Chapter 5. Using the Jolt Repository Editor

Use the Jolt Repository Editor to add, modify, test, export, and delete TUXEDO service definitions from the Repository based on the information available from the TUXEDO configuration file. The Jolt Repository Editor accepts TUXEDO service definitions, including the names of the packages, services, and parameters.

This chapter gives detailed information on the following areas:

Introduction to the Repository Editor

The Repository is used internally by Jolt to translate Java parameters to a TUXEDO type buffer. The Repository Editor is available as a downloadable Java applet. When a TUXEDO service is added to the repository, it must be exported to the Jolt server to ensure that the client requests can be made from a Jolt client.

The following list describes each section in this chapter:

Repository Editor Window

Repository Editor windows contain entry fields, scrollable displays, command buttons, status, and radio buttons. Figure 5-1 illustrates the parts of a sample window.

Figure 5-1 Sample Repository Editor Window

Repository Editor Window Description

Table 5-1 details the parts of the Repository Editor window example in Figure 5-1.

Table 5-1 Repository Editor Window Parts

Part Function

1 entry fields

Enter text, numbers, or alphanumeric characters such as service names, server names, or port numbers.

2 scrollable display

View lists that extend beyond the display using a button.

3 display list

Select from a list of predefined items such as the Parameters list or select from a list of items that have been defined.

4 command buttons

Activate an operation such as display the Packages window, Services window, or Package Organizer.

5 status

View the current status of the Repository Editor service or package.

6 radio buttons (not illustrated in Figure 5-1)

Select one of a number of options. Only one of the buttons can be activated at a time.

Getting Started

Before starting the Repository Editor, make sure that you have installed all necessary Jolt software. To use the Repository Editor, you must:

Start the Repository Editor from either the JavaSoft appletviewer or from your Web browser.

Starting the Repository Editor Using appletviewer

To start the editor using the JavaSoft appletviewer:

  1. Set the CLASSPATH to include the Jolt class directory.

  2. If loading the applet from a local disk, type the following at the URL location:

    appletviewer <full-pathname>/RE.html

    If loading the applet from the Web server, type the following at the URL location:

    appletviewer http://<www.server>/<URL path>/RE.html

  3. Press Enter. The Repository Editor logon window displays.

Starting the Repository Editor Using Your Web Browser

To start the Repository Editor from a local file:

  1. Set the CLASSPATH to include the Jolt class directory.

  2. Type the following:


To start the Repository Editor from a Web server:

  1. Ensure that the CLASSPATH does not include the Jolt class directory

  2. Unset the CLASSPATH.

  3. Type the following:

    http://<www.server>/<URL path>/RE.html

    Note: Before opening the file, modify the applet codebase parameter in RE.html to match your Jolt Java classes directory.

  4. Press Enter. The Repository Editor logon window displays.

Logging on to the Repository Editor

After starting the Jolt Repository Editor, follow the directions to log on:

  1. Type the name of the server machine designated as the "access point" to the TUXEDO application and select the port number text field.

  2. Type the port number and press Enter. The system validates the server and port information.

    Note: Unless you are logging on through the Jolt Relay, the same port number is used to configure the Jolt Listener. Refer to your UBBCONFIG file for additional information.

  3. Type the TUXEDO Application Password and press Enter. Based on the authentication level, type the remaining information.

  4. Type the TUXEDO user name and press Tab.

  5. Type the TUXEDO user password and press Enter.

    Note: The Jolt 1.1 Repository Editor uses the hardcoded joltadmin for the user role. See the JoltSessionClass for additional information.

The Packages and Services options are activated.

Figure 5-2 is an example of the Repository Editor logon window.

Figure 5-2 Repository Editor Logon Window

Repository Editor Logon Window Description

The following listing details the Repository Editor logon window.

Option Description


Type the server name.

Port Number

Type the port number in decimal value.

Note: After the server name and port number are entered, the user name and password fields are activated. Activation is based on the authentication level of the TUXEDO application.

Application Password

TUXEDO administrative password text entry.

User Name

TUXEDO user identification text entry. The first character must be an alpha character.

User Password

TUXEDO password text entry.


Accesses the Packages window. (Enabled after the logon.)


Accesses the Services window. (Enabled after the logon.)

