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Installing the Tuxedo System

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Starting the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console

The following sections provide the system requirements for the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console and explain how to start and exit the Console.


What is the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console?

The BEA Tuxedo Administration Console is a graphical user interface that enables administrators to perform most administration and configuration tasks for BEA Tuxedo applications. It is implemented as a set of Java applets, which can run on most platforms that support a Java-capable Web browser.

The server-side components of the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console reside on one of the server machines in a BEA Tuxedo application. To use the Console, you must enter the URL of the server and download the Java applets.


Administration Console File Tree

During the BEA Tuxedo software installation, the installer program places most of the directories and files for the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console in the webgui directory, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 7-1 BEA Tuxedo Administration Console File Tree



BEA Tuxedo Administration Console File Tree


The installer program installs the following HTML files:

The installer program installs the class files for the Java applet in the java directory, and installs the tuxadm program in the cgi-bin directory. The installer assigns an alias pathname for tuxadm, which is used by Web clients to access tuxadm. The alias pathname is \cgi-bin on a Windows 2003 Server system and /cgi-bin on a UNIX system.


Server Requirements

The BEA Tuxedo Administration Console server for BEA Tuxedo 9.1 is supported on the following platforms:


Browser Requirements

The encryption level for the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console is set with the ENCRYPTBITS parameter in the webgui.ini file for the Console. In the following webgui.ini file, the encryption level is set to 56 bits.

# Web GUI initialization file.
# Created Sep 12, 2002 2:02:07 PM by BEA software installation program.

The ENCRYPTBITS parameter specifies the strength of encryption used in communication between the GUI applet and the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console server. The ENCRYPTBITS parameter can be set to 0, 56, or 128. The default value is 128.

The following table lists the platforms and browsers supported for BEA Tuxedo 9.1 when the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console is configured for 56-bit or 128-bit encryption.

On this platform . . .

BEA tested these browsers . . .

Using Java plug-in . . .

HP-UX Version 11.23 (32-bit) on PA-RISC

IBM AIX 5.3 (32-bit) on IBM PowerPC

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (32-bit) on Intel Pentium

Internet Explorer 6.0


Microsoft Windows XP on Intel Pentium

Internet Explorer 6.0


Sun Microsystems Solaris 9 (32-bit) on SPARC


If the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console is configured with no encryption (0-bit encryption), Internet Explorer 6.0 is supported on any Windows platform regardless of the Java plug-in version.


Hardware Requirements

To run the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console, you need a color display device that meets the following requirements:


Setting Up Your Environment for the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console

To run the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console, first set up your environment as described in Setting Up Your Environment. Ensure that your TUXDIR, WEBJAVADIR, and PATH environment variables are set correctly. Then set up the following two server processes:

After starting the tuxwsvr and wlisten server processes, you can start the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console to monitor the tuxwsvr server and the BEA Tuxedo application.

Starting tuxwsvr

The tuxwsvr process is a Web server process that can be used to support the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console GUI by customers who do not have a commercial Web server or a public-domain Web server on the machine on which the BEA Tuxedo Web GUI processes are running. The tuxwsvr process places itself in the background when invoked unless otherwise specified, and continues running until the machine shuts down or the tuxwsvr process is killed using an operating system command.

To Start Tuxwsvr on This Platform . . .

Enter the Following Command . . .

Windows 2003 Server system

tuxwsvr -l //machine:port -i %TUXDIR%\udataobj\tuxwsvr.ini

UNIX system

tuxwsvr -l //machine:port -i $TUXDIR/udataobj/tuxwsvr.ini


The BEA Tuxedo installer program creates the tuxwsvr.ini file, an example of which is shown below:

# tuxwsvr initialization file.
# Created Sep 12, 2004 2:02:07 PM by BEA software installation program.
CGI    /cgi-bin     C:\bea\tuxedo9.1/udataobj/webgui/cgi-bin
HTML   /java    C:\bea\tuxedo9.1/udataobj/webgui/java
HTML   /doc     C:\bea\tuxedo9.1/help
HTML   /        C:\bea\tuxedo9.1/udataobj/webgui

Usually, you do not need to edit this file, but under certain circumstances, you may want to do so. For example, you may decide to move your Java files to a non-default directory. In that case, you would need to edit the pathnames in the initialization file appropriately. For details, see reference page tuxwsvr(1) in BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.

Starting wlisten

The wlisten process is a listener process that receives incoming connections from Web GUI applets and starts a Web GUI gateway process (wgated). All wlisten options are taken from an initialization file that is specified by the -i option. If the -i option is not given, then %TUXDIR%\udataobj\webgui\webgui.ini is used as the default initialization file on a Windows 2003 Server system, and $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini is used as the default initialization file on a UNIX system.

To start wlisten, follow these steps:

  1. Check the webgui.ini file to make sure that the default values assigned to the parameters during installation are appropriate. If they are not, make the necessary changes.
  2. For example, on a machine called foo5, the default port assigned to wlisten is 4003. To run wlisten with port 6060, edit the NADDR parameter as follows:


    For details about other parameters in the webgui.ini file, see reference page wlisten(1) in BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.

  3. Enter the following command:
  4. wlisten


Starting the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console

The tuxadm process is a CGI process used to initialize the Web GUI from a browser. As shown in the "Synopsis" section of reference page tuxadm(1), this program can be used only as a location, or URL from a Web browser; normally it is not executed from a standard command-line prompt. Like other CGI programs, tuxadm uses the QUERY_STRING environment variable to parse its argument list.

To start the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console, complete the following four-step procedure:

  1. Start the browser.
  2. Enter the following URL:
  3. http://machine:port/webguitop.html

    For example: http://foo5:4003/webguitop.html

    Use of this URL depends on the following assumption: You are using tuxwsvr with the tuxwsvr.ini file. If you are using a commercial browser on the default port (8080), you can use a URL such as http://ctomsn:8080/webguitop.html.

    The BEA Tuxedo Administration Console entry page, which includes warranty and license notices, displays.

  4. To start the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console, select the Click Here to Run the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console prompt at the bottom of the screen. The Login window displays.
  5. Enter your login name and password in the appropriate fields, and select LOGIN. The password must be one of the entries in the file.
  6. The main window of the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console displays.

    The following table contains instructions for accessing additional information about the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console main window.

    Table 7-1 Accessing Information About the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console Main Window

    If. . .

    Then. . .

    The main window is displayed and you want to start working with the GUI

    See "Administration Console Tutorial" in BEA Tuxedo Administration Console Online Help.

    The main window is displayed and you want to read a description of it

    See "A Tour of the Main Window" in BEA Tuxedo Administration Console Online Help.

    The main window is not displayed and the Connect Failed error message is displayed

      1. On the Administration Console server machine, verify that the wlisten process is running. On a UNIX machine, for example, enter the ps command.

      2. If wlisten is not running, open the webgui.ini file and, in the line NADDR=//foo5:4003, replace the port number (4003) with a valid port number.

      3. Enter wlisten again:

    • $ wlisten -i %TUXDIR%\udataobj\webgui\webgui.ini (on Windows 2003 Server )

    • $ wlisten -i $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini
      (on UNIX)

      4. Check that the tuxwsvr process is running at the port specified in the URL.

      5. Verify the password. It must match one of the entries in the file.

      6. Return to step 1.



The BEA Tuxedo Administration Console has not been updated to support any new features introduced after BEA Tuxedo release 7.1.


Exiting the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console

To exit the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console, choose Domain —>Exit from the menu bar. This menu option closes the current domain and exits the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console applet.


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