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Using CORBA Request-Level Interceptors

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PersonQuery Sample Application

To understand and use the interceptor examples packaged with the BEA Tuxedo software, you need to build and run the PersonQuery sample application. The PersonQuery sample application itself does not contain any interceptors; however, this application is used as the basis for the sample interceptor applications that are described in the three chapters that follow.

This topic includes the following sections:

Note: The BEA Tuxedo CORBA Java client and BEA Tuxedo CORBA Java client ORB were deprecated in Tuxedo 8.1 and are no longer supported in Tuxedo 9.0.

All BEA Tuxedo CORBA Java client and BEA Tuxedo CORBA Java client ORB text references, associated code samples, etc. should only be used:

Technical support for third party CORBA Java ORBs should be provided by their respective vendors. BEA Tuxedo does not provide any technical support or documentation for third party CORBA Java ORBs.


How the PersonQuery Sample Application Works

The PersonQuery sample application implements a simple database query interface. Using the PersonQuery application, a user can get information about people in the database that match specific search criteria, such as:

The PersonQuery application contains the following components:

PersonQuery Database

The PersonQuery database in the server application contains the following information about each person in the database:

Client Application Command-line Interface

The PersonQuery sample application implements a simple command-line interface in the client component with which the user can enter database query commands and the command to exit from the application.

The database query commands have the following syntax:

Option? command [keyword] [command [keyword]]...

In this command syntax:


The OMG IDL for the PersonQuery Sample Application

Listing 4-1 provides the OMG IDL code for the implemented in the PersonQuery sample application.

Listing 4-1 OMG IDL Code for the PersonQuery Application Interfaces

#pragma prefix ""

interface PersonQuery
enum MONTHS {Empty,Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec};
struct date_ {
short Day;
short Year;
typedef date_ Date;
struct addr_ {
short number;
string street;
string town;
string state;
string country;
typedef addr_ Address;
enum MARRIAGE {not_known, single, married, divorced};
enum HOBBIES {who_cares, rocks, swim, tv, stamps, photo,
enum SEX {cant_tell, male, female};
enum COLOR {white, black, brown, yellow, red, green, blue,
gray, violet, hazel, unknown, dontcare};
enum MARKINGS {dont_care, tattoo, scar, missing_limb,
struct person_ {
string name;
Address addr;
string ss;
SEX sex;
short age;
Date dob;
short ht;
long wt;
COLOR hair;
COLOR eye;
COLOR skin;
typedef person_ Person;
typedef sequence <Person> Possibles;
union reason_ switch (short)
case 0: string name;
case 1: Address addr;
case 2: string ss;
case 3: SEX sex;
case 4: short age;
case 5: MARRIAGE mar;
case 6: HOBBIES rec;
case 7: Date dob;
case 8: short ht;
case 9: long wt;
case 10: COLOR hair;
case 11: COLOR eyes;
case 12: COLOR skin;
case 13: MARKINGS other;
typedef reason_ Reason;

exception DataOutOfRange
Reason why;
boolean findPerson (
in Person who, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByName (
in string name, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByAddress (
in Address addr, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonBySS (
in string ss, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByAge (
in short age, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByMarriage (
in MARRIAGE mar, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByHobbies (
in HOBBIES rec, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonBydob (
in Date dob, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByHeight (
in short ht, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByWeight (
in long wt, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByHairColor (
in COLOR col, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonBySkinColor (
in COLOR col, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByEyeColor (
in COLOR col, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
boolean findPersonByOther (
in MARKINGS other, out Possibles hits)
raises (DataOutOfRange);
void exit();
interface QueryFactory
PersonQuery createQuery (in string name);


Building and Running the PersonQuery Sample Application

To build and run the PersonQuery sample application:

  1. Copy the files for the PersonQuery sample application into a work directory.
  2. Change the protection of the files for the PersonQuery sample application.
  3. Set the environment variables.
  4. Build the CORBA client and server sample applications.
  5. Start the PersonQuery client and server applications.
  6. Using the client application, enter a number of commands to search the database on the server.
  7. Stop the PersonQuery sample application.

Copying the Files for the PersonQuery Sample Application

The request-level interceptor sample application files are located in the following directory:


To create a copy of these files so that you can build them and run them, do the following:

  1. Create a working directory into which to copy the sample files.
  2. Copy the interceptors_cxx samples to the working directory created in the previous step:

Windows 2003

> xcopy /s/i %TUXDIR%\samples\corba\interceptors_cxx <workdirectory>\cxx


> cp -R $TUXDIR/samples/corba/interceptors_cxx <workdirectory>/cxx
  1. Change to the working directory containing the sample files:

Windows 2003

> cd <workdirectory>\cxx


> cd <workdirectory>/cxx

You will use the files listed and described in Table 4-2 in the PersonQuery sample application.