Exiting the Repository Editor

Exit the Repository Editor when you are finished adding, editing, testing, or deleting packages, services, and parameters. Figure 5-3 is an example of the Repository Editor window before exiting. Only Packages, Services, and Close are enabled. All text entry fields are disabled.

Figure 5-3 Example of the Repository Editor Logon Window Before Exiting


To exit the Repository Editor:

  1. Select Back from a previous window to return to the Logon window.

  2. Select Close to terminate the connection with the server. The Repository Editor Logon window continues to display with disabled fields.

  3. Select Close from your browser menu to remove the window from your screen.

Main Components of the Repository Editor

The Repository Editor allows you to add, modify, or delete any of the following components:

In addition, you can test and group Services.

Repository Editor Flow

After logging on to the Repository Editor, two options are enabled, Packages and Services. Figure 5-4 illustrates the Repository Editor flow to help you determine which button to select. Figure 5-4 shows the Repository Editor option flow.

Figure 5-4 Repository Editor Flow Diagram

Select Packages to perform the following functions:

Select Services to access the Services window and perform the following functions:

What is a Package?

Packages provide a convenient method for grouping services for Jolt administration. A service is comprised of parameters, including pin number, account number, payment, rate, term, age, or Social Security number. The Packages button can be used to:

The available packages are displayed. When a package is selected, the services contained within a package display.

Figure 5-5 is an example of a Packages window.

Figure 5-5 Highlighted Package with Services

Packages Window Description

The following listing describes the Packages window options.

Option Description


Lists available packages.


Lists available services within the selected package.

Package Organizer

Accesses the Package Organizer window to review available packages and services. Moves the services among the packages or add a new package.


Makes the most current services available to the client. This option is enabled when a package is selected.


Select this option before testing an existing service. This option is enabled when a package is selected.


Deletes a package. This option is enabled when a package is selected and the package is empty (no services contained within the package).

Viewing a Package Instructions

  1. To view the packages, select Packages from the Logon window. The Packages window displays.

  2. The packages are displayed in the Packages display list. In Figure 5-5, STOCKS, BANKAPP, HumanResources, and BANK are the available packages.

What is a Service?

A service is a definition of an available TUXEDO service. Services are comprised of parameters such as pin number, account number, payment, and rate. Adding or editing a Jolt service does not affect an existing TUXEDO service. Use the Services window to add, edit, or delete services. Figure 5-6 is an example of a Services window with the available services.

Figure 5-6 Services Window

Services Window Description

The following listing describes the Services window options:

Option Description


Lists the services and parameters for the select package. Select the package to add a new service, edit, or delete a service.


Lists a service in the package to edit or delete. Selecting a service displays the parameters within the service.


Displays selected service parameters.


Displays the Edit Services window for adding a new service.


Displays the Edit Services window for editing an existing service. This button is enabled only if a service has been selected.


Deletes a service. This button is only enabled if a service has been selected.


Returns the user to the previous window.

Viewing a Service Instructions

  1. To view the services, select Services from the Logon window. The Services window displays.

  2. The available packages are displayed in the Packages display list. Selecting a package displays the available services for that package in the Services display list. In Figure 5-6, BANKAPP is the selected package.

  3. The available services for the selected package are displayed in the Services display list. In Figure 5-6, INQUIRY, WITHDRAWAL, DEPOSIT, and TRANSFER are the available services for BANKAPP.

What is a Parameter?

A service is comprised of parameters, including a pin number, account number, payment, rate, term, age, or Social Security number. A parameter is one of the service components. Adding or editing a parameter does not modify or change an existing TUXEDO service. Figure 5-7 is an example of the Services window displaying a selected service and its parameters.

Figure 5-7 Services Window with Parameters

Viewing a Parameter Instructions

  1. To view the parameters of a service, select Services from the Logon window. The Services window displays.

  2. View packages in the Packages display list. To view the available services for each package, select the package. In Figure 5-7, BANKAPP is the selected package.

  3. View services in the Services display list. To view the available parameters for each service, select a service. In Figure 5-7, INQUIRY is the selected service.

  4. View parameters for a selected service in the Parameters display list. In Figure 5-7, Message, STATLIN, ACCOUNT_ID, and SBALANCE are the available parameters for the INQUIRY service.

