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SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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INTEGER { aborted(1) | abortonly(2) | active(3) | comcalled(4) | decided(5) | done(6) | habort(7) | hcommit(8) | heuristic-hazard(9) | heuristic-mixed(10) | ready(11) | unknown(12) }




A GET operation retrieves run-time information for the transaction branch (when the information is available for a particular domain gateway type).

GET requests:

ABorteD(1): The transaction branch is being rolled back.

ABortonlY(2): The transaction branch has been identified for rollback.

ACTive(3): The transaction branch is active.

COMcalled(4): The transaction branch has initiated the first phase of commitment.

DECided(5): The transaction branch has initiated second phase of commitment.

DONe(6): The transaction branch has completed the second phase of commitment.

HABort(7): The transaction has been heuristically rolled back.

HCOmmit(8): The transaction has been heuristically committed.

Heuristic HaZard(9): Communications for the transaction branch failed and it has not been determined if rollback completed successfully.

Heuristic MIxed(10): The transaction commitment or rollback for the transaction branch has completed and the remote domain has reported that the state of some of the resources used for the commitment or rollback is not consistent with the outcome of the transaction.

REAdy 11): The transaction has completed the first phase of a two-phase commit. All the participating groups and remote domains have completed the first phase of commitment and are ready to be committed.

UNKnown(12): The state of the transaction could not be determined.


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