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mkfldhdr, mkfldhdr32(1)


mkfldhdr, mkfldhdr32—Creates header files from field tables.


mkfldhdr [-d outdir] [ field_table... ] 
mkfldhdr32 [-d outdir] [ field_table... ]


mkfldhdr translates each field table file to a corresponding header file suitable for inclusion in C programs. The resulting header files provide #define macros for converting from field names to field IDs. Header filenames are formed by concatenating a .h to the simple filename for each file to be converted.

The field table names may be specified on the command line; each file is converted to a corresponding header file.

If the field table names are not given on the command line, the program uses the FIELDTBLS environment variable as the list of field tables to be converted, and FLDTBLDIR environment variable as a list of directories to be searched for the files. FIELDTBLS specifies a comma-separated list of field table filenames. If FIELDTBLS has no value, fld.tbl is used as the name of the (only) field table file (in this case, the resulting header file will be (fld.tbl.h).

The FLDTBLDIR environment variable is a colon-separated list of directories in which to look for each field table whose name is not an absolute pathname; the search for field tables is very similar to the search for executable commands using the UNIX system PATH variable. If FLDTBLDIR is not defined, only the current directory is searched. Thus, if no field table names are specified on the command line and FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR are not set, mkfldhdr will convert the field table fld.tbl in the current directory into the header file fld.tbl.h.

mkfldhdr32 is used for 32-bit FML. It uses the FIELDTBLS32 and FLDTBLDIR32 environment variables.



Specifies that the output header files are to be created in a directory other than the present working directory.


Error messages are printed if the field table load fails or if an output file cannot be created.



mkfldhdr produces the #include files maskftbl.h, DBftbl.h, and miscftbl.h in the current directory by processing the files maskftbl, DBftbl, and miscftbl in directory /project/fldtbls.

With environment variables set as in the example above, the command mkfldhdr -d$FLDTBLDIRprocesses the same input field-table files, and produces the same output files, but places them in the directory given by the value of the environment variable FLDTBLDIR.

The command mkfldhdr myfieldsprocesses the input file myfields and produces myfields.h in the current directory.

See Also

Introduction to FML Functions, field_tables(5)


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