Setting Up Packages and Services

This section includes the necessary steps for setting up a package and its services:

Saving Your Work

As you are creating and editing services and parameters, it is important to regularly save information to ensure that you do not inadvertently lose any input. Selecting Save Service can prevent the need to re-enter information in the event of a system failure.

Be sure to exercise caution when you are adding or editing the parameters of a service. Add must be selected before choosing Back from the Edit Parameters window (shown in Figure 5-11) and returning to the Edit Services window (shown in Figure 5-9).

If adding a new service or modifying an existing service at the Edit Services window, ensure that Save Service is selected before choosing Back. If Back is selected before the modified information is saved, a warning briefly displays on the status line at the bottom of the window.

Adding a Package

If you need to add a new group of services, a new package must be created before adding the services. Figure 5-8 shows how a new package, BALANCE, is added to the Packages listing.

Figure 5-8 Adding a New Package

Adding a Package Instructions

Follow these instructions to add a package:

  1. From the Logon window, select Packages. The Packages window displays. Select Package Organizer. The Package Organizer window displays. For a description of the Package Organizer window, see "Package Organizer Description" in this chapter.

  2. From the Package Organizer window, select New Package. The text field is activated.

  3. Type the name of the new package (not to exceed 32 characters) and press Enter. The new name (in Figure 5-8, BALANCE) is displayed in the Packages display list in random order.

Adding a Service

Services are definitions of available TUXEDO services and can only be a part of a Jolt package. You are not required to create a new package before creating a new service; however, you must create the service as a part of a package, even if it is moved to a different package at a later date.

The Repository Editor accepts the new service name exactly as it is typed (e.g., all capital letters, abbreviations, misspellings, etc.). Service names must not exceed 30 characters. Figure 5-9 is an example of the Adding New Service window.

Figure 5-9 Edit Services: Adding New Service Window

Adding a Service Window Description

The following listing describes the options for adding services to a package in a package window.

Option Description

Service Name

Adds the name of the new service to the Repository.

Input Buffer Type/Output Buffer Type

VIEW - a C-structure and 16-bit integer field. Contains subtypes that have a particular structure. X_C_TYPE and X_COMMON are equivalent. X_COMMON is used for COBOL and C.

VIEW32 - similar to VIEW, except 32-bit field identifiers are associated with VIEW32 structure elements.

CARRAY - an array of uninterrupted binary data that is neither encoded nor decoded during transmission; it may contain null characters. X_OCTET is equivalent.

FML - a type in which each field carries its own definition.

FML32 - similar to FML except the ID field and length field are 32 bits long.

STRING - a character array terminated by a null character that is encoded or decoded.

Input View Name/Output View Name

A unique name assigned to the Input View Buffer and Output View Buffer types. These fields are only enabled if VIEW or VIEW32 are the selected buffer types.

Current Status

Lists current status of the service. EXPORTED or UNEXPORTED status is displayed. UNEXPORTED is the default.

Save Service

Saves newly created service in the Repository.


Tests the service. This is disabled until a new service is created or edits to an existing service are saved.


Lists a parameter to edit or delete.

New Parameter

Adds new parameters to the service.

Edit Parameter

An existing parameter can be edited. This option is disabled until a new parameter is selected.

Delete Parameter

Deletes a parameter. This option is disabled until a new parameter is selected.

Adding a Service Instructions

To add a service, follow these instructions:

  1. From the Logon window, select Services.

  2. Select the package where the service is going to be added. If you are uncertain which package should contain the new service, select a package and use the Package Organizer to move the service to a different package. See "Grouping Services Using the Package Organizer" for additional information.

  3. Select New from the Services window. The Edit Services window is displayed.

  4. Select the Service Name text field to activate it. Type the service name.

  5. Select the buffer type. Although the same buffer type selected for the Input Buffer is automatically selected for the Output Buffer, you can change the Output Buffer type to a different buffer type.

  6. If VIEW or VIEW32 is selected, type the Input View Name and Output View Name in the accompanying text field. If another buffer type is selected, the Input View Name and Output View Name text fields are disabled. If CARRAY or STRING is selected, refer to "Selecting CARRAY or STRING as a Service Buffer Type" in this chapter for additional instructions.

