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ATMI C Function Reference

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tpstrerror()—Gets error message string for a BEA Tuxedo ATMI system error.


#include <atmi.h> 
char *
tpstrerror(int err)


tpstrerror() is used to retrieve the text of an error message from LIBTUX_CAT. err is the error code set in tperrno when a BEA Tuxedo ATMI system function call returns a -1 or other failure value.

You can use the pointer returned by tpstrerror() as an argument to userlog() or the UNIX function fprintf().

A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpstrerror() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.

Return Values

Upon success, tpstrerror() returns a pointer to a string that contains the error message text.

If err is an invalid error code, tpstrerror() returns a NULL.


Upon failure, tpstrerror() returns a NULL but does not set tperrno.


#include <atmi.h>
char *p;
if (tpbegin(10,0) == -1) {
p = tpstrerror(tperrno);
userlog("%s", p);

See Also

userlog(3c), Fstrerror, Fstrerror32(3fml)


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