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Class bea.jolt.beans.JoltUserEventBean


public class JoltUserEventBean
extends Object
implements Serializable, PropertyChangeListener
The JoltUserEventBean provides access to TUXEDO events. The TUXEDO event to be subscribed to is defined by setting the appropriate parameters of this bean. Methods for starting and stopping the subscription are provided.

Constructor Index

 o JoltUserEventBean()

Method Index

 o getEventName()
Get the regular expression this bean represents.
 o getFilter()
Get the event filter.
 o getSession()
Get the JoltSessionBean object used by this JoltUserEventBean
 o propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)
Event handler for PropertyChange events.
 o setEventName(String)
Set the regular expression of the user event this bean represents.
 o setFilter(String)
Set the event filter.
 o setSession(JoltSessionBean)
This method is used in cases when the JoltUserEventBean is created after the logon event.
 o subscribe()
 o unsubscribe()


 o JoltUserEventBean
 public JoltUserEventBean()


 o propertyChange
 public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
Event handler for PropertyChange events. In this case the JoltSessionBean will notify the JoltUserEventBean when it logs on and off by raising a PropertyChangeEvent about its "LoggedOn" property. This method should not be called directly.

Note that a logoff of a session other than the current session will not affect the JoltUserEventBean, but a logon of a session other than the current session will change the session.

evt - The event object.
 o setEventName
 public void setEventName(String name)
Set the regular expression of the user event this bean represents.

name - The regular expression of the user event, the equivalent of the "expr" parameter of TPSUBSCRIBE.
 o getEventName
 public String getEventName()
Get the regular expression this bean represents.

Regular expression.
 o setFilter
 public void setFilter(String filter)
Set the event filter.

filter - The event filter.
 o getFilter
 public String getFilter()
Get the event filter.

Regular expression.
 o setSession
 public void setSession(JoltSessionBean value)
This method is used in cases when the JoltUserEventBean is created after the logon event. Otherwise the JoltUserEventBean gets access to a TUXEDO client session by listening to propertyChangeEvent.

value - The JoltSessionBean.
 o getSession
 public JoltSessionBean getSession()
Get the JoltSessionBean object used by this JoltUserEventBean

JoltSessionBean object.
 o unsubscribe
 public void unsubscribe() throws EventException, SessionException, JoltException

 o subscribe
 public void subscribe() throws EventException, SessionException, JoltException

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