  7. Select Save Service to save the newly created service.

Selecting CARRAY or STRING as a Service Buffer Type

If CARRAY or STRING is selected as the buffer type for a new service, only carray or string can be added as the data type for the accompanying parameters of a service. See also "Adding a Parameter" and "Selecting carray or string as a Parameter Data Type" in this chapter. For more information, refer to Chapter 6, "Using the Jolt Class Library."

Figure 5-10 is an example of the Edit Services window with STRING as the selected buffer type for the service.

Figure 5-10 Edit Services Window with STRING as the Selected Buffer Type

Adding a Parameter

Selecting New Parameter from the Edit Services window brings up the Edit Parameters window. Review the features in Figure 5-11. Use this window to input the parameter and window information for a service.

Figure 5-11 is an example of the Edit Parameters window used to add a new parameter.

Figure 5-11 Adding a Parameter Window

Parameters Window Description

The following listing describes the Edit Parameters window options.

Option Description

Field Name

Adds the field name (e.g., asset, inventory).


List data type choices:

byte - 8-bit

short - 16-bit

integer - 32-bit

float - 32-bit

double - 64-bit

string - null-terminated character array

carray - variable length 8-bit character array


Lists choices for direction:

Input - Information is directed from the client to the server.

Output - Information is directed from the server to the client.

Both - Information is directed from the client to the server, and from the server to the client.


Number of times that an identical field name can be used. If 0, the field name can be used an unlimited number of times. Occurrences are used by Jolt to build test screens; not to limit information sent or retrieved by TUXEDO.


Clears the window.


Disabled while new parameters are added.


Adds new parameters to the service. The parameters are saved when the service is saved.


Returns user to the previous window.

Screen Label

Disabled for the Jolt 1.1 release.

Screen Information

Disabled for the Jolt 1.1 release.

Adding a Parameter Instructions

  1. Select Field Name to activate the field and type the field name.

    Note: If the buffer type is FML or VIEW, the field name must match the corresponding parameter field name in FML or VIEW.

  2. Select the data type.

  3. Select the Occurrences text field to activate it, and then type the number of occurrences.

  4. Specify a direction by selecting the input, output, or both radio buttons.

  5. Select Add to append the information. Add does not save the parameter.

  6. Select Save Service to save the parameter as a part of the service.

    Warning: If Save Service is not selected before selecting Back, the parameters are not saved as part of the service.

  7. Select Back to return to the previous window.

Selecting carray or string as a Parameter Data Type

If CARRAY or STRING is the selected buffer type for a new service, only carray or string can be added as the data type for the accompanying parameters of a service.

In this case, only one parameter can be added. It is recommended that the parameter name for CARRAY is "CARRAY" and the parameter name for STRING is "STRING."

See also "Adding a Service Instructions" and "Selecting CARRAY or STRING as a Service Buffer Type" in this chapter. For more information, refer to Chapter 6, "Using the Jolt Class Library."

Figure 5-12 is an example of the Edit Parameters window with string as the selected data type for the parameter. The Type defaults to string and does not allow you to modify that particular data type. The Field Name can be any name.

Figure 5-12 Edit Parameters Window with string as the Data Type

Grouping Services Using the Package Organizer

The Package Organizer moves or transfers services between packages. You may want to group related services in a package (for example, WITHDRAWAL services that are exported only at a certain time of the day can be grouped together in a package).

The Package Organizer arrow buttons allow you to move a service from one package to another. These buttons are useful if you have several services to move between packages. The packages and services display listings help track a service within a particular package.

Figure 5-13 and Figure 5-14 are examples of Package Organizer windows with a service selected for transfer to another package.

Figure 5-13 Example of a Selected Service

Package Organizer Description

The following listing describes the options for the Package Organizer window:

Option Description

Available Packages (left display list)

Lists packages available where the service to be moved currently resides.

Available Packages (right display list)

Lists packages available to move the service to.

Services (left display list)

Lists available services for the highlighted package that can be moved.

Services (right display list)

Lists available services that have been moved for the highlighted package.

Left arrow

Highlights services on the right to move services (one service at a time) to the package highlighted on the left.

Right arrow

Highlights services on the left to move services (one service at a time) to the package highlighted on the right.

New Package

Adds the name of a new package.


