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ATMI Programming



Explains how to write a BEA Tuxedo application using the C programming language.

Explains how to write a BEA Tuxedo application using the COBOL programming language.

Explains how to write a BEA Tuxedo application using the FML programming language.

Explains how to queue to either persistent storage (disk) or non-persistent storage (memory) for later processing or retrieval.

Describes how BEA Tuxedo system functionality can be used on remote clients residing on workstations.

Describes how BEA Tuxedo system functionality can be used with a Microsoft .NET Framework to develop Tuxedo .NET workstation client programs.

Explains how to write security code for ATMI applications.

Related Concepts

Programming a BEA Tuxedo ATMI Application Using C

Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using COBOL

Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using FML

Using the ATMI /Q Component

Using the BEA Tuxedo ATMI Workstation Component

Using the BEA Tuxedo .NET Workstation Client

Using Security in ATMI Applications