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SNMP Agent MIB Reference

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DisplayString (SIZE(1..1000))




This object includes the ranges and associated server groups for the tuxDmRoutingFieldType routing field. The format of the string is a comma-separated, ordered list of range/group name pairs. A range/group pair has the following format:


where lower and upper are assigned numeric values or character strings in single quotes. lower must be less than or equal to upper. To embed a single quote in a character string value, the quote must be preceded by two backslashes (for example, `O\\'Brien'). The value MIN can be used to indicate the minimum value for the data type of the associated field on the machine. The value MAX can be used to indicate the maximum value for the data type of the associated field on the machine. Thus, "MIN-5" is all numbers less than or equal to -5, and "6-MAX" is all numbers greater than or equal to 6.

The meta-character "*" (wild-card) in the position of a range indicates any values not covered by the other ranges previously seen in the entry. Only one wild-card range is allowed per entry and it should be the last range (ranges that follow it are ignored).

The routing field can be of any data type supported in FML. A numeric routing field must have numeric range values and a string routing field must have string range values.

String range values for string, carray, and character field types must be placed inside a pair of single quotes, and cannot be preceded by a sign. The short and long integer values are a string of digits, optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign. Floating point numbers are of the form accepted by the C compiler or atof(3): an optional sign, then a string of digits (that optionally contains a decimal point), then an optional e or E followed by an optional sign or space, followed by an integer.

The raccesspoint parameter indicates the remote domain access point to which the request is routed if the field matches the range. A raccesspoint of "*" indicates that the request can go to any remote domain access point that imports the desired service.


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