Table 4-2 Files Included in the Interceptors Sample Applications




app_cxx (subdirectory under interceptors_cxx)


The file that provides the latest information about building and running the set of interceptor sample applications.

The makefile for building the entire set of interceptor sample applications (the PersonQuery application and all the sample interceptors) on UNIX systems.


The makefile for building the entire set of interceptors sample applications (the PersonQuery application and all the sample interceptors) on Windows 2003 systems.

The generic makefile that uses the macros defined in the appropriate file.

personquery_i.h and

The implementation of the PersonQuery interfaces.


The PersonQuery client application source file.


The PersonQuery database server source file.


The shell file that sets all the required environment variables for building the entire set of interceptor sample applications on UNIX systems.


The command file that sets all the required environment variables for building the entire set of interceptor sample applications on Windows 2003 systems.

(subdirectory under interceptors_cxx)


The InterceptorData C++ source file.


The InterceptorData class definition file.

The generic makefile that uses the macros defined in the appropriate file to build the InterceptorData interceptors.

The makefile that builds the InterceptorData interceptors on UNIX systems.


The makefile that builds the InterceptorData interceptors on Windows 2003 systems.

simple_cxx (subdirectory under interceptors_cxx)


The InterceptorSimp C++ source file.


The InterceptorSimp class definition file.

The generic makefile that uses the macros defined in the appropriate file to build the InterceptorSimp interceptors.

The makefile that builds the InterceptorSimp interceptors on UNIX systems.


The makefile that builds the InterceptorSimp interceptors on Windows 2003 systems.

security_cxx (subdirectory under interceptors_cxx)


The InterceptorSec C++ source file.


The InterceptorSec class definition file.

The generic makefile that uses the macros defined in the appropriate file to build the InterceptorSec interceptors.

The makefile that builds the InterceptorSec interceptors on UNIX systems.


The makefile that builds the InterceptorSec interceptors on Windows 2003 systems.

common (subdirectory under interceptors_cxx)

The file that contains the makefile definitions for the application configuration.

The file that contains platform-specific make definitions for building the set of interceptor sample applications, where platform represents the system platform for the machine you are using.

The file that contains makefile definitions for UNIX systems.

The generic makefile that uses the macros defined in the appropriate file.

The makefile that builds the entire set of sample application files on UNIX systems.


The makefile that builds the entire set of sample application files on Windows systems.


The OMG IDL file that defines the interfaces for the PersonQuery sample application.


Changing the Protection on PersonQuery Application Files

During the installation of the BEA Tuxedo software, the sample application files are marked read-only. Before you can edit or build the files in the PersonQuery sample application, you need to change the protection attribute of the files you copied into your work directory, as follows. First make sure you are in the working directory into which you copied the sample application files.

Windows 2003

prompt>attrib -r /s *.* 


ksh prompt>chmod -R u+w *.*

Setting the Environment Variables

Before building and running the PersonQuery sample application, you need to set the environment in which the application runs. To set the environment variables and other property settings needed to build and run the PersonQuery sample application, enter the following command:

Windows 2003

> setenv.cmd


> $ . ./setenv.ksh

Building the CORBA Client and Server Applications

The following command builds the PersonQuery application, creates a machine-specific UBBCONFIG file, and loads the UBBCONFIG file:

Windows 2003

> nmake -f makefile.nt


$ make -f

Note: For convenience, the makefile executed in this step builds the entire set of interceptor samples. This includes the InterceptorSimp, InterceptorSec, and InterceptorData interceptors as well. Details on implementing and building those interceptors, as well as running them with the PersonQuery sample application, are provided in the chapters that follow.

Start the PersonQuery Client and Server Applications

Start the PersonQuery sample application by entering the following command:

prompt> tmboot -y

Running the PersonQuery Sample Application

A typical usage scenario of the PersonQuery sample application involves the following steps:

  1. Enter a query command for one feature, and check for number of returned items, for example:
  2. Option? hair brown eyes blue
  3. Enter additional query data about the feature queried in the preceding step.
  4. Continue queries until all the query data is narrowed down to a desirable level.
  5. Enter the result command to see the final query result.
  6. Start a new query cycle.
  7. Enter the exit command to quit from the application.

Stopping the PersonQuery Sample Application

To stop the PersonQuery sample application, enter the following command:

prompt>tmshutdown -y


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