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tpfmltoxml()—Converts FML buffers to XML data


#include <fml.h>
int tpfmltoxml (FBFR *fmlbufp, char *vfile, char *rtag, char **xmlbufp, long flags)


This function is used to convert FML buffers to XML data. It supports the following valid arguments:


The argument is a pointer to an input FML typed buffer.


The argument is not used for FML to XML conversion at this time. It is reserved for the fully qualified path name of an XML Schema file used to validate XML output when this capability is supported by Xerces.


This argument is a pointer to the input root element name for the output XML document.When a root element name is specified during conversion, it is identified and saved for use as an XML root tag with an optional Type attribute added to the root element name. If the input root name is not specified, then the default output XML root tag <FML> is used.


This argument is a pointer to an output XML typed buffer in a pre-defined format for describing FML fielded buffers.


This argument is not used for FML to XML conversion at this time and should be set to 0.

Return Values

Upon success, tpfmltoxml() returns 0. This function returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.


Upon failure, tpfmltoxml() sets tperrno to one of the following values:


Either fml32bufp or xmlbufp is not a valid typed buffer.


A Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog(3). This will also indicate when a conversion to XML was unable to be done. In that instance error detail info will be added to the userlog.


An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.


tpxmltofml32(3c),tpfml32toxml(3c), tpxmltofml(3c)


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