Returns user to the previous window.

Grouping Services with the Package Organizer Instructions

  1. Select the package containing the services to be moved from the Packages left display window to the right display window. In Figure 5-13, BANKAPP is the selected package.

  2. Select the service to be moved from the Services left display window to the right display window. In Figure 5-13, INQUIRY is the selected service in the BANKAPP package.

  3. Select the package to receive the service from the Packages right display window. Figure 5-13 shows the selected service and the selected package, BANK, to where the INQUIRY service will be moved.

    Figure 5-14 Example of a Moved Service

  4. To move the services between the packages, select the left arrow (<---) or right arrow (--->). These keys are activated only when both packages and a service are selected. The keys are only active in the direction of the package where the service is to be moved. Figure 5-14 shows how the Repository Editor moves the INQUIRY service to the BANK package on the right.

    Note: You cannot select the same package in both the left and right display lists.

Modifying Packages/Services/Parameters

If a package, service, or parameter requires any modifications, you can make the following changes:

Editing a Service

Edit an existing service name, service information, or access the window to add new parameters to an existing service. For a description of the Edit Services window, see "Adding a Service Window Description" in this chapter. Figure 5-15 is an example of the Edit Services window.

Figure 5-15 Edit Services Window

Editing a Service Instructions

Follow the instructions below to edit a service:

  1. Select the package containing the service that requires editing from the Services window.

  2. Select the service to edit. The parameters are displayed in the parameters display list.

  3. Select Edit. The Edit Services window displays.

  4. Type or select the new information and select Save Service.

Editing a Parameter

All parameter elements can be changed, including the name of the parameter.

Warning: If you are creating a new parameter using an existing name, the system overwrites the existing parameter. Figure 5-16 is an example of the Edit Parameters window.
Figure 5-16 Edit Parameters Window


Editing a Parameter Instructions

To change a parameter, follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the parameter in the Parameters window and select Edit Parameters. The Edit Parameters: Changing Existing Parameter window displays.

  2. Type the new information and select Change.

  3. Select Back to return to the previous window.

Deleting Parameters/Services/Packages

This section details the necessary sequential steps to delete a package. Before deleting a package, all of the services must be deleted from the package. The Delete option is not enabled until all components of the package or service are deleted.

Warning: The system does not display a prompt to confirm that items are to be deleted. Be certain that the parameter, service, or package is scheduled to be deleted or has been moved to another location before selecting Delete.

Deleting a Parameter

Determine which parameters to delete and follow the instructions below.

  1. To delete the parameters, highlight the parameter in the Parameters display list and select Delete Parameter.

  2. Select Back to return to the previous window.

Deleting a Service

Determine which services to delete and follow these instructions. Make sure that all parameters within this service are deleted before selecting this option.

  1. Select Services from the Logon window. The Packages window displays.

  2. Select the package containing the service you want to delete.

  3. Select the service you want to delete. Delete is enabled.

  4. Select Delete. The service is deleted.

Deleting a Package

Determine which packages to delete and follow these instructions. Make sure all services contained in this package are deleted or moved to another package before selecting this option.

  1. To delete packages, select Packages from the Logon window. The Packages window displays.

  2. Select a package.

  3. Select Delete. The package is deleted.

Making a Service Available to the Jolt Client

To make a service available to a Jolt client, you must export it. All services in a package must be exported or unexported as a group. A service is made available by using the Export and Unexport buttons.

This section discusses:

Exporting/Unexporting Services

Determine which services are being made available or unavailable to the Jolt client. Services are exported to ensure that the Jolt client can access the most current service definitions from the Jolt server.

Figure 5-17 shows the Packages window. From there you can Export and Unexport services.

Figure 5-17 Export and Unexport Buttons

Exporting/Unexporting a Service Instructions

Follow the instructions below to export or unexport a service.

  1. Select Packages from the Logon window. The Packages window displays.

  2. Select a package. Export and Unexport are enabled.

  3. To make services available, select Export.

  4. To make services unavailable, select Unexport.

    Note: The system does not display a confirmation message indicating that the service is exported or unexported. See "Reviewing the Exported/Unexported Status" in this chapter for additional information.

