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Class bea.jolt.JoltRepository


public class JoltRepository
extends Object
This class provides access and control to the repository of service definitions. It also provides caching and pre-loading the cache to improve the performance. It also allows the repository to be shared with other sessions.

See Also:

Method Index

 o flushDefinition(String, String)
Flush a definition from the cache.
 o getDefinition(String, String)
Get a definition of a given type and name from the Jolt Repository.
 o setCache(Enumeration)
Preload the data into the cache for this repository.
 o shareCache(JoltRepository)
Share the cached data from this repository with the repositories from other sessions.


 o setCache
 public void setCache(Enumeration cache)
Preload the data into the cache for this repository.

cache - An enumeration of the service definitions in string.
 o shareCache
 public void shareCache(JoltRepository rep)
Share the cached data from this repository with the repositories from other sessions. This feature is designed for the session pooling.

rep - repository object from another session.
 o getDefinition
 public JoltDefinition getDefinition(String type,
                                     String name) throws DefinitionException
Get a definition of a given type and name from the Jolt Repository. The retrieved definition will be put into the cache.

type - "SVC" for service, "QUEUE" for queue...
name - the name of the definition
JoltDefinition object or null if it does not exist.
Throws: DefinitionException
Malformed definition.
See Also:
 o flushDefinition
 public boolean flushDefinition(String type,
                                String name)
Flush a definition from the cache.

type - "SVC" for service, "QUEUE" for queue...
name - the name of the definition
true if flush is success; false if no such definition.

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