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buildobjclient—Constructs a CORBA client application.


buildobjclient [-v][-o name] [-f firstfile-syntax] 
[-l lastfile-syntax] -P


Use the buildobjclient command to construct a CORBA client application. The command combines the files specified in the -f and -l options with the standard CORBA libraries to form a client application. The client application is built using the default C++ language compile command defined for the operating system in use.

All specified .c and .cpp files are compiled in one invocation of the compilation system for the operating system in use. Users may specify the compiler to invoke by setting the CC environment variable to the name of the compiler. If the CC environment variable is not defined when buildobjclient is invoked, the default C++ language compile command for the operating system in use will be invoked to compile all .c and .cpp files.

Users may specify options to be passed to the compiler by setting the CFLAGS or the CPPFLAGS environment variables. If CFLAGS is not defined when buildobjclient is invoked, the buildobjclient command uses the value of CPPFLAGS if that variable is defined.



Specifies that the buildobjclient command should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the compile command to its standard output.

-o name

Specifies the name of the client application generated by this command. If the name is not supplied, the application file is named client<.type>, where type is an extension that is dependent on the operating system for an application (for example, on a UNIX system, there would not be a type; on a Windows system, the type would be .EXE).

-f firstfile-syntax

Specifies a file to be included first in the compile and link phases of the buildobjclient command. The specified file is included before the CORBA libraries are included. There are three ways of specifying a file or files, as shown in the following table.

Table 2 Specifying the First Filename(s)

Filename Specification


-f firstfile

One file is specified.

-f "file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp ..."

Multiple files may be specified if their names are enclosed in quotation marks and are separated by white space.


Note: Filenames that include spaces are not supported.

Note: The -f option may be specified multiple times.

-l lastfile-syntax

Specifies a file to be included last in the compile and link phases of the buildobjclient command. The specified file is included after the CORBA libraries are included. There are three ways of specifying a file, as shown in the following table.

Table 3 Specifying the Last Filename(s)

Filename Specification


-l lastfile

One file is specified.

-l "file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp ..."

Multiple files may be specified if their names are enclosed in quotation marks and are separated by white space.


Note: The -l option may be specified multiple times.


Specifies that the appropriate POA libraries should be linked into the image (that is, libraries that allow a client to also function as a server). The resulting image can act as a server and can use the Callbacks wrapper class for creating objects. The resulting joint client/server cannot take advantage of the object state management and transaction management provided by the BEA Tuxedo TP Framework. The -P switch should have been passed to the IDL compiler when generating the client. Use buildobjserver to build a server with all the support provided by the TP Framework. The default is to not link in the server libraries; that is, the default is to create a client only, not a joint client/server.

-h or -?

Provides help that explains the usage of the buildobjclient command. No other action results.



Finds the CORBA libraries and include files to use when compiling the client applications.


Indicates the compiler to use to compile all files with .c or .cpp file extensions. If not defined, the default C++ language compile command for the operating system in use will be invoked to compile all .c and .cpp files.


Indicates any arguments that are passed as part of the compiler command line for any files with a .c or .cpp file extensions. If CFLAGS does not exist in the buildobjclient command environment, the buildobjclient command checks for the CPPFLAGS environment variable.


Note: Arguments passed by the CFLAGS environment variable take priority over the CPPFLAGS variable.

Contains a set of arguments that are passed as part of the compiler command line for any files with a .c or .cpp file extensions.

This is in addition to the command line option "-I$(TUXDIR)/include" for UNIX systems or the command line option /I%TUXDIR%\include for Windows systems, which is passed automatically by the buildobjclient command. If CPPFLAGS does not exist in the buildobjclient command environment, no compiler commands are added.


Indicates which directories contain shared objects to be used by the compiler, in addition to the objects shared by the CORBA software. A colon (:) is used to separate the list of directories. Some UNIX systems require different environment variables: for HP-UX systems, use the SHLIB_PATH environment variable; for AIX, use LIBPATH.

LIB (Windows systems)

Indicates a list of directories within which to find libraries. A semicolon (;) is used to separate the list of directories.


The buildobjclient command is not supported on client-only CORBA systems.


The following example builds a CORBA client application on a Windows system:

set CPPFLAGS=-I%APPDIR%\include
buildobjclient -o empclient.exe -f emp_c.cpp -l userlib1.lib

The following example builds a CORBA client application on a UNIX system using the c shell:

setenv CPPFLAGS=$APPDIR/include
buildobjclient -o empclient -f emp_c.cpp -l userlib1.a


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