Reviewing the Exported/Unexported Status

When a service is exported or unexported, you can review its status from the Edit Services window. Figure 5-18 shows the current status as EXPORTED.

Figure 5-18 Exported/Unexported Status

Reviewing the Exported/Unexported Status Instructions

To review the current exported or unexported status of a service, follow these instructions:

  1. Select Services from the Logon window. The Services window displays.

  2. When you want to find out if a service has been exported or unexported, you can check its status by selecting a package from the Package display list. The Services display list is enabled with a listing of services for the selected package.

  3. Select the desired service.

  4. Select Edit. The Edit Services window displays with the Current Status of the service as EXPORTED or UNEXPORTED.

Testing a Service

A service and its parameters should be tested to ensure that they are functioning properly before they are made available to Jolt clients. Services that are currently available can be tested without making changes to the services and parameters.

Note: The Repository Editor allows you to test an existing TUXEDO service with Jolt without writing a line of Java code.

An exported or unexported service can be tested; if you need to change a service and its parameters, unexport the service prior to editing.

This section explains the following:

Repository Editor Service Test Window

Test the service to ensure that the parameter information is accurate. Although Test is enabled when parameters are not added to the service, the Service Test window (Figure 5-19) displays the parameter fields as "unused" and they are disabled. A service can only be tested when the corresponding TUXEDO server is running for the service being tested.

Note: The Service Test window displays up to 20 items of any multiple-occurrence parameters. All items that follow the twentieth occurrence of a parameter cannot be tested.

Figure 5-19 shows an example of a Service Test window with writable and read-only text fields.

Figure 5-19 Sample Service Test Window

Service Test Window Description

The following listing details the Service Test window in Figure 5-19.

Note: You can enter a two-digit hexadecimal character (0-9, a-f, A-F) for each byte in the CARRAY data field. For example, the hexadecimal value for 1234 decimal is 0422.

Option Description


Displays the name of the tested service (read-only).

Parameters displayed

Tracks the parameters displayed in the window (read-only).

Parameter text fields

The parameter information text entry field. These fields are writable or read-only. Disabled if read-only.


Runs the test with the data entered.


Clears the text entry field.


Lists additional parameter fields, if applicable.


Lists previous parameter fields, if applicable.


Returns to the Edit Services window.

Testing a Service Process Flow

Test a service to ensure that all service and parameter information is correct. You can test a service without making changes to the service or its parameters. You can also test a service after editing the service or its parameters.

Figure 5-20 shows a typical Repository Editor service test flow.

Figure 5-20 Test Service Flow

Testing a Service Instructions

Follow these instructions to test a service.

  1. Select Services from the Logon window to display the Services window.

  2. Select the package and the service to test.

  3. Select Edit to access the Edit Services window.

  4. Select Test to access the Service test window.

  5. Input data in the Service test window parameter text field.

  6. Select RUN. The status line displays the message, "Run Completed OK," if the test passes, or "Call Failed," if the test fails. See "Some Reasons Why a Test Might Fail" or Table 5-2 for additional Repository Editor troubleshooting information.

Follow the instructions below if editing is required to pass the test.

  1. Return to the Repository Editor logon window and select Packages.

  2. Select the package with the services to be retested.

  3. Select Unexport.

  4. Select Back to return to the Logon window.

  5. Select Services to display the Services window.

  6. Select the package and the service that requires editing and select Edit.

  7. Edit the service.

  8. Save the service, select Test, and repeat steps 5 and 6 from previous list.

Some Reasons Why a Test Might Fail

Here are some reasons why a service test might fail and possible solutions.

If this . . . Do this . . .

A parameter is incorrect.

Edit the service.

The Jolt server is down.

Check the server. The TUXEDO service is down. You do not need to edit the service.


If you encounter problems while using the Repository Editor, see Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Repository Editor Troubleshooting Table

If . . . Then . . .

You receive any error

Make sure the browser you are running is Java-enabled:

You cannot connect to the Jolt Server (after entering Server and Port Number)

Check and make sure that:

You cannot start the Repository Editor

If you are running the editor in a browser and downloading the applet via http, make sure that:

Cannot display Packages or Services even though you are sure they exist

Cannot save changes in the Repository Editor

Check permissions on the repository file. The file must be writable by the user who starts JREPSVR.

Cannot test services