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Class bea.jolt.JoltAdmSession


public class JoltAdmSession
extends JoltSession
Note: JoltAdmSession is deprecated. As of Jolt 1.2, user should extend from JoltSession class and call the protected {@link bea.jolt.JoltSession.logon()} method.

An administrative Jolt session to a Tuxedo. It is intended for administrative tools, such as, Repository Editor. When security is a concern, the administrator may remove this class from general access.

See Also:
JoltSessionAttributes, JoltRemoteService, JoltTransaction

Constructor Index

 o JoltAdmSession(JoltSessionAttributes, String, String, String, String)
Instantiate an administrative session for Jolt administrative tools.

Method Index

 o flushDefinition(String, String)
Flush a definition from the local cache.


 o JoltAdmSession
 public JoltAdmSession(JoltSessionAttributes attr,
                       String userName,
                       String userRole,
                       String userPassword,
                       String appPassword) throws SessionException
Instantiate an administrative session for Jolt administrative tools.

attr - the session attributes.
userName - The user name or null.
userRole - The user role or null.
userPassword - The user password or null.
appPassword - The application password or null.
Throws: SessionException
If one of the session attributes is invalid or the authentication fails


 o flushDefinition
 public boolean flushDefinition(String type,
                                String name)
Flush a definition from the local cache.

type - "SVC" for service, "QUEUE" for queue, ...
name - the name of the definition.
true if the definition is flushed; false if no such definition is found.
flushDefinition in class JoltSession

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