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SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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INTEGER {active(1), inactive(2), suspended(3), pending(4)}




The values for GET and SET operations are as follows:


A GET operation retrieves run-time information for the selected tuxTBridgeTbl instance(s). A tuxTBridgeLmid object value with only one logical machine identifier matches all active connections from LMID1 to other machines in the application. In this case, each retrieved record contains an expanded tuxTBridgeLmid object value with the destination LMID filled in. The following states indicate the meaning of a tuxTBridgeState returned in response to a GET request. States not listed are not returned.


The connection is established and active.


The connection is inactive. This state is only returned when status is requested on a particular connection, that is, both LMIDs are specified in the tuxTBridgeLmid object and the source logical machine is reachable.


An established connection has been terminated due to an error condition, and reconnection has been suspended for at least the amount of time indicated in the tuxTBridgeSuspTime object value.


An asynchronous connection has been requested but has not yet completed. The final outcome of the connection request has not been determined.

SET: {active(1)|inactive(2)|suspended(3)|pending(4)}

A SET operation updates run-time information for the selected tuxTBridgeTbl object. The following states indicate the meaning of a tuxTBridgeState set in a SET request. States not listed cannot be set.


Activate the tuxTBridgeTbl instance by establishing an asynchronous connection between the indicated logical machines. This operation fails if only one machine is specified, if either of the machines is not active, or if the source machine is not reachable. When in the pending(4) state, the success or failure of the connection has not yet been determined. The BRIDGE can continue to process other events and data while the connection is outstanding. This state change is allowed in the inactive(2) and suspended(3) states. Successful return leaves the instance in the active(1) or pending(4) state.


Deactivate the tuxTBridgeTbl object by closing the connection between the indicated logical machines. This operation fails if only one logical machine is specified or if the two machines are not connected. State change allowed only when in the active(1) state. Successful return leaves the object in the inactive(2) state.


Suspend the tuxTBridgeTbl object by closing the connection between the indicated logical machines and by setting the tuxTBridgeSuspTime parameter as indicated. State change allowed only when in the active(1) state. Successful return leaves the object in the suspended(3) state.

Note: Since the statistics reported are from the source logical machine, resetting those statistics causes them to be out of sync with the statistics reported by the destination logical machine for the same connection.


Activate the tuxTBridgeTbl instance by establishing an asynchronous connection between the indicated logical machines. This operation fails if only one logical machine is specified, if either of the two machines is inactive, or if the source logical machine is not reachable. When in the pending(4) state, the success or failure of the connection request has not yet been determined. However, the BRIDGE can continue to process other events and data while the connection request is outstanding. State change allowed in inactive(2) and suspended(3) states. Successful return leaves the instance in the pending(4) state.


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