard output is a non-terminal device. Pagination may only be turned on when both standard input and standard output are terminal devices. The shell environment variable PAGER may be used to override the default command used for paging output. The default paging command is the pager indigenous to the native operating system environment; for example, the command pg is the default on UNIX operating systems.

verbose (v) [{on | off }]

Produces output in verbose mode. If no option is given then the current setting will be toggled, and the setting is printed. The initial setting is off.

! shellcommand

Use this command to escape to shell and execute shellcommand.


Use this command to repeat the previous shell command.


Use this command to designate the line as a comment.


Use this command to repeat the previous command.

Using the ntsadmin Utility

This section provides examples of using the ntsadmin utility.

Listing 7-12 shows an example of using ntsadmin to move events from the error queue back to the pending queue. The following steps are performed:

  1. Look up all subscriptions for marcello.
  2. Use the unique subscription_id to display information about events on the error queue.
  3. Move the events from the error queue to the pending queue.

Listing 7-12 Moving Events from the Error Queue to the Pending Queue

ntsadmin - Copyright (c) 1996-1999 BEA Systems, Inc.
Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under license by BEA Systems, Inc.
BEA Tuxedo is a registered trademark.
INFO: /Q Device - D:\smith\reg\QUE (SITE1)
> subscriptions -n marcello
ID Name Expression
-- ---- ----------
1000000002 marcello [T] stock trade\.quote
1000000001 marcello [P] stock trade\.sell
1000000000 marcello [P] stock trade\.buy
> verbose off
Verbose mode is now off
> eevt -i 1000000003
ID Name Count
-- ---- -----
1000000003 marcello 1
> reteevt -i 1000000003 -y
1 event(s) retried

Listing 7-13 shows an example of using ntsadmin to remove subscriptions and purge events.

Listing 7-13 Removing a Subscription

> rmsub -n BillJones -y
2 subscription(s) removed
> rmeevt -n marcello -y
1 event(s) removed
> rmpevt -n BillJones -y
No events removed

Listing 7-14 shows how to check events pending for a specific subscription.

Listing 7-14 Checking for Pending Events

> pevt -n marcello
ID Name Count
-- ---- -----
1000000003 marcello 1


Notification Servers

This section provides descriptions of the following servers:

The Notification Service also uses the following BEA Tuxedo system servers. For descriptions of these servers, refer to the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.


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