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Class bea.jolt.JoltDefinition


public class JoltDefinition
extends JoltDefAttrs
implements Definition
This class represents the definition of a Jolt object which can be both a service and an asynchronous message.

See Also:
JoltRemoteService, JoltMessage

Constructor Index

 o JoltDefinition(String)
This constructor takes a string definition and converts it into an object.
 o JoltDefinition(String, String)
This contstructor builds a new definition.

Method Index

 o addParam(String, JoltParam, JoltParam)
Add parameter to the hash table and the linked list.
 o getKeys()
Enumerates the property keys.
 o getName()
Get the name of the definition (e.g.
 o getParam(String)
Get the parameter object for the name.
 o getParams()
Enumerates the parameter list.
 o getProperty(String)
Get a property element of the definition.
 o getType()
Get the type of definition.
 o getTypeName()
Get the key token to the repository.
 o getVersion()
Get the version number of the definition.
 o numParams()
Get the number of parameters in the definition.
 o putProperty(String, String)
Put a property element for the definition.
 o toString()
Build the definition string from this object.


 o JoltDefinition
 public JoltDefinition(String name,
                       String typeName)
This contstructor builds a new definition.

name - The service name
typeName - The key to the repository.
 o JoltDefinition
 public JoltDefinition(String svcdef) throws DefinitionException
This constructor takes a string definition and converts it into an object.

svcdef - The definition in a string.
Throws: DefinitionException
Maformed definition.


 o getName
 public String getName()
Get the name of the definition (e.g. the service name) for this object.

The definition name.
 o getVersion
 public int getVersion()
Get the version number of the definition.

The definition version number.
 o getTypeName
 public String getTypeName()
Get the key token to the repository.

 o getType
 public int getType()
Get the type of definition.

The type of the definition.
See Also:
 o numParams
 public int numParams()
Get the number of parameters in the definition.

the number of parameters.
 o getParams
 public Enumeration getParams()
Enumerates the parameter list.

Enumeration of the parameter.
 o getParam
 public JoltParam getParam(String name) throws NoSuchFieldError
Get the parameter object for the name.

name - the parameter name.
the parameter object
Throws: NoSuchFieldError
This field doesn't exist.
 o getProperty
 public String getProperty(String name)
Get a property element of the definition.

name - the property name.
the property value.
 o putProperty
 public void putProperty(String name,
                         String val)
Put a property element for the definition.

name - the property name.
val - the property value.
 o getKeys
 public Enumeration getKeys()
Enumerates the property keys.

the enumeration of the property keys.
 o toString
 public String toString()
Build the definition string from this object.

The definition string.
toString in class Object
 o addParam
 public JoltParam addParam(String nm,
                           JoltParam param,
                           JoltParam prev)
Add parameter to the hash table and the linked list. This method returns the current param which must be passed back as the "prev" in the subsequent call. The very first time to call this method, "prev" must be null.

nm - the name of the parameter
param - the parameter object to be added
prev - the previous parameter object
The added parameter object.

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